I will assume torsades is some kind of rhythm issue. that's way past my pay grade. I am still trying to understand the potassium chemistry. so you've taken an EKG on all your quinine patients? cool.
Yes, torsades is the feared complication of QTc interval prolongation. You should google it -- you don't have to know anything about EKGs to realize that's a terrifying thing to see on the strip.
And yes, all patients on hydroxychloroquine get an EKG. Honestly, I think every patient that ever steps foot in an ER should get a baseline EKG. It's one of the cheaper things we do in medicine, and even if they're not here for a cardiovascular problem, they may develop one during their stay -- and at that time you'll be happy you have a baseline to compare to their new one. Most physicians will get an EKG before starting plaquenil and periodically throughout their course. Personally, I don't delay giving plaquenil for an EKG, but I can get into that more later. I feel like I'm rambling and this is where my family's eyes glaze over.