March Madness and Covid-19

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I have never said Trump doesn’t deserve some of the blame. I have pushed back against you and others that say ONLY Trump is to blame.

"I don't take any responsibility"
-Donald Trump

"They (thousands of Americans) are dying. That's true. It is what it is"
-Donald Trump

The Dems led by pelosi who have not done their damn jobs and have tried to undercut the president at every opportunity.

Can you name 5 things the Democrats (who don't have the authority Trump has) did to undercut Trump as it relates to Covid-19 response? And what you think the impact of that undercutting was? I am not trying to put you on the spot, I seriously want to know what you are referencing.

That isn't what is happening. It may SEEM that way on this board, but that is b/c he is being defended against folks that want to blame him for EVERYTHING. Many of us have stated there are things he has gotten wrong and things we don't like about him.

I think most of the criticism levied on him is based directly on things he says, things he does, things he didn't do and could have, etc. You can't hold him responsible for the virus being here, as it is all over the world, but his particular actions are up for criticism. To me its more black and white. What he did was the right thing or wrong thing. What he said was the right thing or wrong thing. A particular policy was the right way or wrong way.

The Governors and Trump have the most blame here. They are the ones in most direct control of what happened. Individual members of the House and Senate wield considerably less power over this than state governors and Trump himself. I have advocated for all 50 governors to lose their jobs over this, so I certainly wouldn't see I blamed everything on just Trump.
Oklahoma appears to be on the tail end of the spike plateau. Lets keep it up

Even better, the spike didn’t result in a comparable number of deaths.

For example, roughly two months ago our county (Pontotoc) was holding steady at 12 confirmed cases and 2 deaths. The number of confirmed cases as of today is 183. The number of deaths (THANKFULLY) is still at 2.
Even better, the spike didn’t result in a comparable number of deaths.

For example, roughly two months ago our county (Pontotoc) was holding steady at 12 confirmed cases and 2 deaths. The number of confirmed cases as of today is 183. The number of deaths (THANKFULLY) is still at 2.

I wish one of our posters would show up and admit he was wrong about the increased deaths. Never happened. At least, nothing on par with the increase in cases.
and I don't think we are at our peak deaths yet...probably another 10 days of high deaths and then it will start to fall off
My state of North Carolina just suspended Phase 3 reopenings another 5 weeks. That means no gyms, bars, or large entertainment venues. I can’t fault our governor, though many here do. We have moved all the way up to #9 in cases by state. As such, I can’t visit family in NY since NC is on their naughty list.

I can’t speak for those in other states, but one big issue here is that they don’t enforce the mask rule. It’s basically an empty order. Masks are required, but if it isn’t enforced, it’s clearly a useless mandate. As such, NC continues to average 1-2k cases daily with no end in sight.
My state of North Carolina just suspended Phase 3 reopenings another 5 weeks. That means no gyms, bars, or large entertainment venues. I can’t fault our governor, though many here do. We have moved all the way up to #9 in cases by state. As such, I can’t visit family in NY since NC is on their naughty list.

I can’t speak for those in other states, but one big issue here is that they don’t enforce the mask rule. It’s basically an empty order. Masks are required, but if it isn’t enforced, it’s clearly a useless mandate. As such, NC continues to average 1-2k cases daily with no end in sight.

It looks like you guys are on the downward slope to me.

and your state looks like it tests more than the national average and is right at the average for cases per capita. A lot better on ospitalizations per capita and deaths per capita.

I'm sure the media in NC makes it seem like you guys are doing terrible but it looks like you guys are bettter than the average and on the way down
My state of North Carolina just suspended Phase 3 reopenings another 5 weeks. That means no gyms, bars, or large entertainment venues. I can’t fault our governor, though many here do. We have moved all the way up to #9 in cases by state. As such, I can’t visit family in NY since NC is on their naughty list.

I can’t speak for those in other states, but one big issue here is that they don’t enforce the mask rule. It’s basically an empty order. Masks are required, but if it isn’t enforced, it’s clearly a useless mandate. As such, NC continues to average 1-2k cases daily with no end in sight.

One aspect many people don't recognize is how populous your state is, as it ranks #10. Also, the Rt (reproduction rate) is flat lining close to the 1.0 level currently standing at .99
Look it up, Jan

I don't need to, I'm the one that knows what a comma splice is (see what I did there?). I'm aware that some people intentionally use them, but they are still improper. I once intentionally misspelled stupid, but if called out on it, I would never have pretended it was proper.

At the end of the day, your below-average writing skills have never kept me from being able to comprehend your posts, so I don't actually care. My point was actually quite the opposite -- it's a silly thing to obsess over.
It looks like you guys are on the downward slope to me.

I wish. Keep in mind that unlike most who have posted on this thread, my opinions are not politically motivated. I'll let you in on a little secret. I have the timing of a waiter. Early this year, I signed a lease to finally open a small gym after retiring from my other profession. Just when I finished putting all the finishing touches on everything and was ready to open, we all know what happened next. Since I didn't want to close up shop before even opening, I was fortunate enough to hop back into my former corporate profession (which pays enough for me to continue my property lease and expenses). As such, there is no self-pity since many, many have it a lot worse than me.

All that said above, I would still like to open my gym. For the past two months, I have watched the state of North Carolina move up the Covid charts like a favorite top 40 hit from the Casey Kasum era. I could imagine him now saying "Moving up another notch to #9 is North Carolina". Granted, maybe we were doing better earlier or not doing enough tests, and now we're doing more, blah blah, blah. The bottom line is that as long as we continue to get 1,000 - 2,000 new cases every day, gyms are not opening. PERIOD.
I wish. Keep in mind that unlike most who have posted on this thread, my opinions are not politically motivated. I'll let you in on a little secret. I have the timing of a waiter. Early this year, I signed a lease to finally open a small gym after retiring from my other profession. Just when I finished putting all the finishing touches on everything and was ready to open, we all know what happened next. Since I didn't want to close up shop before even opening, I was fortunate enough to hop back into my former corporate profession (which pays enough for me to continue my property lease and expenses). As such, there is no self-pity since many, many have it a lot worse than me.

