Cade speaks on Capel

Well, God didn't give him a roster spot to "play hard" or "praise Jesus", he's there to win.
You don't think the team generally played hard this year?

I don't.

Compared to prior Capel teams, maybe. Compared to Kelvin teams, not even close.

Just listen to the announcers (not that they know everything). Just about every game I listened to in Jan/Feb, the announcers commented on OU not playing hard in one of the halves. Most of the time, the first half. On the rare occassion that we played hard out of the gate, we laid an egg in the 2nd half. I can probably count on two hands the number of games this team played "hard" for two halves.
About half of our team looks like a church league squad. I look pathetic? Why, because I care about the university I grew up loving and graduated from? Love how you question whether I'm athletic or not too.
About half of our team looks like a church league squad. I look pathetic? Why, because I care about the university I grew up loving and graduated from? Love how you question whether I'm athletic or not too.

Wait, what? You have a degree?
Yes, I do. Pretty good one, also. Do you?

Yes, I do. Then again, I can also make reasonably eloquent statements, cohesive arguments and employ critical thinking, so the fact that I have a degree is less surprising.
By eloquent, do you mean supporting your argument? I would think such a proclaimed critical thinker would put into perspective how abysmal OU basketball has become.
I have considered the ignore feature rarely and have yet to use it. Until now.
By eloquent, do you mean supporting your argument? I would think such a proclaimed critical thinker would put into perspective how abysmal OU basketball has become.

What argument to you propose that I support?
i dont get it.. i thought we all wanted him gone?? so we beat a team w/o there best player and now hes a savior again? he CAN'T coach.. so need someone that can
"What argument to you propose that I support?" Was that one of the eloquent sentences?