Bill Self does not like to follow the rules.

not within the rule, if it happened as reported. because it wasn't incidental contact, self sought wall out.

not saying it should be punished though. 1 mph over speedlimit. bfd.
Already covered earlier in this thread, but I am appreciative that you've come around on this. Not all Kansas fans are open-minded enough to realize this (see grace's spin). The man clearly has no respect for the rules, or the spirit of the rules. Neutral, unbiased fans such as myself can and have seen this plain as day for years.

Yeah, you are really an unbiased fan! :) I love how people try and act like they are the only unbiased people. Hilarious! :D

I love how people get mad about Cheno and I on this board yet it seems to me that the OU fans have an obsession with KU and their coach.
not within the rule, if it happened as reported. because it wasn't incidental contact, self sought wall out.

Is the rule state it has to be incidental contact? I didn't think it did. I know when Tennessee played KU this year, KU had Harrison Barnes in on a visit and Bruce Pearl, who's also recruiting him, went over behind KU's bench and shook his hand and talked to him. It was reported Self was laughing about it and told Pearl to go away or something. It was all in fun.

I heard Lew Perkins has already contacted Capel about the possible job opening in Lawrence.
yes, per the rule, only incidental contact is allowed. the coach can't position himself with the objective of encountering the recruit.

all coaches do it all the time, though.
Did I read that right? Self broke a rule but because they were standing up and not seating down it is OK?
I hope our coaches do the same thing...
So do I. It was a PR move to go by and speak to the coaches and nothing at all wrong with what how he handled the situation when he ran in the recruit, and I don't care if he accidently bumped into him or timed it perfectly. If Jeff gets caught doing that I will be thrilled. It means he's working his tail off at recruiting.
You have to look at the coaching tree. Eddie Sutton Begot Bill Self, Bill Self Begot Billie Gillispie. Now it has caught wind at ESPN. It's going to make it very hard to land Wall now.

LAWRENCE, Kan. -- Kansas officials are checking to see if basketball coach Bill Self's brief encounter with a top recruit might constitute an NCAA infraction.

Self agrees he said hello to John Wall, a 6-foot-4 guard who had just played in a high school tournament in Springfield, Mo. It happened during an evaluation period last week when college coaches are not allowed contact with prospects other than to exchange greetings.

"We are aware of the report, and the administration is looking into it," said Chris Theisen, a Kansas spokesman.

Wall is rated the No. 6 overall recruit in the class of 2009 and top-rated point guard in the ESPNU 100.

The Springfield News-Leader said the exchange took place between Self and Wall outside Wall's locker room after a game Thursday night.

"Basically, it's accurate," Self said after the Jayhawks defeated Texas A&M 73-53 Monday night. "I don't know if the exact quote is accurate. After the game was over, like I always do, like every coach always does, I had to catch a plane. So I went back to tell the coaches, 'Congratulations, good win.' I was approached and shook a hand and said, 'I can't talk to you, but you played really well.'"

Kansas is in the final year of a three-year NCAA probation for violations in football and men's basketball.

"If that exchange, which is all it was, is a problem, then our administration will deal with it," Self said. "I certainly by no means am I going to deny that basically that happened. But the reason I was back in the back was to say hi to the coaches after the game."

The question is whether the NCAA would consider Self and Wall's exchange as contact.
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So do I. It was a PR move to go by and speak to the coaches and nothing at all wrong with what how he handled the situation when he ran in the recruit, and I don't care if he accidently bumped into him or timed it perfectly. If Jeff gets caught doing that I will be thrilled. It means he's working his tail off at recruiting.

I agree. I love the fact KU had a game that afternoon and that evening Self was out recruiting at a high school game in Missouri. Wall approached him and he did what probably most coaches do greet them and then say hey we can't talk. The entire exchange probably took 10 seconds. I'm happier to know that fresh off a national championship Bill Self is still out there in person recruiting his butt off. That's what it takes.
After missing on Cheeks, X, Snaer, and (most likely) Stephenson, I would be busting my butt during the season too. I am glad Capel got his guys signed in the early period....
After missing on Cheeks, X, Snaer, and (most likely) Stephenson, I would be busting my butt during the season too. I am glad Capel got his guys signed in the early period....

That's what I love about Self. He already has all his schollies spoken for yet he's STILL recruiting as hard as ever. It would have been easy to go home after the CU game and relax with the family. Nope, he's out recruiting just in case he has an open schollie. He outworked the competition for Brandon Rush and it won him a national championships. Other coaches gave up recruiting Rush, it was too much work, big mistake. Self never quits working. He got the Morris Twins late this past year. And sure Self misses on a lot of guys...that's because he goes after all of them. :ez-laugh:
He's got 2 top 25 5 star guys and a top 35 4 star guy coming in next year already so I'm pretty pleased. If he lands a top 10 guy late like Wall or Stephenson then all of a sudden you have an unbelievable class possibly the top in the country.
After missing on Cheeks, X, Snaer, and (most likely) Stephenson, I would be busting my butt during the season too. I am glad Capel got his guys signed in the early period....

Don't forget Wall!! :)

Actually, like Cheno said the thing I like most about Self is he never stops recruting, even after he's filled his class. He is one of the best recruiters in the country.
After watching Morningstar and Reed I would also be skirting the rules for a guard. He got busted the question now is will KU let him sign the kid.
Self is a spare. First Jackson, then Shady and now this, something stinks in Lawrence.
Don't forget Wall!! :)

Actually, like Cheno said the thing I like most about Self is he never stops recruting, even after he's filled his class. He is one of the best recruiters in the country.

Don't take this the wrong way, but how hard is it REALLY to recruit to KU? Great facilities, great support, great tradition, great campus.......

I just think it's tough to call a guy a great recruiter because he gets people to KU.

Now he has a track record, from what he did at Illinois, but the same could be said for Champaign.

This is a non-issue. Anyone who has experience in recruiting knows this happens all the time.