Bill Self does not like to follow the rules.

No one is trying to get the NCAA on KU, but it's something that should freely be discussed by anyone, especially on an OU board.

So now KU is something that should be freely discussed by anyone ESPECIALLY on an OU board. Now that's irony.
Any minute multiple posters will be posting...."this is an OU board why we talking about KU". :ez-laugh: But hey, I agree, we can talk about KU and NCHCBS all day long.

Nobody is taking a "we know it all" approach. I posted the wording of the rule. Make your own assertion. I was just posting to the fact people keep saying because NCHCBS said "we shouldn't be talking" that proved something. If anything it proved he was trying to follow the rules. If he wasn't he could have met with him in the back of the locker room and talked for 5 minutes.
So now KU is something that should be freely discussed by anyone ESPECIALLY on an OU board. Now that's irony.
Any minute multiple posters will be posting...."this is an OU board why we talking about KU".
Those people are silly. There is nothing wrong with OU fans talking about about other schools from time to time, particularly fellow conference rivals. It's when Kansas fans show up on an OU message board and start threads about Kansas and their players that it gets grating.
Those people are silly. There is nothing wrong with OU fans talking about about other schools from time to time, particularly fellow conference rivals. It's when Kansas fans show up on an OU message board and start threads about Kansas and their players that it gets grating.

Totally agree, and I would challenge you to find the last KU thread that was started by a KU fan. It is extremely rare and when it does happen it shouldn't be a big deal as long as it's general Big 12 related and not a flame.
I didn't see Gottlieb's blog but I still don't see it as a huge news piece. It was a story for a couple days but it is fading fast. I think it's funny that people lump Cheno and I together in an argument. If you want to say something to Cheno then fine but no need to name me as well if it's something he said.

I have no problem with people discussing KU on this board. My issue was it just seemed like such a non issue why even bring it up.

Yeah, yall do get lumped together and maybe it's not fair, but when you guys turn moderator on a KU thread it can be a little overbearing. I took this thread as a casual discussion about Self being caught with his pants down. Nowhere have I read where people have discussed major sanctions with this.

So now KU is something that should be freely discussed by anyone ESPECIALLY on an OU board. Now that's irony.
Any minute multiple posters will be posting...."this is an OU board why we talking about KU". :ez-laugh: But hey, I agree, we can talk about KU and NCHCBS all day long.

Nobody is taking a "we know it all" approach. I posted the wording of the rule. Make your own assertion. I was just posting to the fact people keep saying because NCHCBS said "we shouldn't be talking" that proved something. If anything it proved he was trying to follow the rules. If he wasn't he could have met with him in the back of the locker room and talked for 5 minutes.

It's not that fact about what's being discussed, but the fact about you being a KU fan and trying to moderate a KU discussion and arrogantly dismissing someone elses opinion. I haven't seen threads implying KU is a dirty program. Bill Self got caught doing a very minor infraction and you guys are going overboard to defend him. Self was wrong, but it's not like he started trustfunds for his graduating seniors. Bottom line is quit attacking OU fans every time they comment on something KU wise. This is a board that is very liberal with opinions and posters have been given the leeway to share their opinions and not be moderated on an OU board by KU fans. You guys are lucky that we have good moderators here that let people discuss freely. If this were Orangepower, gopokes, or, banned would be passed out like water.

Cheno, why don't you ask Ada if he can make a sub KU board and let you be the moderator?
Yeah, yall do get lumped together and maybe it's not fair, but when you guys turn moderator on a KU thread it can be a little overbearing. I took this thread as a casual discussion about Self being caught with his pants down. Nowhere have I read where people have discussed major sanctions with this.

Well, my thing was the fact that a random site was brought up that no one cares about. Wasn't trying to moderate, just offering my opinion which I think is ok.
Yeah, yall do get lumped together and maybe it's not fair, but when you guys turn moderator on a KU thread it can be a little overbearing.
They do get lumped together and it's not fair, and I myself am guilty of it as well at times. I do actually like both Cheno and especially grace, it's just they are baited easily and sometimes I can't help myself. I just wish Cheno would have confidence that he is making a valid and strong point instead of having to argue the minutia of every post and always having to get the last word, which turns every thread into 20 pages. Sometimes it is best to say your piece and be done with it. Cheno also does not respect what fandom is, but that is another thread for another day.
They do get lumped together and it's not fair, and I myself am guilty of it as well at times. I do actually like both Cheno and especially grace, it's just they are baited easily and sometimes I can't help myself. I just wish Cheno would have confidence that he is making a valid and strong point instead of having to argue the minutia of every post and always having to get the last word, which turns every thread into 20 pages. Sometimes it is best to say your piece and be done with it. Cheno also does not respect what fandom is, but that is another thread for another day.

It's hard for them not being the top team this year. They certainly are young and talented though.
They do get lumped together and it's not fair, and I myself am guilty of it as well at times. I do actually like both Cheno and especially grace, it's just they are baited easily and sometimes I can't help myself. I just wish Cheno would have confidence that he is making a valid and strong point instead of having to argue the minutia of every post and always having to get the last word, which turns every thread into 20 pages. Sometimes it is best to say your piece and be done with it. Cheno also does not respect what fandom is, but that is another thread for another day.

I will admit I've been more bait happy on the new site, though I will say the new site has been much more antagonistic in terms of the posts. The old site I felt much more a part of the community rather than an outsider since I had posted there so long and built up credibility. When the new site transferred there was suddenly this divide between "true Sooner fans" and "everyone else". I just need to do better to avoid the bait.
I will admit I've been more bait happy on the new site, though I will say the new site has been much more antagonistic in terms of the posts. The old site I felt much more a part of the community rather than an outsider since I had posted there so long and built up credibility. When the new site transferred there was suddenly this divide between "true Sooner fans" and "everyone else". I just need to do better to avoid the bait.

The old site is still there.
Self not following the rules in january and seems his team is following suit with the fights...
Self not following the rules in january and seems his team is following suit with the fights...

You brought this thread back from January over the fights that took place like 10 days ago? LOL. Like there wasn't threads about that.
Prime example of why I laugh at the hypocrisy of people that talk about there are too many KU threads on this site yet they start them all the time.
It's not me and Grace starting them like a few like to complain about all the time. :clap Hypocrisy at it's highest.
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lol cheno you always seem to have the need to defend yourself....i brought this back in sarcasm due to all the talk.....take a deep breath
lol cheno you always seem to have the need to defend yourself....i brought this back in sarcasm due to all the talk.....take a deep breath

If you had to deal with some of the stuff I do over KU talk and then turn around and watch the same people get in all the KU talk you'd be laughing as well. I'm glad you find it funny as well my man!!!!!! :woot