It is the offseason, so yes it is time to discuss this 1000th time.
So who is OU's biggest hoops rival? Take all things into consideration, including recruiting.
Texas. OSU is not a rival, they are a nuisance.
I dont care about Texas basketball (in terms of a rivalry at all)... Nor do I care about Kansas (again, in terms of rivarly)... There is bad blood between OU and OSU, you can feel it if you are at the game. Hell, I can feel the tension watching Bedlam on television.
I don't know if a school's "biggest" rival can be one if it's not reciprocated by the other school.
Kansas' biggest rival would have to be Missouri, wouldn't it?
It's a lot like football OSU's #1 rival is OU, while OSU is nothing but another win to steamroll over 8 years out of 10 to OU.
So, I think it leaves Texas and OSU. Just as an outsider, of course!