NBA Guys On This Team


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Jun 24, 2013
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Trae Young, Jamuni McNease, Brady Manek. Am I missing anyone that could/will be a NBA body? BTW, I still think Christian James is a point guard body. Not saying he has the handles to do it, but his body is not 2 guard.
If he stays healthy, I would be very surprised if Brady Manek did NOT play in the NBA. Has the size and shooting to do it. Athletic to boot.
The NBA loves to flirt with guys like Jamuni, so it wouldn't surprise me to see him bounce around the G league for three or four years before making a roster a la Dakari Johnson. Size and athleticism are killers in that league, and he has both in spades.

Trae will get drafted.

Doolittle and Odomes have the bodies to do it, and Manek has the kind of skill set the NBA loves, but I don't think any of those guys will get drafted Unless they make huge jumps over their last few years. Christian James is a prototypical overseas star. I hope they all prove me wrong/
Young. McGusty & Manek have outside chances.
Young obviously. Manek has a really good chance. Doolittle a shot also, but we havent seen if hes improved or not. McNease is a D-League guy. The others will play overseas.
Young is a for sure pick. Jamuni has the body/potential like pnkranger said.
NBA Roster Guys:
Young (Starter) Jamuni 3rd Center on a roster/G League, and Manek (role guy?)

Over Seas Guys:
Doolittle (tweener/Cam Clark) McGusty (G League?), Lattin, Odomes (poor mans Andre Roberson?)
Trae Young, Jamuni McNease, Brady Manek. Am I missing anyone that could/will be a NBA body? BTW, I still think Christian James is a point guard body. Not saying he has the handles to do it, but his body is not 2 guard.

christian james is bigger than buddy hield
christian james is bigger than buddy hield

He's not taller. Also, Buddy is a short 2 guard. You have to be a really good shooter or have a special skill to be small for your position. James is a good ball player, but he's not the shooter Buddy is. Which is why I think he has a PG body.
I could see jamuni being a tad smaller Deandre Jordan. I thought he was crazy leaving after 1 year