Noland’s dad

And when Lon *did* get demonstrative people took notice. It feels like the players are just ignoring Moser’s antics at this point.

Moser’s shenanigans on the sidelines remind me too much of Bruce Weber! If he could achieve the same result as Weber, I might find a way to tolerate him. But the combination of his silly antics that includes stroking his beard like he is bothered by a skin irritation is more than I can stand.

I’m beyond tired of him, and can’t wait to read that he is on his way to ND or anywhere he can be happy. I’m usually more patient with a fairly new coach. But when a team is going in the wrong direction as this team has done all season, the coach can’t possibly be doing a good job.
not at all.

You are getting blown out and you have your reserves in. This is their chance to game experience. If PM philosophy (how effective it is is irrelevant) is you play one way the whole game regardless of circumstance, then that is what you do as a player.

I'm with this also.
Agreed. I don't think the players have regressed. you could argue they haven't progressed but thats a different argument. Have they not progressed due to coaching? Maybe. Of maybe they are what they are at this point.

Do you live in reality? For the first two months and change, the one thing people could point to in defending Moser was that we played hard and were in every game. Over the past seven games, we have gotten the snot beat out of us five times and have played some of the worst basketball the program has produced in well over a decade. If that’s not regressing, I don’t want to know what is.

My KU friend texted me Saturday and her exact quote was, “man, that is not the same Oklahoma team we watched in Allen Fieldhouse a month ago.” But yea, no regression. Nothing to see here.
Do you live in reality? For the first two months and change, the one thing people could point to in defending Moser was that we played hard and were in every game. Over the past seven games, we have gotten the snot beat out of us five times and have played some of the worst basketball the program has produced in well over a decade. If that’s not regressing, I don’t want to know what is.

My KU friend texted me Saturday and her exact quote was, “man, that is not the same Oklahoma team we watched in Allen Fieldhouse a month ago.” But yea, no regression. Nothing to see here.

Again, we are talking about individual players...not the team as a whole.
I remember why I left again, because you can't even have an honest debate without insulting someone or being dishonest. You take posts and twist them into saying something that the poster never said.
Again, we are talking about individual players...not the team as a whole.
I remember why I left again, because you can't even have an honest debate without insulting someone or being dishonest. You take posts and twist them into saying something that the poster never said.

A team is made up of individual players. If those players aren’t regressing, how do you explain our results? Uzan has hit a wall, which isn’t all that uncommon. Grant has definitely taken a step back over the past month. Jacob has been a disaster since conference play started. Tanner has disappeared in several games. A couple guys have been in and out the lineup. Hill is the one guy who has been steady and reliable, and Oweh has improved since Moser finally have him a chance. On balance, that’s a lot of guys taking a step back and only one getting better.
I honestly think the words of CJ's dad are being overblown here. I don't think they are completely off base but I think some of you guys are really overplaying things. His family sounds like disgruntled parents because they want CJ to play more minutes even though he doesn't contribute a lot...he is NOT a difference maker when he is on the floor. I don't think he is a bad player but he isn't a great fit.

I think we are bringing in a couple of guys who can help next year but it will be even more at the expense of guys like CJ. I think what we need MOST though are a couple of athletic bigs. We lack that and it isn't in the pipeline.

I'd also like to see Moser open things up a bit and score more in transition. I don't feel like this is a team put together well for a half court team.

I don't have a complete answer for our nosedive but I don't think it is PM "losing the locker room" as some of you want to put on him (unless you have something more than conjecture from a twitter post.
All per 40
Jalen Hill
Last Year:12.0 ppg; 7.7 rpb, 1.9 apg .5 bpg; 58%/21%/76%
This Year:12.7 ppg; 7.1 rpb, 1.2 apg .8 bpg; 52%/30%/86%
Result: About the same player he was last year

Last Year:7.0 ppg; 4.7 rpb, 4.8 apg; 5.8TOpg; 53%/57%/90%
This Year:7.1 ppg; 3.3 rpb, 4.8 apg; 3.2TOpg' 43%/41%/63%
Result: About the same player he was last year. Much better on turnovers. shooting really dropped off (sucked losing the shot doctor)

CJ Noland
I think we all can agree he regressed numbers wise. It is almost all entirely shooting related though

J Groves
Last Year:10.7 ppg; 6.6 rpb, 1.0 apg .2 bpg; 43%/31%/61%
This Year: 12.9 ppg;4.5 rpb, 1.7 apg .1 bpg; 44%/38%/67%
Result: About the same player. Scoring a little more. Rebounding less. Shooting from 3 much better

T Groves
Last Year:18.5 ppg; 9.3 rpb, 2.6 apg .7 bpg; 53%/38%/73%
This Year: 15.8 ppg;11.3 rpb,2.5 apg 1.8 bpg; 53%/30%/73%
Result: About the same player. Scoring a little less. Rebounding more. 3 pt shot is worst of his career

I could see making an argument of some slight regression. Definitely no progression. But in all, I think everybody is the same player they were last year. The regression seems to be all related to shooting percentages. Is it less open shots (it seems we get plenty of open looks we just miss)? Pace related? I don't know
A team is made up of individual players. If those players aren’t regressing, how do you explain our results? Uzan has hit a wall, which isn’t all that uncommon. Grant has definitely taken a step back over the past month. Jacob has been a disaster since conference play started. Tanner has disappeared in several games. A couple guys have been in and out the lineup. Hill is the one guy who has been steady and reliable, and Oweh has improved since Moser finally have him a chance. On balance, that’s a lot of guys taking a step back and only one getting better.

Are you just talking about regression from early in the year until now? That is a whole different ball game. That is very easily explained by the level of opponent. I don't think that is even a question. It has been a common theme for a long time that our teams wilt down the stretch
Are you just talking about regression from early in the year until now? That is a whole different ball game. That is very easily explained by the level of opponent. I don't think that is even a question. It has been a common theme for a long time that our teams wilt down the stretch

We played extremely close, competitive games against top conference teams in the first three or four weeks of the league schedule. Since then, with just a couple exceptions, it’s been blowout after blowout. That is definitely regression. I agree that conference is far tougher than noncon, but ten days into conference play, we had a double digit lead against a great team in the toughest building in the country. Now, we are routinely getting waxed, home and away.

Now if we go bask to last year, I’d say that all the returners should have taken a big step up since they had chances to take over minutes that went to Mo, EJ, and Goldwire. If Jacob and CJ and Bijan had improved at all, they would be major contributors. Most coaches say the biggest jump is from freshman to sophomore year, but Noland has gotten worse and Bijan has only improved marginally.
I'm with this also.

So, since I started the crazy coaching with under a minute…

Why didn’t moser get all up in air and press WAY before that?

To save the antics for the last 25 sec down 26 was a joke…
This type of stuff happens pretty frequently with social media. Has happened the past 2 years at least in football (and under stoops), for instance. Not saying it isn’t worth acknowledging but I also wouldn’t put a ton into it yet. Now if we see a mass exodus…
Parents do this stuff all the time on social media.

and parents make it about their son.
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That’s not a good look from Mom. I like CJ. Agree he shouldn’t be a huge loss but that requires us getting a good transfer.
We are better when noland and J Groves don’t play. You can’t have a over weight 6’2 guard.
Brutal choice by his mom. Either she did it against her son’s wishes, or she was doing it with his blessing. Either way, a terrible decision. Can you imagine him having to face his teammates? I mean, it’s bad enough if you’re a little kid and a parent pulls that, but as a D-1 player? Woof