Having a Hard Time Processing What I'm Seeing


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Dec 15, 2014
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I've been kind of quiet so far this year, but that isn't because I'm not watching. It's because I've had a hard time coming up with words for what I'm seeing.

I consider myself a knowledgeable and reasonably well grounded fan, if not an outright cynical one. But truth be told, on the whole, year after year, for all of the teams I pull for, I'm sure I've overrated more often than underrated. I think as a fan you generally look at the brightest possible side going into a season and hope to achieve that. Sometimes perhaps you paint a brighter possibility than is realistic.

For example, with the Thunder last year, I knew a title was out of the question. I thought 50 wins was possible and the 4 seed in the west. In reality, at 47 wins and the 6 seed, the team probably went as far as they possibly could have gone in any realistic sense. And deep down, I guess I knew that because I didn't feel disappointed in the season. Yet, I still probably had higher hopes than I should have. You can likely rinse and repeat on that throughout the majority of my now 40 (gulp) years on this earth.

But this OU basketball season is a complete anomaly for me. And it has me all messed up. The team is going SO far above what I thought they were capable of that there is almost this sort of arrogance going on-- like, well, there is no way I of all people, could be THIS wrong about an OU basketball team, so there must be some sort of regression coming soon.

So I'm watching these games, enjoying them, awed by TY, all the while looking over my head like the Wile E. Coyote waiting for the anvil to drop. But with each passing game and with each passing record TY breaks I am beginning to wonder if there is no anvil after all?

The ultimate kiss of death may have come Wed night when I turned to my Dad after Manek canned another three and said, "You know Dad, they might be the best team in the country." That statement is both totally ridiculous and completely on point.

We SUCKED last year. We can spin it any way we want and I do think a whole heap of close losses early in the season likely skewed the record a bit, but bottom line is that we set W/L records in terms of futility and at the end of the day it's hard to escape that. They were not a good basketball team. At all. And one year later we might be the best in the country? A #1 seed? While only really adding two freshmen? Both local kids, one of who is the least physically imposing-looking kid we've recruited in years? What is going on here?

A month ago it was all about Trae. HE was amazing. HE is the best freshmen we've seen. Did you see what HE did? While there is no mistaking that he is reason #1, 2, and 3 that we are where we are right now, there is a slow turn from just HE to WE. Because the team looks damn good. We are weak inside offensively and struggle on the glass against any team that has big bodies. But that is made less impactful because, well, we don't miss shots. These kids can straight shoot the rock. And shots will continue to be open because defenses have no clue what to do with TY- so they will throw the book at him and it will inevitably lead to open looks all over the place for everyone else.

Not to bring it back to the Thunder, but it is sort of like Melo right now. An epiphany. All I need to do here is catch-ball, shoot-ball? Well, OK, sweet.

Manek, McGusty, James, etc. all have merit on their own as players, but the presence of TY is more or less leaving them with open space no self-respecting basketball player should have. And they are doing exactly what they should do: Catch, shoot, splash, rinse-repeat. And while we are likely to have a few poor outings or some games where shots don't fall, it is unlikely to me at this point that we will see any major regression. Because TY isn't going to "regress." If anything, he will get more comfortable as he sees more and more defensive looks.

OU is least-imposing looking team during pre-game warmups in history. If you were an alien dropped into the LNC on Wed (an alien that knew a lot about basketball let's say) you for sure would have sided with the team in Orange based on the eye test when everyone is in warm-ups (those God awful sleeveless hoodies we wear don't help). We LOOK small and unathletic. Then the game starts and they fly around the court like something out of a video game and you before you know it they have 40 points ten minutes into the game. And you kind of shake your head to see if it's real and....it is.

So I think we're going to lose in Morgantown. I think this because it is the logical conclusion, not because I'm a downer. I mean, we can't win them all, right? Right? I mean, they can't, right? I mean you don't go from worst record in program history to #1 in the nation, right? Freshmen PGs don't do this, right?

I'm not really sure what I'm seeing right now. But I am in no hurry to close my eyes.
I love your post since I"m feeling many of the same things.

I live in FL and am talking OU basketball to all of my basketball loving friends. I feel like I need to let them in on a secret. OU basketball (and Trae Young) are great to watch. Don't miss a game.
I normally don’t post on here, just a reader... but wanted to say that I enjoyed reading your thoughts... couldn’t agree more and very well articulated... well done.
I bet the guys love those sleeveless hoodies! :ez-roll:

I completely understand what you are saying. They started out kinda slow, as if the rest of the team didn't quite know what to do besides watch Trae. But they are really picking up steam. It will be interesting to see what WVU's strategy is.
It is a bit hard to process. Reading a few stories no one seemed to see this coming, even his Dad said it may take years to get to the NBA. Who would expect a (relative) short skinny kid to take what looked like high school game to the D1 level and dominate. Also there is no question Brady has overachieved his press clippings big time. The returners had much potential but needed a point guard and luck put a point guard under our tree.
Last years team wasn’t as bad as record indicated IMO. They really shouldn’t have been worse than a .500 team. Everyone back (some good players) and Trae shows up, along with an underrated 6’9” shooter, playing with these good players where he’s the piece which makes it all work. Will be interesting to see how it ends up and hopefully if there’s a freshman lull at some point in the season these sophomores and juniors can carry some of the load and Doolittle has gotten back into game shape and resemble who he was last year. It is a fun ride however!
A+ post. I completely relate to everything there.

