Reaves draft thread

I wonder how some folks will still suggest that he isn’t actually on the roster and likely won’t ever play in the NBA lol.

Kidding aside, what great news for Reaves, and the program as a whole. There is little, if any, chance he would have made the NBA had he stayed at WSU and played under Marshall for four years. The chance to play point guard, and the fact he didn’t have to worry about being benched every time he made a mistake, definitely made a huge difference. Will be great to have another of our guys to follow in the league.
Great news! As one of those who spent a couple of years defending AR against the slings and arrows directed at him from certain corners, it's great to see a) his hard work rewarded and b) our faith in him justified. It will indeed be fun to have another former Sooner to follow in the NBA.
Great news for him! I will admit that I was a doubter but this is awesome for him and the program. I'm happy to eat crow!
It actually worked out way better for him to not be drafted. It's the right situation.
Seems like a great landing spot for him if he can take that next step as a shooter. There will be no shortage of open 3-pointers to go around this year for the Lakers.
Seems like a great landing spot for him if he can take that next step as a shooter. There will be no shortage of open 3-pointers to go around this year for the Lakers.

Yep & you know the Lakers will give rest days to their stars quite a bit. He mostly won’t play, but on days he does it will probably be more than spot duty. Good chance to prove he can be a quality bench player early in his career.
Great for him. Hope he makes a decent amount of open 3's but I think he has bigger paydays in his future.
Pay the man!

Sounds like this was a well-orchestrated situation and that his agent should be commended. Good luck, Austin!
This may not be news to many of you, but as someone who doesn't follow the NBA closely, it was to me: Carmello Anthony was on Bob Costas' HBO show recently, and they were talking about how old the Lakers are. Anthony cited easily six or seven guys who were 35 or older and he said there were several others. He didn't mention Reaves (not that I expected him to), but it did strike me that being a young guy on an extremely veteran (read: old) team could make that AR that much more valuable as the season wears on, and as BCS suggests, he might get quality minutes at times as fatigue and possible injuries come to bear.

He'll also get to soak up a lot of wisdom and insights from those older players if he makes the effort to learn from them.
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with the lakers there are going to be nights where westbrook and lebron are resting and Austin will get 25-30 min to prove him self
with the lakers there are going to be nights where westbrook and lebron are resting and Austin will get 25-30 min to prove him self

Well I don't know about 25-30 minutes. They still have Rondo and Reaves's minutes will be very dependent on how he plays.