Picking those last 6 quarters was very selective, much like what we've talked about on this board for the last 100 pages on picking specific data, it doesn't show the true picture.
In late 2015 into 2016, China had a financial bubble and had changed its currency values. It caused our dollar to spike. The economies in China and Asia were impacted, which resulted in a dramatic downturn in the emerging markets space and it severely impacted energy and agriculture, resulting in a slow down in our GDP. But it wasn't because of our economic conditions. Blaming that slowdown on our economy would be similar to blaming the current energy crisis overseas on Trump. That is why it is more accurate to take a 3 year GDP number.
But like WT, can you not cite specific policies that contributed to those numbers or what actions were taken that resulted in improved economic data or job numbers and an "economic revitalization"? I put that in quotes because nothing points to the fact that we have a revitalized economy, just a sustained one. If it is harder to sustain one, again, there should be actions you can cite that make a difference.
The only reason you have is an improved state of mind (which as someone center-right I agree with BTW) so maybe Trump's actions had very little to do with it.