Terrence Jones News!

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There are plenty of boosters at other schools who have far more money and "real" power than Phil Knight.
There are plenty of boosters at other schools who have far more money and "real" power than Phil Knight.

Not true. No one has more money than Phil Knight. And no one has more influence on sports than Knight. Take last weekend. Nike was able to help Texas Tech win by giving us new uniforms.
Seriously, what major recruit would want to play for OREGON? Malik Hairston was their last big-time guy and was pretty much just a so-so player. They are horrible and have been passed by almost every other team in the Pac-10 except for OREGON STATE. If TJ's mama wants him to stay close to home, she can also kiss away millions in lottery money for him playing on a crappy team and thus making him look bad as well.

That's weak.
Why did Blake Griffin want to play at OU when Duke was offering?
1. Who wouldn't want to play with their brother at this level?
2. Mom and Dad at every home game.
3. Capel

What Terrence Jones mom can't go to the games? LOL.
What Terrence Jones can't have a good relationship with Oregon's coach?

And obviously you didn't read Czech reasons
1) Because Oregon hasn't had any bigtime players.
2) He's going to kiss away millions because he's going to play on a crappy team and look bad.

And you guys believe that. Wow. What about Beasley? James Harden? Steph Curry? Come 'on.
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Thanks for the edit Ada--I was extremely confused.

I agree with your sentiment overall cheno, but please don't put words in people's mouths, especially incendiary ones like "stupid" when nothing like that was ever uttered.
What Terrence Jones mom can't go to the games? LOL.
What Terrence Jones can't have a good relationship with Oregon's coach?

And obviously you didn't read Czech reasons
1) Because Oregon hasn't had any bigtime players.
2) He's going to kiss away millions because he's going to play on a crappy team and look bad.

And you guys believe that. Wow. What about Beasley? James Harden? Steph Curry? Come 'on.

Well I was talking about Blake and why he chose OU over Duke but oh well. And Duke has ugly women.

And James Harden's Sun Devils made it to the sweet 16 last year. And I may be wrong but I believe Step Curry's Davidson Bulldogs also made it to the sweet 16 the year before.
I guess I just missed it. If somebody was calling me stupid, I've been called much worse, if somebody was saying I called a recruit stupid, that's just not me. I might say that something would seem like a stupid decision, but usually refrain from calling high schoolers stupid, although my wife has assured me that she has more than her fair share of truly stupid high school kids. And, I wouldn't call any kid's mother stupid, unless it was Keith Langford's mom, because that woman did seem to be truly stupid with all of her message board posting.
Well, I thought Oregon would be a major player in the end because of the Knight factor. He is putting major money into the basketball program (new arena) and Eugene is a great place to go to school. His mom can see him play and that's important to a lot of kids. Oh, and while Ernie ain't the best coach, he does get some good players and he graduates them.

And you're right Czech.....Keith Langford's mom was one ignorant person.
I guess I just missed it. If somebody was calling me stupid, I've been called much worse, if somebody was saying I called a recruit stupid, that's just not me. I might say that something would seem like a stupid decision, but usually refrain from calling high schoolers stupid, although my wife has assured me that she has more than her fair share of truly stupid high school kids. And, I wouldn't call any kid's mother stupid, unless it was Keith Langford's mom, because that woman did seem to be truly stupid with all of her message board posting.

Two things...

Jeff Withey mom would fall into the category of Langford.
JW mama does not have a clue and know is a bench warmer.

When TJ mama says, she want TJ to be close to home.
It also has to do with Nikey $$$$.
You know.

I'm just saying...
Two things...

Jeff Withey mom would fall into the category of Langford.
JW mama does not have a clue and know is a bench warmer.

When TJ mama says, she want TJ to be close to home.
It also has to do with Nikey $$$$.
You know.

I'm just saying...
Can you post like this more often?
This was pretty coherent.

And James Harden's Sun Devils made it to the sweet 16 last year. And I may be wrong but I believe Step Curry's Davidson Bulldogs also made it to the sweet 16 the year before.

Right. With them on the team. Not before.
Who is to say Terrence Jones can't lead Oregon to the Sweet 16.
If I recall the Hairston/Aaron Brooks team was pretty good.

Czech I apologize for my statement. I was out of line.
Is this correct?
This thread has the MOST views :clap
When will it reach 10,000!!

More on Enes Kanter:
"Spoke with Stoneridge Prep coach Derryck "Tank" Thornton who coaches Enis Kanter (above), the Turkish star who verbally committed to play basketball at Washington.

