I would never say I am on the same side as Tucker Carlson but I am thought some of the same points in his opinion piece.
They have told the public that wearing a mask is not necessary if you are not sick, but yet medical providers call masks ESSENTIAL personal protective gear. That does not square. Yeah, I get it medical providers are in front of it more and can't social distance, but either it is effective in preventing it or not, for everyone. And yes, medical providers need it masks first and foremost over me for my trips to QT, Target or Lowes.
The other thing that doesn't square is they say this is an airborne disease spread by droplets in the air, and masks and shields are critical for medical providers, but yet they tell us how important it is to wash our hands and not touch our face. Yeah, I get it, good hygiene is important, but are we more likely to get it off surfaces or from being in close contact with others? I tend to think to just merely touch a door handle or ATM machine, or picking up my mail or Amazon delivery is not the primary way people are getting this disease.
I get it, all the steps we can take to prevent the spread are helpful and sometimes we have to go to extremes just to get half the people to change even moderately. Again, I don't want to say I agree with Tucker Carlson, but I agree that we just need the honest facts. If they don't know, then say they don't know. If they do know, then tell us.