Baylor recruiting.....

some of these calls or texts were at permissible times they were just not logged. If a coach called a recruit and there was no answer, he/she was supposed to log the call. All these coaches are busy and they are not detailed oriented. They are coaches because they like people. Not geared to be doing logs like accountants, financial planners, actuaries, etc...

Of course it is a compliance department's duty to make sure they understand how critical this is. But I understand how it doesn't happen.

Hopefully the NCAA in the future will allow coaches to call and text whenever they want to and just worry about enforcing things like pay to play; academic fraud; etc...

I agree. That way everyone would be able to make as many calls and send as many texts as Baylor, at least.
While I agree that hundreds of impermissable telephone calls and texts to recruits may not seem like that big of a deal now, especially with the fairly recent relaxing of those rules, some of you are missing the point here.

The NCAA's investigation proves that Scott Drew and his coaches (Mulkey, too, for that matter) knowingly violated NCAA rules, and at a time when coaches everywhere were bound by guidelines put in place for everyone to follow. The fact that other coaches may have been breaking those rules is not an issue here, nor is the fact that there have been changes to that portion of the rule book since then. That's like getting stopped doing 75 in a 65 mph zone and telling the police officer a car passed you doing 80 not long before you were pulled over. A violation is just that.

Sure, it's easy to believe that some of the calls and texts noted in the investigation were "impermissable" because they weren't logged properly. That was the case with Kelvin, too. He also said that other coaches were breaking the rules, and he was right.

Right or wrong, the NCAA came down hard on Sampson and on OU for essentially the same violations. Should Drew and Baylor expect anything less? Does a change in the NCAA's "speed zone" excuse what Drew and his coaches did? Not in my opinion.
While I agree that hundreds of impermissable telephone calls and texts to recruits may not seem like that big of a deal now, especially with the fairly recent relaxing of those rules, some of you are missing the point here.

The NCAA's investigation proves that Scott Drew and his coaches (Mulkey, too, for that matter) knowingly violated NCAA rules, and at a time when coaches everywhere were bound by guidelines put in place for everyone to follow. The fact that other coaches may have been breaking those rules is not an issue here, nor is the fact that there have been changes to that portion of the rule book since then. That's like getting stopped doing 75 in a 65 mph zone and telling the police officer a car passed you doing 80 not long before you were pulled over. A violation is just that.

Sure, it's easy to believe that some of the calls and texts noted in the investigation were "impermissable" because they weren't logged properly. That was the case with Kelvin, too. He also said that other coaches were breaking the rules, and he was right.

Right or wrong, the NCAA came down hard on Sampson and on OU for essentially the same violations. Should Drew and Baylor expect anything less? Does a change in the NCAA's "speed zone" excuse what Drew and his coaches did? Not in my opinion.

Sampson also lied to the NCAA.
Phone calls, lol.

KU boosters laugh at phone calls.

true story....Two weeks I had a lunch interview with a guy that was involved in the KU booster scandal. i didn't realize it until this week when somebody informed me who he was. I remembered him talking a lot about KU so I googled him, and sure enough, it was him
Least surprising NCAA investigation ever?

Right or wrong, the NCAA came down hard on Sampson and on OU for essentially the same violations. Should Drew and Baylor expect anything less? Does a change in the NCAA's "speed zone" excuse what Drew and his coaches did? Not in my opinion.

If anything, I think they should come down on Drew with more force.

My memory may be failing me, but wasn't Kelvin really the first time that a program got hit pretty hard because of cell phone calls and text messages?

He at least could use the "I didn't know that wasn't OK..." excuse. But several programs have been hit with it since... so much so that it has become commonplace and should be common knowledge among coaching staffs around the country.

So Drew the scumbag and his staff was just blatantly defying the rules.
While I agree that hundreds of impermissable telephone calls and texts to recruits may not seem like that big of a deal now, especially with the fairly recent relaxing of those rules, some of you are missing the point here.

The NCAA's investigation proves that Scott Drew and his coaches (Mulkey, too, for that matter) knowingly violated NCAA rules, and at a time when coaches everywhere were bound by guidelines put in place for everyone to follow. The fact that other coaches may have been breaking those rules is not an issue here, nor is the fact that there have been changes to that portion of the rule book since then. That's like getting stopped doing 75 in a 65 mph zone and telling the police officer a car passed you doing 80 not long before you were pulled over. A violation is just that.

Sure, it's easy to believe that some of the calls and texts noted in the investigation were "impermissable" because they weren't logged properly. That was the case with Kelvin, too. He also said that other coaches were breaking the rules, and he was right.

