A Marquette fan's view: You guys need to be a little more realistic

FWIW on attendance:

Marquette averaged about 15k fans this year. As the poster mentioned, that was tickets sold, not fans in the seats.

Last year (not this year... can't find this year's stats) OU averaged about 10k.

Marquette does have an edge (assuming most of the tickets sold showed up), but it's hardly as extreme as the original post indicates (not that you guys didn't all already know that).

I must say, though, this was one of the more enjoyable posts I've read in quite some time. Pretty hilarious, actually.

To set the record straight, tickets sold was 10,650 last year, down from 11,490 the year before when we went to the Elite Eight. The decline in attendance and tickets sold is one of many reasons OU is in the market for a new coach.

Fun thread, though. I was shocked when I logged in to find a new thread already on the third page.
This has taken a while to post, as it has taken a while to get approved here. At this point, this is kind of old news. As Marquette fans expected, it appears that Buzz Williams is going nowhere. Nothing is final until the paperwork is signed, so we shall see, but it looks like OU will have to look elsewhere for a basketball coach.

I have no animus toward Oklahoma, but I have been one of the people who has found the assumption that OU would come in, drop a wad of cash, and steal our coach more than a little offensive. We have read all about what a great university OU is. I am sure it is a legitimate university with many fine programs. I do not see much point in comparing rankings of various programs, and these are often just guesses anyway, but it is fair to say that it is a decent public university. It is not an academic joke, like several of the universities in the SEC and at least one in Tennessee. But Marquette is a respectable private university, with fine programs in many fields and enough prestige to open doors to its graduates.

OU might well have a superior athletic program. It is certainly larger than Marquette's, and of course, OU has one of the nation's better football programs, while Marquette does not have a team. That is commendable. Really. But OU's success in non-revenue sports like wrestling and gymnastics have nothing to do with the state of the basketball team. As for football, having grown up in Texas, Buzz is a college football fan. If he ever leaves for a school with a footbll team, he will no doubt support the team, attend the games, and probably talk the coach into letting him attend a few practices. But he will not go there because the school has a football team. Actually, in describing the things he liked about Marquette recently, Buzz mentioned the absence of a football team. Basketball is the priority at Marquette.

As far as money goes, Marquette will match or surpass OU. Yes, I know. You have lots of money from football. If OU chooses to pay a coach Phil Jackson-like money, Marquette cannot match it. But you can't and you won't. OU might have a much bigger endowment, but at a time when the university is cutting programs and raising tuition, it is not going to dip into it to pay a basketball coach. At the level OU can actually afford to pay, Marquette can afford to match it, and will. Buzz is already being paid in the range of the best coaches in the country, and his predecessor was as well.

If you poke around the internet, you can find the figures that shows that Marquette is second in spending on college basketball, trailing only Duke. Those numbers are a bit slippery, as they do not compare apples to apples. Since Marquette does not have football and since men's basketball is the revenue-producing sport, many of the athletic department expenses which might be spread among the department as a whole get charged to basketball. OU no doubt does the same thing with football. But the bottom line is that Marquette spends a lot on basketball. No coach is leaving Marquette to go to OU because he will have more money to spend. He won't.

Looking at the basketball programs, I am sorry, but Marquette's is clearly superior. You are not going to believe that, but take a look at some facts and numbers. That state-of-the-art practice facility that you are planning to build? We already built it. Marquette has one of the best in the country. The conference we are in? Typically comparable to or better than the Big 12, but it did not almost disappear last summer. History? If you go back to about the 60's, roughly comparable. Marquette made the last six NCAA's. OU missed the last two. OU produced the player of the year a couple years ago, and sends players to the NBA. Marquette sends more players to the NBA, including the guy who is arguably the best in the league.

But let us put aside the comparison of facilities, records and all that and just focus on one fact. What Oklahoma considers a large crowd is what would get a Marquette coach in trouble. Back in the Wayman Tisdale days, I recall reading an article about how the stunning and successful Sooners had just broken a record for the biggest crowd in the state's history, upward of 9000. At that point in time, that was fewer people than Marquette had drawn to every home game in about fifteen years. Since then, Marquette has moved into an NBA arena. It is rarely full, and the listed attendance is of tickets sold, not actual bodies present, so at some early season games, it is less than reported. Nonetheless, I believe there have been only a handful of games in the last 20 years or so where Marquette has drawn fewer than 9000, and most were either NIT games where tickets were on sale for a couple days before the game or the result of a blizzard or the like. Marquette packs in fans, and the support for the team dwarfs that of OU. What you consider a huge crowd and would like to see on a regular basis is about half of what Marquette will average for a season. For big games against conference rivals, Marquette will double the largest crowd OU will draw in a year.

