Anybody that beats or condones beating a 4 year old with a stick repeatedly hard enough to cut their skin open is an ignorant moron. Period. End of discussion.
If you wanted the discussion to end without giving others the chance to respond, you shouldn't have started it in the first place. And, by the way, if you insist on calling people names, it will indeed end earlier than you planned.
Now, to the topic. This is a different day than when I was growing up and disciplining a child by spanking them with a switch was all too common. It was not that different when our children were growing up. Now, it's called "child abuse."
Did AD go too far when he spanked a four year old hard enough to break the skin? Yes, he did. We never went that far in disciplining our children. Does the fact that he went too far make him a "child abuser?" Absolutely not. If that was the case, my father would have worn that label, too. I was spanked numerous times with a switch from the nearest tree, as well as a wide, leather belt, coal miners used to carry all of the equipment they needed in working in the coal mines. My dad was 6' 2" and 225 pounds of muscle. Like AD, he wasn't always aware of his own strength.
But, you know what? I came through it just fine, because my parents also made sure they sprinkled in a lot of love with the discipline I received. Some kids today could use more discipline, not less.