Right or wrong, the NCAA came down hard on Sampson and on OU for essentially the same violations. Should Drew and Baylor expect anything less? Does a change in the NCAA's "speed zone" excuse what Drew and his coaches did? Not in my opinion.

You would think that a Big 12 school that had witnessed the same violations occur at OU/Sampson would be MORE AWARE and therefore take MORE PRECAUTIONS within their athletic department, right??? IMO, this is just like a school committing the same violation twice! Granted, the rule is in the process of being eliminated and/or changed but these clowns committed the violations way before they even knew there was a chance of rules changing. And until it's been changed it's still a violation.
Sampson also lied to the NCAA.

That's true, and it's one of the reasons I was so disappointed with Kelvin that it took me several years to get over what he did.

I don't see how that changes anything with Scott Drew, though, unless it's to reduce the severity of the penalties handed down by the NCAA. Excessive telephone calls and texts are not as bad as passing out envelopes with cash to recruits. But it's still cheating to gain an advantage over your opponents. One thing is certain, Drew's "squeaky clean" image will never be the same.
Least surprising NCAA investigation ever?

If anything, I think they should come down on Drew with more force.

My memory may be failing me, but wasn't Kelvin really the first time that a program got hit pretty hard because of cell phone calls and text messages?

He at least could use the "I didn't know that wasn't OK..." excuse. But several programs have been hit with it since... so much so that it has become commonplace and should be common knowledge among coaching staffs around the country.

So Drew the scumbag and his staff was just blatantly defying the rules.

I'm going to remember this post. Like I said earlier I got privy to some information that will not be good for OSU if it comes to light. It involves paying players. NCAA is looking into it. It stemmed from interviewing players that Baylor was recruiting and it is a mess- paying for unofficial visits; players taking money from agents while at OSU; direct payments to charitable organizations from OSU boosters. Could get ugly.

I really have nothing against OSU- just telling you that you might want to get off the moral high horse.
I'm going to remember this post. Like I said earlier I got privy to some information that will not be good for OSU if it comes to light. It involves paying players. NCAA is looking into it. It stemmed from interviewing players that Baylor was recruiting and it is a mess- paying for unofficial visits; players taking money from agents while at OSU; direct payments to charitable organizations from OSU boosters. Could get ugly.

I really have nothing against OSU- just telling you that you might want to get off the moral high horse.

I'm going to remember this post. Like I said earlier I got privy to some information that will not be good for OSU if it comes to light. It involves paying players. NCAA is looking into it. It stemmed from interviewing players that Baylor was recruiting and it is a mess- paying for unofficial visits; players taking money from agents while at OSU; direct payments to charitable organizations from OSU boosters. Could get ugly.

I really have nothing against OSU- just telling you that you might want to get off the moral high horse.

If osu is paying players, they aren't paying enough
I'm going to remember this post. Like I said earlier I got privy to some information that will not be good for OSU if it comes to light. It involves paying players. NCAA is looking into it. It stemmed from interviewing players that Baylor was recruiting and it is a mess- paying for unofficial visits; players taking money from agents while at OSU; direct payments to charitable organizations from OSU boosters. Could get ugly.

I really have nothing against OSU- just telling you that you might want to get off the moral high horse.

OUCH! If there is proof for what you say, ugly may be a nice way to describe what lies ahead for OSU.
If Pierre takes another job that seems like a "lesser" job or just walks away from the game for a while, you'll be able to put two and two together.
I'm going to remember this post. Like I said earlier I got privy to some information that will not be good for OSU if it comes to light. It involves paying players. NCAA is looking into it. It stemmed from interviewing players that Baylor was recruiting and it is a mess- paying for unofficial visits; players taking money from agents while at OSU; direct payments to charitable organizations from OSU boosters. Could get ugly.

I really have nothing against OSU- just telling you that you might want to get off the moral high horse.

I've heard rumors of the same thing for awhile now. Don't know if there's anything to it, but I've heard this has been going on since Ford has been at OSU.
That's true, and it's one of the reasons I was so disappointed with Kelvin that it took me several years to get over what he did.

I don't see how that changes anything with Scott Drew, though, unless it's to reduce the severity of the penalties handed down by the NCAA. Excessive telephone calls and texts are not as bad as passing out envelopes with cash to recruits. But it's still cheating to gain an advantage over your opponents. One thing is certain, Drew's "squeaky clean" image will never be the same.

You're assuming no one else does that.

Wow! One has to believe that reporters like Thayer Evans and others who have been turned off by Drew's holier-than-thou persona over the years, are not going to let this go anytime soon.

That's not to say that Scott Drew is a bad person. But it does prove that if you're going to talk the talk in public, better walk the walk when no one is around.