TCU Gets Notice of Allegations from NCAA

I actually believed that was possible in the beginning. But as every new school is added to the allegation list, my hope for justice is fading fast. There are so many schools on the list now I doubt if the NCAA will do more than issue a ceremonial slap on the wrist to a school or two. The NCAA values revenue too much to punish the guilty when there are so many schools involved.

That’s where I’m at. I thought surely with Self on tape they would get hit hard, now I doubt they lose any more than 1 scholarship.
I actually believed that was possible in the beginning. But as every new school is added to the allegation list, my hope for justice is fading fast. There are so many schools on the list now I doubt if the NCAA will do more than issue a ceremonial slap on the wrist to a school or two. The NCAA values revenue too much to punish the guilty when there are so many schools involved.

yea i feel this is gonna be a "You all know what you did, i'm very disappointed with you, don't do it again" and then walk away by the NCAA