Would we be happy…


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Sep 29, 2024
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I’ve got to ask this question. The last few years have been rough - some self-inflicted, some bad luck. We need to do better. Moser is deservedly on the hot seat.
But recruiting seems to be improving. We’re out of the toughest basketball conference. I think we’re due a couple of breaks.
My question is this: Let’s say we win 20 games with a couple of quality wins, and make the NCAA tournament. We win a game in the big dance. Would that make the fan base happy, or do we still make changes at the top?
Longtime lurker, first-time poster

I’ve got to ask this question. The last few years have been rough - some self-inflicted, some bad luck. We need to do better. Moser is deservedly on the hot seat.
But recruiting seems to be improving. We’re out of the toughest basketball conference. I think we’re due a couple of breaks.
My question is this: Let’s say we win 20 games with a couple of quality wins, and make the NCAA tournament. We win a game in the big dance. Would that make the fan base happy, or do we still make changes at the top?
I think most fans would be content with that. It would show improvement. The issue is 20 wins will most likely not get the team in. It’s gonna be more like 22 with how weak the schedule is.
Longtime lurker, first-time poster

I’ve got to ask this question. The last few years have been rough - some self-inflicted, some bad luck. We need to do better. Moser is deservedly on the hot seat.
But recruiting seems to be improving. We’re out of the toughest basketball conference. I think we’re due a couple of breaks.
My question is this: Let’s say we win 20 games with a couple of quality wins, and make the NCAA tournament. We win a game in the big dance. Would that make the fan base happy, or do we still make changes at the top?
Getting in the tournament gives him another year. Improved recruiting only matters if the recruits stay.
Longtime lurker, first-time poster

I’ve got to ask this question. The last few years have been rough - some self-inflicted, some bad luck. We need to do better. Moser is deservedly on the hot seat.
But recruiting seems to be improving. We’re out of the toughest basketball conference. I think we’re due a couple of breaks.
My question is this: Let’s say we win 20 games with a couple of quality wins, and make the NCAA tournament. We win a game in the big dance. Would that make the fan base happy, or do we still make changes at the top?
Wouldn't fire him. But I imagine he'd leverage that for the new job he desires anyway so may be moot regardless. But I would hope that we would not extend his contract or anything based on your scenario.
I was thinking about this while doing my record predictions:

21+ wins and up (extension)
21-9 (same)
16-14 (same)
<16 wins (fired)

That seems to be a my food for thought anyway.

Looking ahead to Kai Rogers (finally getting a big) and a new arena will surely help down the road...right?

Edit to add: This would be from an admin look, not fan perspective. I think another missed tourney ... is it
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I think that with new coaches you give them a good 4 seasons to really get a feel of what they're capable of. I think PM does a solid job at recruiting, and has brought in decent talent (mostly from high school, but not all), but it seems he just doesn't do a lot with making the best of what we have. I know it's incredibly hard when you have to completely reload the roster every season, but every coach is doing that, so it's not just him struggling with it. Even if we had a team with as much talent as say Kansas, would PM be able to take them all of the way? I haven't seen anything since he's been in Norman to say 'yes' to that. I say if we don't' make the dance this year he's very deserving of losing his job. Could just be he's not meant to coach in a P5 conference. Since we don't have a great Big man this year I don't have very high expectations for this team, but i'm hoping i'm wrong.
I think that with new coaches you give them a good 4 seasons to really get a feel of what they're capable of. I think PM does a solid job at recruiting, and has brought in decent talent (mostly from high school, but not all), but it seems he just doesn't do a lot with making the best of what we have. I know it's incredibly hard when you have to completely reload the roster every season, but every coach is doing that, so it's not just him struggling with it. Even if we had a team with as much talent as say Kansas, would PM be able to take them all of the way? I haven't seen anything since he's been in Norman to say 'yes' to that. I say if we don't' make the dance this year he's very deserving of losing his job. Could just be he's not meant to coach in a P5 conference. Since we don't have a great Big man this year I don't have very high expectations for this team, but i'm hoping i'm wrong.
I don't think he runs a "winning" system. We have to work so hard for wins with little margin for error, while seemingly other teams can make huge blunders and still pull out Ws.
I don't think he runs a "winning" system. We have to work so hard for wins with little margin for error, while seemingly other teams can make huge blunders and still pull out Ws.

I don't think it's the system. When your bigs are Godwin/Hugely/Groves, some of the least talented in the conference, you're going to struggle getting wins.
Moser has to get more talented bigs, or significantly increase talent at the other 4 spots.
This is a very good jimmies and joes, vs x's and o's debate platform.

