I agree. Had trump tried a shutdown and aggressive social distancing in January, the dems and liberals would’ve called him a racist and fought him every step of the way, same as they did when he invoked the travel ban, which was a great idea and the appropriate action at the time.
That's ridiculous. He shut down travel with China, but didn't deal with Europe in time. A lot of our spread was due to travel from Italy, where we knew they had a problem. Then they even bungled that with all the exclusions and trying to leave the UK off. Nobody would have called him racist for that, and even if they did (which they wouldn't) you brush that off if you feel its protecting our country.
I am angry and frustrated with the government over their initial handling and slow response to the crisis. That is the way the govt has always handled things tho, so we shouldn’t be surprised by that. However, it’s the entire governments fault, not just 1 man.
Wrong. The early handling and slow response is on him. He was the national mouthpiece for the situation in the United States. Him.... AND ONLY HIM. He is on interviews every night, tweeting, briefing, speaking to reports. Those tweets, interviews, pressers, etc get mass distributed across news networks, social media, email, all the way down to the office water cooler...
And he flat-out misread it, misled, etc... Nobody took it seriously based on HIS actions. Many govs, like Kevin Stitt, didn't take it seriously at first because they were following the Trump line.. His base, and its substantial, believes damn near everything the guy says. I know you all personally know people who didn't believe this was even a thing until we were well past the point of being able to deny it. They thought that way because of him.
On top of all that, he never filled the department within his own government to deal with global pandemics. THAT IS ON HIM.
Stop this nonsense of trying to exonerate him... Just stop. He bungled this. He made it worse. This isn't some Republican or Democrat issue. He either bungled it or he didn't, and the evidence that he did is overwhelming.
"When you have 15 people, and very soon it's going to be down close to 0"
-Donald Trump, in January
"We pretty much shut it down coming in China"
-Donald Trump
"We have it very much under control in this country.”
-Donald Trump, in February
“The Coronavirus is very much under control in the USA. We are in contact with everyone and all relevant countries. CDC & World Health have been working hard and very smart. Stock Market starting to look very good to me!”"
-Donald Trump, in February
“So we’re at the low level. As they get better, we take them off the list, so that we’re going to be pretty soon at only five people. And we could be at just one or two people over the next short period of time. So we’ve had very good luck.”
-Donald Trump, in February
"It will go away, just stay calm"
-Donald Trump, in January
"We have it very well under control"
-Donald Trump, in January
"This is their new hoax"
-Donald Trump, in January
"Typically, it will go away in April"
-Donald Trump, January 30th
"It's going to disappear. One day its like a miracle, it will just disappear"
-Donald Trump
"You can call it a germ, you can call it a flu, you can call it a virus, you know you can call it many different names. I’m not sure anybody even knows what it is"
-Donald Trump in March
"Americans will have access to vaccines, relatively soon"
-Donald Trump
“Now, the virus that we’re talking about having to do — you know, a lot of people think that goes away in April with the heat — as the heat comes in. Typically, that will go away in April. We’re in great shape though. We have 12 cases — 11 cases, and many of them are in good shape now.”
-Donald Trump, February 10th
“No, I’m not concerned at all. No, we’ve done a great job with it.”
-Donald Trump, in March