March Madness and Covid-19

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They're without ventilators because Trump didn't get us the testing we needed and refused to invoke the Defense Production Act until it was too late.

Which patients, as in what facility does not have the proper amount of ventilators?

I mean am I wrong to believe that a cessation of a "war of words" needs to stop so effective solutions can be found as opposed to trying to find blame in each other? We are either in this together or it is a battle til the last man standing (including MPS). From the very start the left was opposing the administration and trying to delegitimize the severity of the problem which has exploded and is now bigger than all of us. For what purpose. For what purpose?
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Maybe some of these items are in short supply because people are trying to change their way of life to include things which will keep them busy and at the same time not be hazardous to their health. Are you holding this against people?

Hardly...just not happy that countless people can hang out in garden centers infecting others with the virus while small businesses will have to wait longer and longer to open back up - and many won't be able to afford to do that. My point is that if we're going to shut things down so less people get infected, do it for EVERYTHING that is not life or death. Planting flowers is great when one is stuck home...can't blame anyone for going out and buying some...but not convinced it is a life or death purchase.
That’s really disappointing knowing we could be on the downswing of this already, instead we haven’t peaked.

If things were implemented as you would have wanted then how would have the end game played out. How many sick, how many dead.
Unless I missed it, this is the only response to my question, right? I was hoping mict would answer it, or sheepdogs.

I apologize for my inadequate and unsatisfactory response. :ez-laugh:
Maybe some of these items are in short supply because people are trying to change their way of life to include things which will keep them busy and at the same time not be hazardous to their health. Are you holding this against people?

Knowing WaymanFan as I do, I’m reasonably sure he is not holding that against anyone.

But, to your point, it would be a mistake to assume items like mulch, potting soil, fertilizer, vegetable plants and even flowers, are not extremely important to older adults and people with health problems who look forward to their spring/summer/fall veggie and flower gardens.

If you’re not a gardener you can’t possibly understand why people enjoy a hobby that makes their joints ache and their back hurt. Some do it because they like to put fresh veggies on the table, and to share with their neighbors and friends. For some, it’s their link to sanity, and to life itself.
Hardly...just not happy that countless people can hang out in garden centers infecting others with the virus while small businesses will have to wait longer and longer to open back up - and many won't be able to afford to do that. My point is that if we're going to shut things down so less people get infected, do it for EVERYTHING that is not life or death. Planting flowers is great when one is stuck home...can't blame anyone for going out and buying some...but not convinced it is a life or death purchase.

But we only know it was possible to occur as opposed to how much it occurred (contamination of people in an outdoor setting purchasing yard supplies). We have never come close to living in a society where we know all the answers regardless of who sits in pulpit that is politics.

I think you are being too hard on people. We could also have an individual dressed up in protective clothing going from house to house and driving the cars to a nearby gas station so as to refill cars low on fuel. Where do you draw the line that placates and yet protects equally at the same time.
We had 2 months to start manufacturing supplies, because Trump was briefed in January by our experts in the CDC and the Intelligence Community that this was going to be a pandemic. But he did nothing except issue a travel ban. In fact he did worse than that, he disbanded the group in the NSC tasked with handling pandemics. The big advantage that we had was 2 months to prepare, we squandered it. Fact.

I don't know if it's a proven fact but everything I've seen points to it being a fact. I do dispute that anything can be blamed on previous administrations because we are 3 years into this one and apparently less prepared than just 2 years ago.
If things were implemented as you would have wanted then how would have the end game played out. How many sick, how many dead.

Less & less, we’d also be able to open things back up quicker. It’s not my implementations, as Steve said this is what we were supposed to be doing the whole time.
If you’re not a gardener you can’t possibly understand why people enjoy a hobby that makes their joints ache and their back hurt. Some do it because they like to put fresh veggies on the table, and to share with their neighbors and friends. For some, it’s their link to sanity, and to life itself.

I understand it’s really hard to give up important hobbies. I play basketball 2-3 times a week for 2-3 hours a session, it’s my main exercise and I enjoy it immensely. However, if it’s in the best interest for everyone else that I don’t gather around & play then I won’t.
But we only know it was possible to occur as opposed to how much it occurred (contamination of people in an outdoor setting purchasing yard supplies). We have never come close to living in a society where we know all the answers regardless of who sits in pulpit that is politics.

I think you are being too hard on people. We could also have an individual dressed up in protective clothing going from house to house and driving the cars to a nearby gas station so as to refill cars low on fuel. Where do you draw the line that placates and yet protects equally at the same time.

