March Madness and Covid-19

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Trying to attach an image of a graph. We'll see if it works. I created a graph of hospitalized COVID patients and persons under investigation (PUI) who are hospitalized in Oklahoma.

Is this for the whole state?

All of those have plateaued or are trending down, which is encouraging.
Is this for the whole state?

All of those have plateaued or are trending down, which is encouraging.

Yes that data is taken from the daily COVID executive summary reports from the Oklahoma Health Department website.
Negative for CV. Being treated as walking pneumonia for now. Hopefully meds will help me shake this over the next week.

Good stuff, even though Pneumonia can be rough itself. Glad your results were negative. Hope you feel better.......
We hit a new record of deaths in one day in America. 4,591. In the last five days we more than doubled the number of H1N1 deaths we had in the entire year of that epidemic.

We are getting the results in from our drive-through testing site. >25% positive tests so far.

Opening back up any time soon is not an option, in my opinion.
50% of all US cases of COVID are in NY, NJ, Conn. 60% of all deaths are in those 3 states and they’ve reached a plateau. In Oklahoma, all the numbers are trending down. I believe it’s prudent to begin to look at ways to get people back to work. We can practice social distancing, Hand washing, wear masks, etc, and still get some people back to work, in my opinion.
For state of Oklahoma, the number of people recovered from COVID outnumbered the active cases for the first time on April 9th. See attached chart. Stats taken from the Oklahoma Health Department.


  • active cases.PNG
    active cases.PNG
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50% of all US cases of COVID are in NY, NJ, Conn. 60% of all deaths are in those 3 states and they’ve reached a plateau. In Oklahoma, all the numbers are trending down. I believe it’s prudent to begin to look at ways to get people back to work. We can practice social distancing, Hand washing, wear masks, etc, and still get some people back to work, in my opinion.

Unfortunate for them and unfortunate us, but they really dropped the bucket (NY, MASS, NJ) in preparedness.
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For state of Oklahoma, the number of people recovered from COVID outnumbered the active cases for the first time on April 9th. See attached chart. Stats taken from the Oklahoma Health Department.

Beautiful chart of the day.
50% of all US cases of COVID are in NY, NJ, Conn. 60% of all deaths are in those 3 states and they’ve reached a plateau. In Oklahoma, all the numbers are trending down. I believe it’s prudent to begin to look at ways to get people back to work. We can practice social distancing, Hand washing, wear masks, etc, and still get some people back to work, in my opinion.

That is mind blowing. Wonder what it looks like if you include the West coast states?

I think we've reached the point where the places that aren't hot are going to start reopening. Hopefully they are still SMART about it. That doesn't mean back to normal, but there is no reason barber shops and such can't reopen with smart guidelines in place. Limited people. Masks required perhaps. Still don't need to open arenas or anything just yet. Probably not even casinos. I'd wait another couple of weeks on those. But a lot of places in the non-NE areas are probably ready. Benefit outweighs the risk at this point.
That is mind blowing. Wonder what it looks like if you include the West coast states?

I think we've reached the point where the places that aren't hot are going to start reopening. Hopefully they are still SMART about it. That doesn't mean back to normal, but there is no reason barber shops and such can't reopen with smart guidelines in place. Limited people. Masks required perhaps. Still don't need to open arenas or anything just yet. Probably not even casinos. I'd wait another couple of weeks on those. But a lot of places in the non-NE areas are probably ready. Benefit outweighs the risk at this point.

I wonder who said the following.

“The situation we have now is unsustainable. People can’t stay in their homes for this length of time, they can’t stay out of work. You can’t keep the economy closed forever. You just can’t,”. “Society can’t handle it personally or economically. So now we’re moving into another phase, which is this reopening phase.”
That is mind blowing. Wonder what it looks like if you include the West coast states?

I think we've reached the point where the places that aren't hot are going to start reopening. Hopefully they are still SMART about it. That doesn't mean back to normal, but there is no reason barber shops and such can't reopen with smart guidelines in place. Limited people. Masks required perhaps. Still don't need to open arenas or anything just yet. Probably not even casinos. I'd wait another couple of weeks on those. But a lot of places in the non-NE areas are probably ready. Benefit outweighs the risk at this point.

places like south dakota...less than 10 deaths...kansas less than 100...
what's the cliff note version? eyes can read it nor the brain comprehend it...:dance005:

The gist of the report is contained within the following:

people infected in Santa Clara County by early April, 50-85-fold more than the number of confirmed cases.

SARS-CoV-2 antibodies in Santa Clara County implies that the infection is much more widespread than indicated by the number of confirmed cases.
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Down here in Texas....Governor Abbott opening it up albeit very slowly.

"The governor said the decision to open businesses will be guided by data and doctors and that whatever decisions are made must continue to protect those vulnerable to infection and not allow for further spread of the virus.

Abbott said Friday that in the coming days and weeks businesses would be allowed to reopen in stages and that obviously not all businesses can reopen at once. Those businesses that are going to be allowed to open first are those that will pose no threat or a minimal threat of spreading the virus."
what's the cliff note version? eyes can read it nor the brain comprehend it...:dance005:

Sorry. Basically with so many more people possibly infected(50-85x) than what current testing has allowed the numbers to show, then the true mortality rate could be 50-85 times lower than what was previously thought. This was conducted in Santa Clara county California by a Stanford researcher.

Just some new information that gives some hope! Not everything has to be doom and gloom all the time, guys. Some people on this board would have you think our species is dam near extinction. It's ridiculous.
Sorry. Basically with so many more people possibly infected(50-85x) than what current testing has allowed the numbers to show, then the true mortality rate could be 50-85 times lower than what was previously thought. This was conducted in Santa Clara county California by a Stanford researcher.

Just some new information that gives some hope! Not everything has to be doom and gloom all the time, guys. Some people on this board would have you think our species is dam near extinction. It's ridiculous.

You mean I have to change my name from T-Rex?
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