I don't get this all of a sudden "Will Lon be retained talk?" So people who vote he's gone are essentially saying he's going to be let go immediately following a season in which he kept a 5-star recruit home, brought us back to the NCAA tournament (presumably) and, arguably more important than anything else, probably got the program four more combined months of non-stop national exposure than the program has had in the last 10 years combined, if not ever in the history of the program. All of this, by the way, while leading a squeaky clean program in the wake of what could very likely shake down as the biggest scandal to hit college basketball ever, and one that has implicated countless blue-blooded programs already.
Are there issues? Hell yeah there are. Sadly, there are tons. But isn't this a full year early? I could see this talk coming next year, since, as we all know, it could not be pretty in the W/L column. But to think he will not be retained or asked to do a Tom Coughlin ride off into the sunset kind of thing, after a year of resurrection, seems preposterous to me. I'd put it as less than zero.