Xavier Henry leads the way with 27 points, 4 rebounds, 2 assists


Well-known member
Oct 31, 2008
Reaction score
Not a bad start for Henry... 5-8 from the 3pt range.
27 on just 12 shots. That was the impressive part.
If he's putting up 16plus, they might go undefeated. Unbelievably talented team. Very talented kid.
If he's putting up 16plus, they might go undefeated. Unbelievably talented team. Very talented kid.

KU won't go undefeated but I do think there's a good chance Henry and Collins are the top two scorers. Henry will get a lot of good looks because of Collins and Aldrich and the kid can flat out stroke it. He had 3 impressive dunks as well.
If ku loses more than 2 games in the regular season I will be surprised.
like clock work

The only thing that is like clock work is your weak attempt to call him out. He just responded to a post. I was going to post the same thing (only I was going to include that it came in only 24 minutes as well), but had to run out of the house.

You've obviously got some issues with our KU members, but it doesn't have to do with what they are saying. They're good posters and an asset to the board. I wish you'd get over it.

...Geez, I haven't even blocked JessieW, but I think I'm about to block my first member...
I shudder to think where this board would be w/o buttermaker....

Keep on keepin' on Cheno. You are a good poster
It would/will be interesting to see how Cheno posts if we become a yearly threat to his beloved Jayhawks. We are his cute, chubby mistress currently yet if we actually threaten his real team on a consistent basis I would imagine his love for us disappears.

Maybe that is wrong but until we challenge them on a yr to yr basis no way to know.
It would/will be interesting to see how Cheno posts if we become a yearly threat to his beloved Jayhawks. We are his cute, chubby mistress currently yet if we actually threaten his real team on a consistent basis I would imagine his love for us disappears.
Maybe that is wrong but until we challenge them on a yr to yr basis no way to know.

Personally I ALREADY do think OU challenges KU every year. Every year it's a war. Capel has increased the talent level. Last years game was one of the must fun games I've ever seen. And competitive. It was at as high a level as it gets.
Honestly, Irish, and I'm not picking on you because I don't really know you yet, but it's thinking like this from the fanbase that's holding the program back. Capel and the fella's are doing their part.
It would/will be interesting to see how Cheno posts if we become a yearly threat to his beloved Jayhawks. We are his cute, chubby mistress currently yet if we actually threaten his real team on a consistent basis I would imagine his love for us disappears.

Maybe that is wrong but until we challenge them on a yr to yr basis no way to know.

I can't believe that an OU fan actually believes this about their own program. OU hasn't been a "chubby mistress" to KU from any time I can remember. They have always competed their butts off all the way back from the Billy Tubbs days and have always been a game that KU as a program and as a fan we knew if we don't bring it OU would beat us. This was especially true in the Roy vs Sampson years since Sampson's style of play put a dress on KU quite a few times.