Who is OU's biggest hoops rival as of today?

Who is OU's biggest hoops rival?

  • OSU

    Votes: 46 52.9%
  • Texas

    Votes: 21 24.1%
  • Kansas

    Votes: 16 18.4%
  • None of the Above

    Votes: 4 4.6%

  • Total voters


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Nov 9, 2008
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It is the offseason, so yes it is time to discuss this 1000th time. :D

So who is OU's biggest hoops rival? Take all things into consideration, including recruiting.
It is the offseason, so yes it is time to discuss this 1000th time. :D

So who is OU's biggest hoops rival? Take all things into consideration, including recruiting.

The OKC Thunders. THey steels our attendence.
I voted Kansas because there is no other team I like beating more, but in all honesty it is probably osu.
Texas. OSU is not a rival, they are a nuisance.

I dont care about Texas basketball (in terms of a rivalry at all)... Nor do I care about Kansas (again, in terms of rivarly)... There is bad blood between OU and OSU, you can feel it if you are at the game. Hell, I can feel the tension watching Bedlam on television.
I dont care about Texas basketball (in terms of a rivalry at all)... Nor do I care about Kansas (again, in terms of rivarly)... There is bad blood between OU and OSU, you can feel it if you are at the game. Hell, I can feel the tension watching Bedlam on television.

I would say Bedlam, though it was much more intense when it was Eddie vs Kelvin because both of those guys ALWAYS had teams that got after it defensively and played physical.
From the heart of the Dave Bliss era right up until about 1990, my order would clearly be 1) Kansas, 2) Missouri and 3) KSU. Since Eddie Sutton joined the party as well as Texas joining the conference, I'd go with 1) OSU, 2) Texas, 3) Kansas.

One poster said OSU was more of a "nuisance" than a rival. Well, if that's the case, they've been a nuisance for about 20 years now and will probably be a nuisance for the next 20 years. More appropriately, they were a nuisance in football from the mid 1990s until the early 2000s.
Much like someone else said, I enjoy beating KU more. However, with OSU, there is probably a more fan driven rivalry amongst both sides.
Kansas is a recruiting rival, Texas is the division rival, and OSU is the state rival. Personally, I hate losing to Texas more than any other school, but you can't go wrong with seeing either of those schools as rivals.
I don't know if a school's "biggest" rival can be one if it's not reciprocated by the other school.

Kansas' biggest rival would have to be Missouri, wouldn't it?

It's a lot like football OSU's #1 rival is OU, while OSU is nothing but another win to steamroll over 8 years out of 10 to OU.

So, I think it leaves Texas and OSU. Just as an outsider, of course!
I don't know if a school's "biggest" rival can be one if it's not reciprocated by the other school.

Kansas' biggest rival would have to be Missouri, wouldn't it?

It's a lot like football OSU's #1 rival is OU, while OSU is nothing but another win to steamroll over 8 years out of 10 to OU.

So, I think it leaves Texas and OSU. Just as an outsider, of course!

I agree. I voted OSU. Then I'd say Texas. And third KU.
And yes, Missouri is KU's biggest rival with KSU a close 2nd.
It is probably osu, but ut and ku are right behind them, and I consider both rivals.

Kind of like football, where ut is the biggest rival, but osu and nebraska (historically) are there too.
I consider OSU more of an annoyance than a major rival. I would put KU at the top of my list as it generally means much more to beat them than any other team in the league. Texas would be second.
I went with OSU, because it's an ongoing battle with both their fan base and the Oklahoma media regarding which program is better traditionally.