There is a huge conflict in my family right now about this..... Like many families, we have this big family text message thread with like 12-15 of us on it.
4 or 5 of us are like-minded... and the rest are not only not like-minded, but deep in Trump territory. They were never like this for Bush, not even close. They've gone off the Trump deep-end.
That being said, they are for sure doubters and minimizers, as you described it. Here is how the convo went down:
- "Hey I heard GT Bynum may require masks"- my liberal cousin
- "No way in hell I will cooperate with that"- my Trump sister
- "Well you kinda half to"-my liberal cousin
- "not gonna happen"- my Trump sister (with a bunch of agreements from the Trump brigade)
- "What is your problem with the mask? how did a mask become political?"- me
- "Because it's not as bad out there as you think it is"- my mom
- "Based on what?"- me
- "They are doing so much testing, so of course they are finding more cases, but the vast majority of people its nothing. Plus, the deaths are heavily bloated. I heard that they are counting deaths from other things as a Covid death if the person tests positive for Covid"- my mom
- "Who did you hear that from?"- me
- "News, and other places"- my mom
- "ok, so you think there is a virus?"- me
- "Yes"- my mom
- "But you don't think its that dangerous?"- me
- "Yea, I don't think its nearly as dangerous as they make it sound"- my mom
- "But you have nothing concrete to really base that on?"- me
- "Things I read and heard"- my mom
- "ok, but don't you think its better to err on the side of caution and just wear a mask? It can't be that big a deal"- me
- "no, because thats what they want you to do. This is all about Trump losing the election. They want schools closed, they want the economy tanked, they want people unhappy wearing masks, etc so they will vote for change"- my Trump sister, with lots of agreements from the Trump brigade
This happened last night in our thread.... You can clearly see their Trump influence... Trump, the biggest narcissist on the planet, has convinced people that even the virus is ALL ABOUT HIM. It's an attack on him.
I doubt my family is unique... You probably have this kind of thing going on all over the place. I know it is in my wifes family too.