We got used to hearing the same type of rumors with our last coach. Lots fans of large universites assume that they can go grab whoever they want, and cannot imagine that when it comes to basketball, a little Jesuit university can match or surpass them. So yes, we get pretty annoyed when people start posting about how they are just going to come in and swipe our coach. Many here have speculated that Buzz might leave for Oklahoma now or somewhere in Texas in the future due to location. This is something Marquette obviously cannot match, and if he decided to leave for that reason, most Marquette fans would wish him well. But on the merits of the basketball programs, there is no reason he would want to leave. Moreover, that Jesuit affiliation is something that Buzz Williams and some others have found much to their liking. It will not be a deciding or even important factor for every coach, but it will be for some, and seemingly for this one, and it is a factor which OU cannot match, in much the same way that Marquette cannot match OU's location.

Good luck in your search. You are likely to hire somebody pretty good, but the expectations of your fans are a bit out of line. The same is probably true for Pitino, Wright, Dixon, or a dozen other coaches your fans might be familiar with. If your fans knew who they were before your coach was fired, OU is probably at best a lateral move.

This guy is a long winded, denfensive snob. BTW Buzz was barely my 5th place choice.
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Well, unclejohn surely united the board. What is the old adage about outsiders getting involved in family fights? But, exactly what did he say that is incorrect?
Since when did anyone on this board believe that Buzz was a lock for our coaching vacancy? This idiot needs to do a little more trolling.
This post and a chicken breakfast burrito from Chic-fil-A made my morning.
Also, shout out to everyone trolling the boards post 2 am, didn't realize OUHoops.com was poppin' that late at night.
Thank you for helping us all come together, unclejohn. Also, thank you for the laughs this monday morning.
I pictured some old, drooling guy wearing a Packers jersey, sitting in his mother's basement in front of the computer that has Windows 97 loaded on it, mumbling to himself, " If I type it, they will read......" more drool.
Oh my. I'm not sure whether to eat popcorn or facepalm at this thread.
If Marquette is all that and a bag of chips, how come Tom Crean left for Indiana????
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Be sure to come back and tell us how great your program is when Buzz leaves. If he continues to be successful, he'll be gone in no time. Beleive that, Mr. Realistic.
Error in the original post that I found at first glance:

That state-of-the-art practice facility that you are planning to build? We already built it.
We've had a state of the art practice facility since 2001.

At that point, I just stopped reading. If he's not going to do any research, why take anything he says seriously.

If a coach wants to be at a basketball only school, Marquette is as good of a choice as any, I suppose. But if he thinks there wasn't ever any interest from his coach, he's lying to himelf..
I pictured some old, drooling guy wearing a Packers jersey, sitting in his mother's basement in front of the computer that has Windows 97 loaded on it, mumbling to himself, " If I type it, they will read......" more drool.

This is how I picture Uncle John

i think the op is (and maybe a lot of us are) missing the point regarding the possibility of Buzz to OU.

Marquette is a good program, no doubt. it's mid-pack in the Big East but the hoops program is the big dog on campus...which is nice.

if Buzz were from Nowhere, Ohio then we wouldnt necessarily see the connection to OU or be all THAT excited. again, he also has a nice gig at Marquette.

the X factor is that he's from far North Texas, knows TX and OK and earned his chops in OK. does this mean anything for him? to return home? can he utilize it in getting "his" recruits and doing things "his" way? if the answer is yes, then he's going to come to OU.
Buzz isn't coming to OKlahoma... but this post is moronic.

This has taken a while to post, as it has taken a while to get approved here. At this point, this is kind of old news. As Marquette fans expected, it appears that Buzz Williams is going nowhere. Nothing is final until the paperwork is signed, so we shall see, but it looks like OU will have to look elsewhere for a basketball coach.

I have no animus toward Oklahoma, but I have been one of the people who has found the assumption that OU would come in, drop a wad of cash, and steal our coach more than a little offensive. We have read all about what a great university OU is. I am sure it is a legitimate university with many fine programs. I do not see much point in comparing rankings of various programs, and these are often just guesses anyway, but it is fair to say that it is a decent public university. It is not an academic joke, like several of the universities in the SEC and at least one in Tennessee. But Marquette is a respectable private university, with fine programs in many fields and enough prestige to open doors to its graduates.

OU might well have a superior athletic program. It is certainly larger than Marquette's, and of course, OU has one of the nation's better football programs, while Marquette does not have a team. That is commendable. Really. But OU's success in non-revenue sports like wrestling and gymnastics have nothing to do with the state of the basketball team. As for football, having grown up in Texas, Buzz is a college football fan. If he ever leaves for a school with a footbll team, he will no doubt support the team, attend the games, and probably talk the coach into letting him attend a few practices. But he will not go there because the school has a football team. Actually, in describing the things he liked about Marquette recently, Buzz mentioned the absence of a football team. Basketball is the priority at Marquette.

