Castiglione declines to comment on Capel's future

Who's we?

His rules issues aside, many -- I would even say most -- of us knew exactly how good we had it with Sampson at the helm; we never kidded ourselves that it would be easy to find a coach who could surpass him, much less improve on his success.

Were there a few vocal naysayers during his tenure? Yes, but there are always. Always.

I agree. I was a huge Sampson fan. I still am to some extent. He mishandled the telephone call situation and it is hard to understand what he was possibly thinking at Indiana but I Sampson was/is a good basketball coach. It is a shame he tranished his image with such a stupid thing as those telephone calls and his refusal to be accountable for his mistake.
Who's we?

His rules issues aside, many -- I would even say most -- of us knew exactly how good we had it with Sampson at the helm; we never kidded ourselves that it would be easy to find a coach who could surpass him, much less improve on his success.

Were there a few vocal naysayers during his tenure? Yes, but there are always. Always.

We, or in this case they, being roughly 20-30% of the fanbase.

What I find even more comical is that just 14 short months ago Capel's approval rating was close to 100%. Now he's a bum. That's the problem with your average fan, they see only the present, with no foresight or perspective.

That's why I always give coaches the benefit of the doubt. Ultimately, they're never as good, or as bad as they seem.
I think most OU fans can see that Capel is in over his head, just look at where the program is now and what the future roster looks like.
"Capel is confident the worst is over. Four starters will return next season. Two incoming forwards won't fix OU's lack of size but will help. Capel also will sign another player or two this spring."

Is this just a typo or do they know somthing we don't? Peter's is a 2012 recruit.
Who's we?

His rules issues aside, many -- I would even say most -- of us knew exactly how good we had it with Sampson at the helm; we never kidded ourselves that it would be easy to find a coach who could surpass him, much less improve on his success.

Were there a few vocal naysayers during his tenure? Yes, but there are always. Always.

Exactly. I have some good friends who are alums but mainly football fans (OU) and they complained every year about Kelvin. I always told them to be careful what you wish for. Now, they text me about 2 times a week complaining we need to get rid of Capel and they wish we had Sampson.

I'll also add I would do backflips if they hired Doc Sadler. His teams at UTEP scored in the 80's and played good defense. His Nebraska teams don't score much but he's very limited on the type of player he can recruit. How many good players are banging down the doors to go to Lincoln to play basketball? At least Oklahoma has a basketball tradition.

My top 3 at this point are:

1.) Gregg Marshall (Wichita State and Winthrop)
2.) Doc Sadler
3.) Tubby Smith

In that order.

I don't really care for Bobby Lutz...he's a good recruiter but I don't think he's a great coach by any stretch of the imagination.
"Capel is confident the worst is over. Four starters will return next season. Two incoming forwards won't fix OU's lack of size but will help. Capel also will sign another player or two this spring."

Is this just a typo or do they know somthing we don't? Peter's is a 2012 recruit.

osby and goff, even though osby is on the team now he is redshirting so they are counting him