Bill Self does not like to follow the rules.


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Nov 10, 2008
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...Bill Self came rolling through. I was puzzled because it's an evaluation period in the NCAA's eyes, meaning coaches and recruits can have no contact, except for an exchange of greetings.

Of course, Wall is the top uncommitted recruit. Self had to know I was a reporter and even said hello to me.

I just thought he'd stand there, maybe even wave to Wall to let him know he was there. Instead, when the Holy Rams poured out of the locker room, Self was excited:

Self: "Johnny, great win man. You really played well."

Wall: "Thanks."

Self: "I'm not supposed to be talking to you, and you know that, but I just wanted to tell you that was a great win."

Then Self vanished.

I called Missouri State NCAA compliance officer Kyle Yates, curious of Self's behavior. Yates insisted what Self did was wrong, but not unique, as I suspected.

"(He) definitely shouldn't have done that, but it's not uncommon," Yates said. "If he would have sat him down and had a conversation, that would have been a big deal."

Still, it was no accident he was there in that isolated location. And Memphis coaches John Calipari and Orlando Antigua didn't do it either.

Kansas, as always, the shame of the Big 12.
SoonerBounce13, this is not 'Nam. This is college baskeball. There are rules.

It is pretty clear that this Kansas program is out of control, and Self should be terminated immediately and banned from coaching for a period no less than 7-10 years.
Seconded. Self wishes he had the class and coaching ability of his in-state counterpart Frank Martin. He clearly slimed his way to the top. I'm forwarding this to my buddy on the Infractions Committee.
I heard Self let Wall pet his toupee during this exchange, which is also an NCAA violation. Self's rug before he got to Kansas......

Sounds like some reporter trying to make a name for himself. He's a goober. Goobers should not be reporters.
SoonerBounce13, this is not 'Nam. This is college baskeball. There are rules.

It is pretty clear that this Kansas program is out of control, and Self should be terminated immediately and banned from coaching for a period no less than 7-10 years.

C'mon, Tony. You know Springfield ain't that far from Lawrence, close enough a high wind could blow a toup right into that gym. So if Coach Self was chasing down his high-dollar rug and Wall happens to be finishing up his game just as Self does a re-attachment, well then, who can say he doesn't slip and address a guy he recognizes right after straightening his head? I can picture that. It could happen!

And if mother nature happened to deliberately blow Self's toup to Springfield to give Bill trouble then it's because:
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I mean, I just wonder what "Greeting" means in the eyes of the NCAA. Is it merely Hello, or could it encompass something someone might say while passing by...such as a comment on how the game was?
I often dreampt of wearing Self's rug at the OU games instead of my red wig. Think he would trade?
...Bill Self came rolling through. I was puzzled because it's an evaluation period in the NCAA's eyes, meaning coaches and recruits can have no contact, except for an exchange of greetings.

Self: "Johnny, great win man. You really played well."

Wall: "Thanks."

Self: "I'm not supposed to be talking to you, and you know that, but I just wanted to tell you that was a great win."

Check the bolded section, you would think a reporter would check his own writing and realize he contradicted himself. What Self said to Wall was basically a greeting, I don't see the big deal. Looks to me more like a reporter trying to stir the pot and get his name out. If it was really that big of a deal would Self do it right in front of a reporter? I doubt it.
...Bill Self came rolling through. I was puzzled because it's an evaluation period in the NCAA's eyes, meaning coaches and recruits can have no contact, except for an exchange of greetings.

Self: "Johnny, great win man. You really played well."

Wall: "Thanks."

Self: "I'm not supposed to be talking to you, and you know that, but I just wanted to tell you that was a great win."

Check the bolded section, you would think a reporter would check his own writing and realize he contradicted himself. What Self said to Wall was basically a greeting, I don't see the big deal. Looks to me more like a reporter trying to stir the pot and get his name out. If it was really that big of a deal would Self do it right in front of a reporter? I doubt it.

I agree with this. He's saying I'm not supposed to talk to you so that Wall doesn't think he's being short or something like that.
the NCAA rules are idiotic.

IMO there should be a timer. Each school has X time to make their case...and thats it. thats all.

no phone skirting the rules...just an allotted amount of time to pitch their woo and move on.
I've seen Bill Self break an NCAA rule, too. Right before he did it, he said, "I'm about to break an NCAA rule, so I would appreciate it if someone would tell me right now whether there is a media member in the room."
Self should be fired.

Already covered earlier in this thread, but I am appreciative that you've come around on this. Not all Kansas fans are open-minded enough to realize this (see grace's spin). The man clearly has no respect for the rules, or the spirit of the rules. Neutral, unbiased fans such as myself can and have seen this plain as day for years.
Already covered earlier in this thread, but I am appreciative that you've come around on this. Not all Kansas fans are open-minded enough to realize this (see grace's spin). The man clearly has no respect for the rules, or the spirit of the rules. Neutral, unbiased fans such as myself can and have seen this plain as day for years.

So at what point does a greeting cease to become a greeting. I saw someone greet a former OU basketball player on Monday after the Texas game by saying "Hey _______, Heck of a game tonight, wasn't it?" That to me was a greeting, not a greeting and something else. Then the part where they had a conversation that followed was something more than a greeting.

I'm not a Kansas fan and could care less about Bill Self (he could be cavalier with the rules as you suggest for all I know and I hope he gets caught if so), but I do think he was within the rule, at least as represented in the article.