I understand your point, but I'm really not being hard on anyone. I'm just bothered by the fact that once this ends, so many small businesses will never be able to afford to open back up. Every day they have to stay closed is another day where many of them will forever stay closed. If they're not allowed to open back up because thousands upon thousands of cars fill parking lots daily for non-essential purchases thereby adding to the infected covid count, that would be "unfortunate."
I understand it’s really hard to give up important hobbies. I play basketball 2-3 times a week for 2-3 hours a session, it’s my main exercise and I enjoy it immensely. However, if it’s in the best interest for everyone else that I don’t gather around & play then I won’t.

When the best thing you can do is to control the actions of yourself then you will never approve of the behavior of others. Be prepared to not approve.
Less & less, we’d also be able to open things back up quicker. It’s not my implementations, as Steve said this is what we were supposed to be doing the whole time.

And I had thought you would say more. Do you have a number in mind you can share with us.

Do you believe to reduce the number affected it requires people to take this problem seriously?

You know I keep hearing about how things needed to be taken seriously 2 months ago and at that time most of all media outlets (liberal) were portraying the flu as being more serious than coronavirus. If people truly wanted this thing to be taken seriously then it needed to occur from all sides and not just one, but that would lead to an environment of normalcy and who the hell needs normalcy. BS artists are BS artists. Good that some things never change.
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I understand your point, but I'm really not being hard on anyone. I'm just bothered by the fact that once this ends, so many small businesses will never be able to afford to open back up. Every day they have to stay closed is another day where many of them will forever stay closed. If they're not allowed to open back up because thousands upon thousands of cars fill parking lots daily for non-essential purchases thereby adding to the infected covid count, that would be "unfortunate."

You keep saying this, as if small businesses were forced to close and big businesses weren't.

Small businesses that aren't bars, entertainment venues, nail salons, or hair cut places can be open. Especially anything in the food industry. Or anything in an essential industry, which is darn near everybody.

The one thing I haven't heard of is clothing stores. Are they open? A lot of small businesses in that industry too. But if the big boys are open, the little guys can be open too. If Lowe's is open, the mom and pop run shop selling similar items can be open too.
Small businesses that aren't bars, entertainment venues, nail salons, or hair cut places can be open.

Gee, is that all? Actually, it's not even close, but that's besides the point. I guess a small fitness gym which focuses on 1:1 personal training is going to cause move covid-19 cases than the 10,000 Walmart shoppers at one store on a daily basis. As for restaurants, the owners I've talked to are down about 50-75% on average...and many will close soon. I have no doubt big businesses will be hurt as well, but they more than likely will have the funds to cover losses for a longer period of time than small businesses. It's stuns me that anyone on this planet can be that oblivious to the economic devastation going on around us.
Things have been looking better the past few my hospital at least. I feel that not using steroids was misguided advice, and we've been having much better results since we disregarded it. Of course, it could just be luck, time, or one of five other things we've changed. I suppose time will tell. I can't speak for other hospitals, but we've successfully extubated several patients in the past few days. Hope that trend continues.
Things have been looking better the past few my hospital at least. I feel that not using steroids was misguided advice, and we've been having much better results since we disregarded it. Of course, it could just be luck, time, or one of five other things we've changed. I suppose time will tell. I can't speak for other hospitals, but we've successfully extubated several patients in the past few days. Hope that trend continues.

Great news!!! Hope this becomes a trend.
Gee, is that all? Actually, it's not even close, but that's besides the point. I guess a small fitness gym which focuses on 1:1 personal training is going to cause move covid-19 cases than the 10,000 Walmart shoppers at one store on a daily basis. As for restaurants, the owners I've talked to are down about 50-75% on average...and many will close soon. I have no doubt big businesses will be hurt as well, but they more than likely will have the funds to cover losses for a longer period of time than small businesses. It's stuns me that anyone on this planet can be that oblivious to the economic devastation going on around us.

I see it, I just don't think it's hitting ONLY the little guys. And I say that as somebody that is a big proponent of the little guys. The big guys in certain industries don't rake in the cash. Cheesecake Factory said from VERY early on they wouldn't be able to pay rent. It's a mess for sure, but it's a mess for damn near everybody outside of Walmart and a few others.
Well if a bunch of people on Facebook said it, it must be true!

Explain something to me, since you’re an expert in the field, why was the virus here in November but didn’t sweep through the country killing people like it is now? Wouldn’t they have had to set up a temporary hospital in New York back in November? Wouldn’t the hospitals have been overwhelmed and running out of ventilators back in November? Please give me your scientific reasoning backed up by facts on why that didn’t happen.

Nope. Nope. Never said I was an expert. I leave that up to you.:facepalm Which stands to reason why I can't answer all of your other questions.

Dr. Georges Benjamin, executive director of the American Public Health Association, said he believes when researchers do more testing, they will probably find the disease was in the U.S. earlier than first believed.

Hmmm...He a Facebook poster? need a hug (From someone Corona free of course).
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