I am tired of the arguments that find everything Sherri does as being wrong. Too emotional, too many are from people who haven't really been supporters anyhow.
I would like to see some well thought out discussion of a future without Coale. What do you see happening?
Prior to Sherri accepting a position at OU that I don't think any legitimate assistant wanted at the time, OU was a non-entity. Not every school was going to the NCAA at the time. The tournament has been expanded. But, we had only been once or twice in our history.
In our conference, we had some pretty fair teams. Texas, Texas Tech, Kansas State, and Colorado were national powers. Texas and Tech had won the national title.
We, on the other hand, were a school that had been so supportive that we had cancelled the program. A lot of people don't like that being brought up. But, I see us now as not a lot different from the school that we cancelled a program.
There was no program. It is silly to think OU was headed anywhere, maybe back to cancellation. Despite being "restored," we were still crowdless and talentless.
From this, Sherri built a program that made it to the NCAA tournament 19 years in a row. Show me one other program at OU with that kind of record, especially one that rose from nothing.
Let's look at those other powers. Tech is always in the fight for last place in the conference with no real hope of much improvement. Who wants to go to Lubbock? Is the west Texas recruiting base still viable? They even tried hiring a major coach in Curry. Nichts. Nada.
Kansas State died almost immediately after OU came up. Colorado gave up the ghost quickly. Neither has ever rebuilt to anything resembling a national power. Ceal? Where was your replacement that would rescue the Buffs? KU had actually been a power, temporarily.
The only schools that have been there to challenge OU have been Baylor (probably should have been on probation for the past ten years), Texas (GG withstanding), A&M (never approved of what they called basketball), and Iowa State (never really a challenger for top ten). Some of these have been successful due to questionable tactics. Texas and Iowa State I have no problem with. Texas does have one outstanding recruiting base. If they get half of the best of Texas, they are pretty good. Iowa State does it with a good coach and mirrors. But, they have a great recruiting base, great fan support. Baylor will lie, cheat, rob banks, break laws, and do whatever it takes to win. A&M is somewhat like that. Glad they went to the SEC. Iowa State is more like what I think OU would be like, if we were lucky enough to have a good coach (as we do). No recruiting base, but tremendous crowd support every year, regardless. Always in the top ten. The fact that we have beaten Iowa State more than not is testament to our coach. Bill is good. Nobody else among the Big Twelve coaches could have survived at Ames, except Sherri. They would tolerate Kim.
But, if you aren't in Austin or at a school willing to kill grandma in order to produce a winner, how easy is it to compete? Colorado, Kansas State, Kansas, and Tech just don't get it done any more. They've had a lot of time to try to find a way. Lubbock tried.
What makes you think OU is more attractive than Lubbock or Ames or Lawrence or Boulder? How do you expect the next coach to maintain a program. This isn't like softball or gymnastics where your recruits are from families who had a hundred thousand dollars to put into your preparation. You are recruiting the white suburbs of Chicago and North Dallas.
Do you realize that Sherri has been to one fewer final four than the entire history of the men's program (no male coach has ever taken OU to two final fours)? Oklahoma has produced Blake Griffin, Young, Alvan Adams, Wayman Tisdale, Stacy King, the Prices-----no female prospects of that quality.
The supporters that OU has, like the Stilettos, are a creation of Sherri. She created every marketing tool that we have had. She made it work.
How do you make anything work when she leaves? Are you sure of that? Or, is it just your emotions that make you think that? Show me how your replacement will recruit another Courtney Paris---or even one McDonald's All-American. How will they stir up the fan base? How will they change the OU image?