If we do get Thomas, we will have a shot to be really, really good next year.
The ONLY thing that concerns me is that we're probably one guard short this year.
If we do get Thomas, we will have a shot to be really, really good next year.
The ONLY thing that concerns me is that we're probably one guard short this year.
has it been determined that tashawn thomas will be eligible in 2014-15, or will he have to sit out a transfer year? Or, is this to be determined?
No. It doesn't change it. But, don't confuse his speculative musings as fact. This may be hard for die hard fans to grasp. But, it is likely that I was the only one in the place that had a clue as to who they were.
Having a conversation with an OU assistant, in this or any other era, in a public place is a pretty anonymous encounter.
Are you dense? I reported that I got no information and no NCAA violation occurred. I often get something good. When I do, I pass it along to friends and family and a handful of non mushroom poster's on the board through PM.
Bola is going to play some spot mins!
Has it been determined that TaShawn Thomas will be eligible in 2014-15, or will he have to sit out a transfer year? Or, is this to be determined?
Link excerpt said:According to NCAA data from July 2012 to June 2013, 39 of the 62 undergraduate men's basketball players who applied for waivers received them.
You may be right. I don't know. But, wouldn't Walker be more likely to get a few #2 and #3 guard backup minutes in addition to his point guard duties before the walkon?
Bola is going to play some spot mins!
are you an .. never mind already know the answer ..
You may be right. I don't know. But, wouldn't Walker be more likely to get a few #2 and #3 guard backup minutes in addition to his point guard duties before the walkon?
I think walker for sure... But I could see Bola playing a little.
Doesn't leave campus without committing, right?
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thatd be nice but he's going to do his homework. Which should tell him to sign with OU!