Pointguardu.com breaks down Chirs Paul camp


The Red Wig
Nov 2, 2008
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Arizona is targeting the same point guard prospects as OU, so the site did some breakdowns on McCallum, Pressey, and Releford from day 1 of the camp. Good stuff, and a site that is simliar to what this site is shooting for with recruiting coverage and such.

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Point Guard U is proud to be the only Arizona media site at the Chris Paul Elite camp in Winston-Salem. PGU is setting the standard in Arizona basketball recruiting coverage. And as always its FREE.

34 of the nation’s top high school point guard prospects spent Friday night being tutored by one the NBA’s best point guards at the 2nd annual CP3 Elite Guard Invitational camp in Winston-Salem, North Carolina.

Chris Paul, who grew up just outside Winston-Salem in Lewisville, NC was on hand and an active participant in demonstrating and participating in each drill.

The camp was an idea Paul had to bring in players and teach them some things he does during his offseason workouts in an effort to get better.
Ray McCallum, Phillip Pressey, and Trevor Releford were among the invites who went through the grinding 2:10 minute that placed a heavy emphasis on fundamentals.[coverattach=1]

McCallum, who said that his favorite player was Chris Paul, was thrilled to have an opportunity to be a part of the experience. “I’ve got a chance to come and learn from one of the best,” McCallum told PointGuardU. “All the top guards in the country are here and I get to compete against them all weekend and learn how to get better. I’m really looking forward to the rest of the weekend.

Pressey, whose dad is an assistant coach with the New Orleans Hornets, gets to participate in shoot-a-rounds from time-tip-time with the team and has gotten to go up against Paul in a more relaxed setting.

Friday night, however, it was Pressey who jumped at a chance to defend Paul during a 1-on-1 half-court drill in which Paul was limited to four dribbles to try and score. Pressey held his own and got the stop, which forced the camp’s coaching staff to have to run a suicide. Pressey sheepishly deflected talk of a possible foul on the play when approached by PointguardU.
“No, that was just pretty good defense,” Pressey said. “I’ve gotten to do that with him before at practices when I’m with my dad, but never in front of this kind of crowd.”

Pressey loved the intensity of tonight’s workout. “Definitely one of the hardest workouts I’ve been through,” he said.

Releford was soft-spoken but couldn’t contain his excitement when the evening wrapped up. “We don’t get to do things like this very much, and tonight was a lot of fun,” Releford said. “I think tomorrow will be even tougher and I’m sure I’ll take a lot away from this when it’s done.”
Players were divided into four groups for station work that saw them doing catch, face, and then explode to the basket; two-hand ball-handling through a series of cones; two-man passing drills with emphasis on utilizing the weak hand; 3 on 2 fast break drills; the floater shot technique (with a full demonstration and explanation from Paul), and then closed with the 1 on 1 half-court drill in which the players really got a chance to get after it.
Camp will start Saturday at 10 am with more station and drill work, and the players will be divided into teams for games that will take place Saturday and Sunday.

When camp breaks Saturday evening, all the players will accompany Paul to a local bowling alley for a different kind of roundball and hardwood experience.

PointguardU will bring you updates throughout camp.

The following is an assessment done by PointGuardU following Friday night’s opening session.

Ray McCallum

Showed great quickness and explosiveness as well as ball-handling ability with both hands. Had a strong first step during 1 on 1 drills and always beat his man off the dribble. Looked comfortable during ball-handling drills navigating cones with two balls using a variety of moves, including a crossover and through legs move. Usually was one of the first players in line once a new drill was started and showed great enthusiasm. In limited shooting, showed pretty good range when spotting up. Loved learning how to execute the floater shot that was one of the predominant features of the first night.

Phillip Pressey

Pressey was sneaky quick and always at the front of the line for drills, along with McCallum. When the entire camp was punished for not hustling during one drill, Pressey was the first back to the line after a series of sprints. Knocked down a lot of open looks (no defense) in a limited amount of shooting chances. Showed great form with his jumper, as he is already in proper position to shoot the ball when he catches it. Showed good strength with his left hand. Also loved learning the nuances of executing a floater.

Trevor Releford

Excellent ball-handling skills, good speed and quickness. Not many opportunities to shoot jumpers tonight, but he didn’t make any that I saw. That will probably be an area he needs to improve on at the next level. Very strong in the 1 on 1 half court drill, often was more physical than whoever was guarding him. Could get to the rim but had trouble finishing with consistency. Struggled with his left hand