What's craziest to me is that scrimmage with UT-Arlington a couple of weeks before the season started. I expected to see a raw, young team that was slightly better than last year's squad... but we just looked straight up bad that day. TY was out of control with so many turnovers. Everyone except James shot poorly. We lost by double digits and it wasn't really that close.

That scrimmage was an incredibly smart move because it allowed Lon to wake the team up and have a RAPID progression.
good post!

Like a couple of others I don't think last years' team was as bad as the record. We were just caught leaderless on the floor and shepherd, god bless him, is a good backup and role player for the spot but he was by no means ready to take the reins.

Now inject Trae's superhuman abilities to move the ball to open spots and Brady's timely shooting and all that hard-fought experience from last season starts paying dividends.

I too keep looking for the game where we'll be uncovered as posers. Overrated and sent back to Norman with our tail between our legs. But I'll be darned if ol' grandpa Trae didnt pull a rabbit out of his hat at that TCU game. Shots werent falling as well and things had started to look tough in the second half - "things were wrong and the breaks were beating the boys". Trae even took a couple of ill-advised jumpers that clanked and fell away.

But then he got over it.

He stepped back, looked at the situation, and went back to what was working and we fought our way back in the game. Slowly at first. Then TCU's shots stopped falling as easily and ours dropped a little better. And we pulled it out.

Thats when I knew we really had something special going on as a team and not just one superstar in Trae.

Yeah, we may very well lose Saturday. But I think we'll have a chance no matter what and I wouldnt count against us come March. It's a great season to be a Sooner!!!
Trey has obviously taken a big leap, that being said I think he is acting as a catalyst and the team is much more than just the sum of it's parts. It has been fun to watch.
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The big thing with this team is that last year there was talent but a lack of a great point guard. I realized at the end after watching last year's team beat TCU in Norman late in the season that the season was limited because the team didn't share the ball. There was a ton of one on one play. Last year, OU averaged 10.6 assists a game and even in that victory over TCU, I think they had 7.

This year, Trae averages that number by himself and elevates everyone else. The team is averaging 19.5.
We had no point guard last year. This year we have a guy having a historically great point guard season. Throw in Manek (who speaking of which, how the hell is he not playing at Duke? He's the most Duke player ever), and you have massively upgraded two positions, while returning everyone else. It has definitely been fun to watch.
We had no point guard last year. This year we have a guy having a historically great point guard season. Throw in Manek (who speaking of which, how the hell is he not playing at Duke? He's the most Duke player ever), and you have massively upgraded two positions, while returning everyone else. It has definitely been fun to watch.

He does seem kinda like a Dukie with his game except he doesn't cheat or kick people.
We had no point guard last year. This year we have a guy having a historically great point guard season. Throw in Manek (who speaking of which, how the hell is he not playing at Duke? He's the most Duke player ever), and you have massively upgraded two positions, while returning everyone else. It has definitely been fun to watch.

Because, luckily for us, there were 5 star players similar to Manek that Duke was able to get. It helps us, since he may end up being a 5 star, production-wise, by the time he leaves Norman.
A+ post. I completely relate to everything there.

What's craziest to me is that scrimmage with UT-Arlington a couple of weeks before the season started. I expected to see a raw, young team that was slightly better than last year's squad... but we just looked straight up bad that day. TY was out of control with so many turnovers. Everyone except James shot poorly. We lost by double digits and it wasn't really that close.

That scrimmage was an incredibly smart move because it allowed Lon to wake the team up and have a RAPID progression.


Great original post!!

No one could imagaine how far we’ve come since that scrimmage, a lot and maybe myself knew that UTA was good but we got hammered in my opinion.

I think you’re correct, that scrimmage turned our season around before it got started. I’d like to give LK truth serum to see if he expected us to get it handed to us or there was a point to be proven with that scrimmage.

I may find that thread and take a read. I’m afraid of what I may have said!
We really didn’t “suck” last year. We just couldn’t finish games because we had no one to drive the offense. No one wanted the ball at crunch time. Now we have that and the addition of Manek. Get Doolittle back to last year’s form and we are deep and already dangerous.

I suspect we will still hit a few speed bumps but we still have lots of upside. The one thing that can significantly slow us down is injury and I am crossing my fingers on that.

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Love the original post. I do feel like this year we are living in the Twilight Zone. I've not been here before.