Cade speaks on Capel

I someday hope to come on here and not read John Blake's name but I guess I am wishful thinking. I hated that time too but at some point you have got to stop comparing everything to John Blake...geez...let it go.
I someday hope to come on here and not read John Blake's name but I guess I am wishful thinking. I hated that time too but at some point you have got to stop comparing everything to John Blake...geez...let it go.

thats exactly what john blake would want us to do.....
"I'd say that that they're not true fans"

I'm glad Cade agrees that people who are so gung-ho to fire Capel aren't true fans of the basketball program. Ignorant fools who casually look at the record and watch a game or two and think they know the program.

Go, Cade, go.
I don't.

Compared to prior Capel teams, maybe. Compared to Kelvin teams, not even close.

Just listen to the announcers (not that they know everything). Just about every game I listened to in Jan/Feb, the announcers commented on OU not playing hard in one of the halves. Most of the time, the first half. On the rare occassion that we played hard out of the gate, we laid an egg in the 2nd half. I can probably count on two hands the number of games this team played "hard" for two halves.

Enjoyed your two weeks on this board. You are a complete douche if you honestly believe this drivel. Mods, sorry about the name calling, but if this guy is here I don't want to be when the next coach is criticized for the first missed shot in practice next year.
Going into the season, most posters stated that they would be happy if OU could field a team that didn't quit. We wanted to see a team that had good chemistry, that played hard, that tried. No one expected a successful season based on the talent that is currently on the team.

I saw most of those things in this year's team. I think Capel is trying to bring in talent with character versus only talent.

I do think Capel could use some more seasoning as far as being a better on-the-floor coach, but he'll get that with more experience.

Bottom line, for me, is that I think the team improved over last year's squad and that's enough for me to say bring Capel back. I think next year is make the Tourney or bust, but give it another year.
Hope springs eternal as they say, I sent in my donation money yesterday. And that brings me to the point, Capel will go when the BIG donors don't send in the money, and only then. I have upper level seats and have set in the lower level for about 90% of the games this year. This means those folks paying $500 and up per seat were not at the games, and if they don't renew their seats, the ax will fall.
Enjoyed your two weeks on this board. You are a complete douche if you honestly believe this drivel. Mods, sorry about the name calling, but if this guy is here I don't want to be when the next coach is criticized for the first missed shot in practice next year.

i dont get it.. i thought we all wanted him gone?? so we beat a team w/o there best player and now hes a savior again? he CAN'T coach.. so need someone that can

Hey genius...what would your intelligent opinion be of the win over the same team WITH their best player (since that happened a few weeks ago)???

Really intelligent post...:clap
So people were on here praising Cade for being the ultimate Sooner. They even implied they thought Cade wanted to tell Jeff off...

I guess when he says the opposite now, they call him a liar and belittle his character...

Yep...great "fans"...:clap
For all of you Capel supporters, I would like an explanation how a team like OU can shoot 47% and lose to Chaminade? Or how do we shoot 49% and get beat by 23?

Capel's teams don't do a good job of taking care of the ball, rebounding, or playing defense. Those are all reflections on the coach. I don't care how "hard" the guys are playing for him if they don't know how to play defense, take care of the ball, or get in position to rebound.

It's not like we had a bunch of games this season where shots just didn't fall. I think our team was summed up yesterday against UT when we commit 3 offensive fouls in a row. If there were a stat for most fouls committed on setting screens, there is no doubt that OU would lead the country. Well coached teams know how to set a screen. There is no way a knowledgable person could state that this is a well coached team.
Capel's teams don't do a good job of taking care of the ball, rebounding, or playing defense. Those are all reflections on the coach.

This isn't really a true statement. They CAN be reflections on coaching but not necessarily. And they may be in this case but I don't go and watch the practices.

It is also a reflection of inexperience and lack of size. Which yes, is capels fault that we are in that position.
For all of you Capel supporters, I would like an explanation how a team like OU can shoot 47% and lose to Chaminade? Or how do we shoot 49% and get beat by 23?

Youth and inexperience????

Capel's teams don't do a good job of taking care of the ball, rebounding, or playing defense. Those are all reflections on the coach. I don't care how "hard" the guys are playing for him if they don't know how to play defense, take care of the ball, or get in position to rebound.

Not taking care of ball = Inexperience at the PG position.
Lack of rebounding = only 1 player over 6'8" on the floor - and he's not a good rebounder
Lack of defense = combination of the two statements above

It's not like we had a bunch of games this season where shots just didn't fall. I think our team was summed up yesterday against UT when we commit 3 offensive fouls in a row. If there were a stat for most fouls committed on setting screens, there is no doubt that OU would lead the country. Well coached teams know how to set a screen. There is no way a knowledgable person could state that this is a well coached team.

Did you watch the game??? The officiating in that game was questionable AT BEST. Those offensive fouls were atrocious. Blair makes room because Balbay has two hands on him (usually, two hands = foul, but not yesterday).
It is also a reflection of inexperience and lack of size.

I hate comments like this b/c it implies smaller, younger players can't do things well, or the right way. There are PLENTY of good, undersized rebounders all over the country. There are plenty of young guys making impacts in a positive way. Kelvin never had trouble getting young guys to defend. Why? Because he forced them to. They defended, or they sat. And I'd imagine in practice, they practiced defense first, until he was happy with their effort. Even Capel's experienced teams didn't necessarily defend well.
Some of you people have lost your dang minds, if you ever had one! I understand if you think a change is needed. I will not be surprised at all if it happens. I, however, feel for anyone who loses his job. I guess some of you are untouchable. Look, Jeff has had troubles but we all have seen it happen and it could have happened to anyone, especially a young coach. At this point I don't know if it's better to cut ties and start all over with another young coach or stay put. Joe C isn't going to throw out big bucks for a coach so is it worth a change? Two players in hoops can completely change your fortunes. If we make a change are we set back even further? I'm just waiting for the guy who makes the big bucks to make the call. He knows better than any of us. Is there any racism in any of the haters thoughts? Just curious. Not accusing.
I, however, feel for anyone who loses his job. I guess some of you are untouchable.

If I did my job as poorly as Jeff Capel has, I'd have been fired a long time ago. Jeff Capel isn't going to be on the streets if OU fires him. His family won't go hungry.

.....especially a young coach.

Just how long is Jeff going to be considered a "young" coach? He is finishing up his 9th year as a head coach. That is a lot of experience.

Is there any racism in any of the haters thoughts? Just curious. Not accusing.

Im sick of the excuses people make for fitz. he is F'n 6'8'. Put you A** on somebody and geta GD rebound