Color commentator


Super Moderator
Nov 4, 2008
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Colton Coale will be doing the color commentary on the radio during the Creighton game Saturday.
Is this the field he plans to go into or is he wanting to be a coach? Also, does everyone like the job Billy Tubbs is doing on the TV broadcasts?
Is this the field he plans to go into or is he wanting to be a coach? Also, does everyone like the job Billy Tubbs is doing on the TV broadcasts?

I like Billy but I also liked the games that the Silver Stars coach did last year.
I think Colton's two qualifications are (1) He knows what's going on inside the program (he's on the practice team) and (2) He'll work cheap.

As for Billy, he's basketball smart, and never at a loss for words - always entertaining. On the other hand, he seems to do minimal preparation, and he's sometimes asleep at the switch - like when his play-by-play guy calls the substitution of Jasmine for Morgan, and 2 minutes later Billy comments "Hey, Hartman's in the game. I didn't notice her come in".
I think Colton's two qualifications are (1) He knows what's going on inside the program (he's on the practice team) and (2) He'll work cheap.

As for Billy, he's basketball smart, and never at a loss for words - always entertaining. On the other hand, he seems to do minimal preparation, and he's sometimes asleep at the switch - like when his play-by-play guy calls the substitution of Jasmine for Morgan, and 2 minutes later Billy comments "Hey, Hartman's in the game. I didn't notice her come in".

Based upon some comments on Twitter, it is possible that Morgan and Colton are dating... not sure though.
It seems pretty desperate that Colton would be doing the color for the radio. That's a classic case of nepotism.
It seems pretty desperate that Colton would be doing the color for the radio. That's a classic case of nepotism.

As I see it, it would only be nepotism if it was a cushy job given to a relative when others were also qualified. In this case, we're talking about a job that has gone unfilled the past two years.
It seems pretty desperate that Colton would be doing the color for the radio. That's a classic case of nepotism.
As I understand from a friend who listened to Toby Rowland's interview of Coach Coale on KREF a day or so ago, 1) Colton is a Communications major (isn't that what they call them nowadays? When I was in college it was a Radio and TV specialty in the School of Journalism); 2) He was referred by his college for the interview with the broadcast folks and was selected by them.
As I understand from a friend who listened to Toby Rowland's interview of Coach Coale on KREF a day or so ago, 1) Colton is a Communications major (isn't that what they call them nowadays? When I was in college it was a Radio and TV specialty in the School of Journalism); 2) He was referred by his college for the interview with the broadcast folks and was selected by them.

Right. The good ole boy prevails. My issue really comes with a college student doing the color commentary anyway. Sure, he's on the practice team and knows all the plays, and he'd be going to the away games and such anyway, but it just seems really amateurish in my opinion. The main presenter was the one who annoyed me the most, though. I'm not sure how many calls he got wrong. Colton had to correct him.
As I see it, it would only be nepotism if it was a cushy job given to a relative when others were also qualified. In this case, we're talking about a job that has gone unfilled the past two years.

I understand your interpretation of nepotism, although that's not necessarily the definition of the word. However, the latter part of your statement is more qualifying.
Just looking for something to gripe about? First it's about the radio team and then when that is shot down it's a second gripe about the radio team??

OU won, congrats to the guys.
Right. The good ole boy prevails. My issue really comes with a college student doing the color commentary anyway. Sure, he's on the practice team and knows all the plays, and he'd be going to the away games and such anyway, but it just seems really amateurish in my opinion. The main presenter was the one who annoyed me the most, though. I'm not sure how many calls he got wrong. Colton had to correct him.
Well, I'm so sorry you're unhappy. In the umpteen years I've gone to the Sooner women's games and listened to them when they traveled, there has never, never, never been what *you'd* probably consider an "adequate" person doing color commentary. Back in 2000 or so, I just figured I was lucky if someone, (anyone !) bothered to broadcast the games. I really didn't give a hoot if there was a color anylyst or not.

The 2000-2001 Media Guide mentioned it was Ed Murray's 2nd season on play-by-play and Jenny Bramer's 4th doing color commentary. At various times during his tenure, Ed was the KWTV sports or morning news co-anchor and Jenny was a former Sooner track and field All-American, as well as basketball player. In the 2001-2002 season Brian Brinkley began doing play-by-play with Tara DeGiusti (who was also the Administrative Assistant in the Women's Basketball Office) as color commentator. She remained the color commentator even after she left the BB office. She was replaced by Kendra Wecker in 2008-2009, the season she joined the team as a Graduate Assistant. Kendra remained color analyst in 2009-10 as she moved from GA to Video Coordinator. The past two seasons, I believe Brian has worked alone.

As far as your "main presenter" on Saturday, according to that was Mark Kraynak, who apparently is a local Omaha sports broadcaster. It certainly was not Brian Brinkley. Brian occasionally has duties at his "other job" (Sports at KFOR-TV in OKC) that keep him from being able to travel with the team.

So I guess if you look back on it, "the good ol' boy" has most often been who prevailed as color commentator, though it was usually "the good ol' girl." When you figure how much they get paid (note: that's intended as irony), that really is a burr under the saddle, isn't it?
I thought Kendra was pretty bad as a color person. I wasn't impressed with Colton but he needs time and perhaps will do a really good job with more experience.