People are overvaluing the new legislation and it's impact. Those Collectives already exist. There are 2-3 big ones for OU. OU no being able to talk about them and market them isn't going to result in some massive funding. Anybody that had large amounts to give wasn't NOT giving because they weren't aware, or because OU couldn't actively market. I don't expect that to change much.
Most of these other schools simply have companies that are willing to give the bigger dollars to the players as NIL. That's really the way it is supposed to work. A lot of those companies don't have big ties to the school the athlete plays for. Again, IMO, that is the way this is supposed to work.
I don't think OU is in nearly as bad of shape, NIL-wise, as some make us out to be. Yes, we likely won't get the kids that want a ton of money and that is their only focus. OU football is steering clear of those kids too. But there are plenty of kids that aren't breaking the bank. If OU or the Collectives or whomever need to improve on anything, it's finding non-OU money to funnel to some of these players.