All that said above, I would still like to open my gym. For the past two months, I have watched the state of North Carolina move up the Covid charts like a favorite top 40 hit from the Casey Kasum era. I could imagine him now saying "Moving up another notch to #9 is North Carolina". Granted, maybe we were doing better earlier or not doing enough tests, and now we're doing more, blah blah, blah. The bottom line is that as long as we continue to get 1,000 - 2,000 new cases every day, gyms are not opening. PERIOD.

1000 cases a day for your population isn’t bad. Check out the curves I posted. Things are looking better
Nothing is final yet, but it looks like the college football season has pretty much been cancelled. The Big 10 and the Pac 10 definitely aren't playing. I don't see how the other conferences can play. The SEC, ACC, and the Big 12 have talked of forming a "super conference" but I don't see how that can possibly happen in such a short amount of time.

It's amazing, we all started out thinking there's little chance that the NCAA basketball tournament would be cancelled and here we are talking about the college football season being cancelled.
MAC, MEAC, Big 10, and Pac 12 are not playing football.

At this point, no matter what the other leagues decide to do the season is essentially pointless. Even if teams do play, it will look like a scrimmage because there are no fans. PGA golf is able to get away with that, because its an individual game that isn't played in a packed stadium... Football will be awkward for everyone involved in stadiums with nobody in them, that in some cases are meant to house upwards of 100,000 people at a time.

Conference USA approved an 8+4 schedule, but then one of their own members isn't going to play. I expect to see more of that too within the leagues that are still trying to play.

This just sucks... big time. I hate that we are still in this position. Not having legit football is a huge blow to the country. Sports is one of the main ways an already strained society gets a break from their day to day lives, which are hard, and now we may not have that this year.

And, this will likely extend to basketball in the next month or two as well if the situation doesn't improve.
The solution that initially comes to mind is to have the players sign a waiver (no liability to the school) if they want to play. However, this virus has become so politicized that University Presidents have been backed into a corner and really have no choice but to push for cancellation. When there is even a minute chance that "amateur" athletes are at risk (especially when they are making the school money), then the reagents will always err on the side of caution.

Still, the players have been on campus for a while working out and practicing. There have been a couple of random outbreaks (Michigan State and Rutgers) and those have been traced to off-campus parties at bars. Thus, virtually every school has been experiencing a decrease in positive cases...or none at all. If my child felt safe playing, then I would be ok with them participating so long as the proper safety protocols were in place.

As of now, I still think the SEC plays (it's a religion down there).....with an outside shot of the ACC and/or Big 12.....but things are changing by the minute.
The solution that initially comes to mind is to have the players sign a waiver (no liability to the school) if they want to play. However, this virus has become so politicized that University Presidents have been backed into a corner and really have no choice but to push for cancellation. When there is even a minute chance that "amateur" athletes are at risk (especially when they are making the school money), then the reagents will always err on the side of caution.

Still, the players have been on campus for a while working out and practicing. There have been a couple of random outbreaks (Michigan State and Rutgers) and those have been traced to off-campus parties at bars. Thus, virtually every school has been experiencing a decrease in positive cases...or none at all. If my child felt safe playing, then I would be ok with them participating so long as the proper safety protocols were in place.

As of now, I still think the SEC plays (it's a religion down there).....with an outside shot of the ACC and/or Big 12.....but things are changing by the minute.

It's not just about the safety of the athletes, because unless you're going to keep them in a bubble like the NBA (highly unlikely) then it's also about everyone else they might infect.
It's not just about the safety of the athletes, because unless you're going to keep them in a bubble like the NBA (highly unlikely) then it's also about everyone else they might infect.

They are in more of a bubble now than if the season was cancelled and they were sent home for on-line classes. There is a measure of control with what OU has put into place regarding safeguards and protocols. The chances of infecting others actually go up if you cancel the season and send everyone lose those safeguards, protocols, and least for the players.
The solution that initially comes to mind is to have the players sign a waiver (no liability to the school) if they want to play. However, this virus has become so politicized that University Presidents have been backed into a corner and really have no choice but to push for cancellation. When there is even a minute chance that "amateur" athletes are at risk (especially when they are making the school money), then the reagents will always err on the side of caution.

Still, the players have been on campus for a while working out and practicing. There have been a couple of random outbreaks (Michigan State and Rutgers) and those have been traced to off-campus parties at bars. Thus, virtually every school has been experiencing a decrease in positive cases...or none at all. If my child felt safe playing, then I would be ok with them participating so long as the proper safety protocols were in place.

As of now, I still think the SEC plays (it's a religion down there).....with an outside shot of the ACC and/or Big 12.....but things are changing by the minute.

If enough leagues pull out, I think the SEC will eventually pull out as well. I have nothing to base that on, just personal opinion.
They are in more of a bubble now than if the season was cancelled and they were sent home for on-line classes. There is a measure of control with what OU has put into place regarding safeguards and protocols. The chances of infecting others actually go up if you cancel the season and send everyone lose those safeguards, protocols, and least for the players.

What are those safeguards, protocols and supervision? Are they in a bubble? Can they go see their girlfriends or go to restaurants? Why would the chance of infecting others go up if they go home? They won't be in a large group in close contact daily (presumably) if they go home.
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