March Madness and Covid-19

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The question becomes how much uncertainty you are willing to tolerate in a disaster situation in which we have no current treatments.

If you wait for a double blinded controlled trial with an adequate number of participants for everything, then a lot of diseases would never be treated. Especially if you were on a time crunch.

Well I read yesterday that a French trial had to be halted because of severe cardiac side effects, so if the "cure" is worse than the disease then you're wasting precious time and resources using it.
Well I read yesterday that a French trial had to be halted because of severe cardiac side effects, so if the "cure" is worse than the disease then you're wasting precious time and resources using it.

Can you show me the study? Curious to know if they used azithromycin or excluded patients with known QT prolongation.
IHME projection (the one most of the response has been based on )

now says 60k total deaths

Yep....this is the trend. U.S. peak resource is estimated at less than a week away (4/13). But here in Texas, it is a little further out (4/22). Wouldn't be shocked at all if total estimated deaths are down to 50K by the end of the week.
Well I read yesterday that a French trial had to be halted because of severe cardiac side effects, so if the "cure" is worse than the disease then you're wasting precious time and resources using it.

Soonerjk12 posted a great response earlier and i feel the same.

You read something about a French study and we’re supposed to take that as scientific? LOL. The truth is, in practice it has shown itself to benefit some patients. Does it benefit all? Probably not. It depends on what stage of the disease process they are in when the treatment is started and their comorbidities. Doctors prescribe medications and treatments that are off label all the time. When you don’t have any known treatments, should they just do nothing?

This treatment has benefited some patients and shown promise. That doesn’t mean it’s a cure. At this moment in time, what else do we have that works?
Soonerjk12 posted a great response earlier and i feel the same.

You read something about a French study and we’re supposed to take that as scientific? LOL. The truth is, in practice it has shown itself to benefit some patients. Does it benefit all? Probably not. It depends on what stage of the disease process they are in when the treatment is started and their comorbidities. Doctors prescribe medications and treatments that are off label all the time. When you don’t have any known treatments, should they just do nothing?

This treatment has benefited some patients and shown promise. That doesn’t mean it’s a cure. At this moment in time, what else do we have that works?

Unfortunately, there are two sides to the perception of chloroquine and its sidekick and that is some want it to be effective. For some, people are the most important aspect of life, while for others their "ideals" take center stage. Jim Morrison said "people are strange." He was not kidding in the least.
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Can you show me the study? Curious to know if they used azithromycin or excluded patients with known QT prolongation.

I didn't see the details of the study, there was a news report (in French) about it. It said that 3 patients in the control group had died of cardiac complications so they decided to suspend the trial. Obviously the people running the trial have not published anything since they just suspended it.

Some personal news, OKC VA has asked for volunteers to "deploy" there. That means people from other VAs will go work there during the surge in Covid-19 cases. I volunteered and I may be going there to work for 14-28 days. We are fully staffed and I can do some of my administrative duties from there.
I didn't see the details of the study, there was a news report (in French) about it. It said that 3 patients in the control group had died of cardiac complications so they decided to suspend the trial. Obviously the people running the trial have not published anything since they just suspended it.

Some personal news, OKC VA has asked for volunteers to "deploy" there. That means people from other VAs will go work there during the surge in Covid-19 cases. I volunteered and I may be going there to work for 14-28 days. We are fully staffed and I can do some of my administrative duties from there.

welcome to OKC VA! pizza place opens at like 10:30.
In other related Covid-19 news.... Bob Mills (of Bob Mills furniture) FINALLY got approval from his factories to drastically reduce prices on furniture because of Covid-19. Now, he can pass those savings on to you! Those pesky factories!

He told me so himself, via youtube commercial.
In other related Covid-19 news.... Bob Mills (of Bob Mills furniture) FINALLY got approval from his factories to drastically reduce prices on furniture because of Covid-19. Now, he can pass those savings on to you! Those pesky factories!

He told me so himself, via youtube commercial.

One of the silliest CV commercials I've seen. smh every time it comes on.
Glad you're a mind-reader, that's the best form of analysis. Thanks!

Mind-reader? I read your posts lol

Im annoyed people are out and about today. Weve already done all this crazy stuff. Let's keep going and drive a stake in this stupid virus
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Mind-reader? I read your posts lol

Im annoyed people are out and about today. Weve already done all this crazy stuff. Let's keep going and drive a steak in this stupid virus

Where we stand: we surpassed 2,000 dead in one day in the United States today.
We have less than 5% of the world’s population but 16% of the world’s deaths
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