I, more than anyone, have been disappointed in our bigs during Moser's tenure. I will say, I think he wasn't quite ready for the jump up in athleticism when he joined the Big12. Tanner Groves would have been perfect with last years team, heck even this years. The downside is that Tanner had a very meh supporting cast who couldn't shoot, so teams literally packed the lane and he struggled. I will still die on the "Godwin is a P4 backup/G5starter hill", which is fine. Hugley IV was just recovering and out of shape. Our depth at the bigs position? Non-existent.

For the most part, aside from the first exodus, we haven't seen players transfer out and have massive success. I need to update my spreadsheets on that, but I am pretty certain. This year is the first true assessment of Moser and development. If we see Uzan light it up at Houston and Oweh become a force at UK, I think the writing is on the wall for the future. I just don't think we have the staff/coaching to develop bigs. I just don't. (Before anyone chimes in, Godwin has been the same level of player every year he has been here, no more, no less according to my metrics)
Contrary to what is generally expected on the board (gathered from reading the board), I think Wague is a significant level up from anything we have had in a long time in the defensive and rebounding department from a big. To be seen, but that is my prediction from just watching one scrimmage. Other than some decent plays around the rim, I didn't see anything that would make me think he will produce much offensively. But, he showed good hands, at least, and doesn't look lost or play soft. If anything, his problem will be he is too aggressive. I see that as a good starting point.

I don't think Sam's ceiling is all that high, but disagree with TEvan's a little, I do think he has improved some. As for Oweh and Uzon, I thought there was definitely skill development from Oweh last year, but agree Los didn't play as well. Common to see sophmore slumps by kids, the college commitment leads to this, and often, you kids come out of this, and you see great growth in their junior year. This may or may not occur in their new homes.

My problem with Los was always that I thought he was out of position. I thought he lacked the lateral quickness to guard the better point guards. And, offensively, I never expected too much, as he wasn't a jump shooter. Tough to play good competition as a guard when you are basically a set shooter from the outside. I thought he was good going to the rim, however, so that helped him out. He muscled up some and that might have explained his outside shooting becoming less reliable. Anyway, I was hoping he would stay, get his second wind, and really help us out this year. Sure seemed like a good kid and could be a good player on the wing. Never thought he would be great, but every kid doesn't have to be to be a winning player.

I don't know if it will be this year, but Atak is tall, crazy long, very skilled, and will mix it up. If we can keep him and develop him, he will be the first really good big we have had here in a long time. If you put the team through the Celtics 100 3 test, I would put my money on him hitting the most. He is really thin but doesn't play that way. I don't know if they will use him this year and give him a year to put some weight on, but I wouldn't be surprised. On that Celtic 3 test, it would be fun to see Jones, goodine, Atak and Dayton Forsythe compete. All of those guys can really shoot the ball from distance in a unique way. Can they play winning basketball doing everything else I don't know and we will have to wait and see.

Agree completely that this is a big year for moser and the team. I think we will need to see some games played out before we can really assess what they are capable of. It is almost a completely new team. Of the 4 returning players, only two played -- Sam and Jalon. So, until we see them against some talented competition, it will be hard to assess, at least for me. However, I won't be surprised, if it is Moser's best team (for whatever that means).
This is a very good jimmies and joes, vs x's and o's debate platform.

I, more than anyone, have been disappointed in our bigs during Moser's tenure. I will say, I think he wasn't quite ready for the jump up in athleticism when he joined the Big12. Tanner Groves would have been perfect with last years team, heck even this years. The downside is that Tanner had a very meh supporting cast who couldn't shoot, so teams literally packed the lane and he struggled. I will still die on the "Godwin is a P4 backup/G5starter hill", which is fine. Hugley IV was just recovering and out of shape. Our depth at the bigs position? Non-existent.

For the most part, aside from the first exodus, we haven't seen players transfer out and have massive success. I need to update my spreadsheets on that, but I am pretty certain. This year is the first true assessment of Moser and development. If we see Uzan light it up at Houston and Oweh become a force at UK, I think the writing is on the wall for the future. I just don't think we have the staff/coaching to develop bigs. I just don't. (Before anyone chimes in, Godwin has been the same level of player every year he has been here, no more, no less according to my metrics)

I would argue Godwin is as good as he'll ever get. Regardless of who is coaching him.
this may be somewhat unrelated but what is the darn deal with Yaya??? He's transferred in, and never seen the darn floor. If he's not good enough to play, why even bring him in?
this may be somewhat unrelated but what is the darn deal with Yaya??? He's transferred in, and never seen the darn floor. If he's not good enough to play, why even bring him in?
Need practice bodies. Need to take chances on bigs and hope they pan out.

Can’t play 13-14 dudes in this area.