Might have a superior athletic program, Might? Are you smoking crack? Does Marquette even play any sports other than men's and women's basketball? Easily one of the top 5 college football programs in the country currently and historically. Only two schools have more wrestling national titles (Oklahoma State and Iowa). A baseball program with two national titles and in the top 15 of college world series appearances. Softball team who is a consistent women's college world series mainstay. Women's basketball program that has been to two of the last three final fours. Men's gymnastics is easily the most dominant program in the sport over the last decade and hasn't finished lower than third at the NCAA championships in as long as I can remember. Top 5 women's gymnastics program. Marquette's athletic program isn't even in the same stratosphere as Oklahoma's whether it is revenue or non-revenue sports being compared.

As far as money goes, Marquette will match or surpass OU. Yes, I know. You have lots of money from football. If OU chooses to pay a coach Phil Jackson-like money, Marquette cannot match it. But you can't and you won't. OU might have a much bigger endowment, but at a time when the university is cutting programs and raising tuition, it is not going to dip into it to pay a basketball coach. At the level OU can actually afford to pay, Marquette can afford to match it, and will. Buzz is already being paid in the range of the best coaches in the country, and his predecessor was as well.

The football program is how OU has money? Geez and I thought it was having donors such as Clay Bennet, Christy Gaylord Everest, Conoco/Phillips 66, and Kerr-McGee... just to name a quick few. Marquette can't come close to matching those sort of purse strings.

If you poke around the internet, you can find the figures that shows that Marquette is second in spending on college basketball, trailing only Duke. Those numbers are a bit slippery, as they do not compare apples to apples. Since Marquette does not have football and since men's basketball is the revenue-producing sport, many of the athletic department expenses which might be spread among the department as a whole get charged to basketball. OU no doubt does the same thing with football. But the bottom line is that Marquette spends a lot on basketball. No coach is leaving Marquette to go to OU because he will have more money to spend. He won't.

Looking at the basketball programs, I am sorry, but Marquette's is clearly superior. You are not going to believe that, but take a look at some facts and numbers. That state-of-the-art practice facility that you are planning to build? We already built it. Marquette has one of the best in the country. The conference we are in? Typically comparable to or better than the Big 12, but it did not almost disappear last summer. History? If you go back to about the 60's, roughly comparable. Marquette made the last six NCAA's. OU missed the last two. OU produced the player of the year a couple years ago, and sends players to the NBA. Marquette sends more players to the NBA, including the guy who is arguably the best in the league.

We're building another state of the art practice facility??? Holy shizzle, how do you know about this and the rest of us not?!?! I mean we just built one six or seven years ago for both the men's and women's programs! We must be about to toss some more of that money around you don't seem to think we have!!!

But let us put aside the comparison of facilities, records and all that and just focus on one fact. What Oklahoma considers a large crowd is what would get a Marquette coach in trouble. Back in the Wayman Tisdale days, I recall reading an article about how the stunning and successful Sooners had just broken a record for the biggest crowd in the state's history, upward of 9000. At that point in time, that was fewer people than Marquette had drawn to every home game in about fifteen years. Since then, Marquette has moved into an NBA arena. It is rarely full, and the listed attendance is of tickets sold, not actual bodies present, so at some early season games, it is less than reported. Nonetheless, I believe there have been only a handful of games in the last 20 years or so where Marquette has drawn fewer than 9000, and most were either NIT games where tickets were on sale for a couple days before the game or the result of a blizzard or the like. Marquette packs in fans, and the support for the team dwarfs that of OU. What you consider a huge crowd and would like to see on a regular basis is about half of what Marquette will average for a season. For big games against conference rivals, Marquette will double the largest crowd OU will draw in a year.

We got used to hearing the same type of rumors with our last coach. Lots fans of large universites assume that they can go grab whoever they want, and cannot imagine that when it comes to basketball, a little Jesuit university can match or surpass them. So yes, we get pretty annoyed when people start posting about how they are just going to come in and swipe our coach. Many here have speculated that Buzz might leave for Oklahoma now or somewhere in Texas in the future due to location. This is something Marquette obviously cannot match, and if he decided to leave for that reason, most Marquette fans would wish him well. But on the merits of the basketball programs, there is no reason he would want to leave. Moreover, that Jesuit affiliation is something that Buzz Williams and some others have found much to their liking. It will not be a deciding or even important factor for every coach, but it will be for some, and seemingly for this one, and it is a factor which OU cannot match, in much the same way that Marquette cannot match OU's location.

Excuse me good sir... where exactly is Tom Crean coaching today? Oh, not in Milwaukee... Thanks for clearing that up for all of us. :clap