Brandon Peters

What's up with this guy? He's having an amazing summer, but doesn't have a lot of fan fair.

I have seen him play- he attacks the rim relentlessly and has unbelievable hops. Can't shoot from the outside consistently and plays out of control often (like most guys at Yates). Texasroundball rates him the 2nd best player in the state behind Pressey and ahead of Clark for 2010.

Scout has Memphis, Baylor, Missouri, Oregon State and Wichita State listed as schools he is considering. I seem to remember that he had grade issues. But I may be wrong on that. Given the way he is playing this summer there has to be something that is causing a lot of the big boys to back off. He is only about 160 lbs and 6'1" so he may not project great at the collegiate level with an average jumper.