(How did this happen?) "
It happened because of coach Chill (Raphael Chillious), the coach at the University of Washington. He coached this kid in the Jordan game. I guess he kept an eye on him and kept in touch with the kid and he was very familiar with the kid. He spoke to the parents. Washington came and struck up a friendship. The kid is phenomenal. It's a no-brainer to try to get the kid. And then Lorenzo (Romar) came and he met Lorenzo. And the fact that he was a NBA player, and the program, and the style they had, he made the verbal. And we're excited. Really excited."

(Did he make an official visit?) "No."

(Do you know when he'll do that?) "As soon as our schedule clears up a little bit. We're in season right now."

(What other schools was Kanter considering/) "USC, Indiana, UCLA and UNLV."

(Why did he choose Washington?)
"Like I said, just his relationship with Coach Chill. He liked their style of play. The fact that (Romar) played in the NBA, (Kanter) respected that. The players that have come out of University of Washington and to the NBA and done well like Brandon (Roy). All of those things. And then the stuff he found out about the school and the program. Just how good they are. What big man doesn't want to play with a great point guard like Isaiah Thomas and Abdul Gaddy."

(What type of a player is he?)

"Enes is just very dominant big man. We just played four games out in Vegas and he probably averaged 34-35 and about 19-20 rebounds. He's amazing. He shoots the three. He's got NBA range. He's strong. Will finish around the rim. Just knows how to play. He had 23-24 points the other day and I'm being honest with you, I couldn't tell he had that many points. He's so unselfish. If it's possible to have an unselfish 48-point game, then he had one.

(Is he a true post or can he also play the wing?) "He can do both. He's super comfortable at both. It's not like he's more uncomfortable with one other than the other. He probably averages 3-4 amazing dunks a game on people. So not that he doesn't want to play in the post, but on offense I got him out on the wing because he shoots it so well."

(Did he fly under most people's radar?) "I think everyone kind of knew about him, but he's from Istanbul so unless you really are super-keen into what's going on in Europe, you might not know about him. The beautiful thing about his relationship with Raphael, Raphael met him two years ago so he was very aware what kind of talent this kid was."

(How did he land at Stoneridge?)
"I spoke to his parents. He was interested in a four-year schools in the states. I spoke with his dad and told him about our school. They made a decision and he's been here every since."

(He's a senior and will graduate in the spring of 2010, right?) "Yes."

(I saw some stories questioning his college eligibility. Can you fill me in on that?) "I don't know a bunch about it because that was mostly stuff that happened before he got to me. I've heard five different stories so I don't want to speak on anything that I don't know is true or not. I've read the same stuff you've read. I don't know how much weight or merit that carries. I know the kid is a great kid. I know he gave up millions so he can play ball in college. He had teams in Europe coming at him offering millions and he said no. He's very smart. He's picking up the language. He's doing great in class. He's phenomenal player. He's a lottery pick. He's a for-sure lottery pick."

(I heard he might go in the draft, but lottery pick?) "His bad game here was yesterday and he had 30 (points) and 20 (rebounds). That was his bad game."

(How is his english?) "It's good. It's getting better and better. It's getting more fluent with the language."seatletimes
I think Jessie may be "special" for lack of a better term. Not "special" in the way of a kid with Down's, but special like the truly mentally incompetent. The guy apparently thinks the correct spelling is "congradulations", he also seems to live in a fantasy world where Zagsblog actually breaks these stories. If you read the story, it says "originally reported by Dave Telep". I'm feeling that JessieW is a member of many pay-sites and hands their info off to Zagoria so he can post it in his blog. The guy is a NY guy and would have about as much knowledge of TJ that I do, which is a whole lot less than Henzo.

I'm not defending Jessie, soonerczech; but if spelling was a prerequisite for posting on this board, I'm afraid our numbers would shrink dramatically.
Oregon lost to Montana at home last night....this is the beginning of the end for Ernie Kent.

Mark Few, come on down.
Who is this person and why is he aloud to post this BS?

The truth is not BS.

TOLD YOU...Washington is OUT.

Washington is OUT of the Terrence Jones race because of Enes Kanter.

HOW?? Easy math!

What this means for Terrence Jones:

The Husky pursuit of Terrence Jones NON-existence & interesting, as it projects to leave them without room for him. .. the Huskies will return 11 scholarship players next year. With the addition of Simmons and Kanter, they’ll be at the maximum of 13 scholarships. "

Washington is OUT of scholarships, presently.
So, they can NOT offer a scholarhship to Terrence Jones. :woot
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