Cam Clark interview at 4:35

I heard it. Clark's feed was really bad so it was hard to hear what he was saying. But here are the highlights:

- Says that he is "wide open" with recruiting. Has offers from OU, OSU, Arizona, ASU and several others. He is receiving strong interest from UK and Kansas.

- Called Taylor's game "ridiculous". Said that TJ had 38 and he had 34 when they played each other this year.

- Said that he will eventually get up to OU for an unofficial sometime this summer.

- Claimed that he would love to play with his "homeboy" (Taylor) and really likes Coach Capel and the offensive and defensive schemes ran at OU.

- Biggest thing in recruiting to him is comfort with the coaching staff (as is the case with 90% of those guys).

That's about it.
As for T.J., I felt kinda bad for James as the kid is so quiet and short with his answers that it made for a tough interview.

- Said he had been waiting to hear from Coach Capel in person that he had an offer to Oklahoma.

- He is willing to play either position (pg or sg) on the floor. He is an inside-out guy that loves to slash.

- His favorite shot is anything from the midrange.

- He raved about Clark's game (called it "ridiculous" as well haha). Said that Cam could drive, finish, shoot the three, and shoot the midrange.

- Called Coach Capel a "cool dude". Said that he liked it that Coach was also a 6'3" pg, and that he thought that Capel could get him to the next level.

- Loved the campus, coaching staff, and atmosphere at OU. Said it felt like home, and that he liked his future teammates.

- When asked about Cam coming to OU, he said "I don't know what he is waiting on". lol
Could you imagine the damage Capel could do on the recruiting trail at a school like UNC? Not saying OU is a mediocre program or Roy doesn't do well, but good god, the dude would absolutely clean up.
Could you imagine the damage Capel could do on the recruiting trail at a school like UNC? Not saying OU is a mediocre program or Roy doesn't do well, but good god, the dude would absolutely clean up.

I have honestly never imagined that.