Well....I for one am not happy. The state of this program, while seemingly acceptable to some, isn't where it needs to be....for most fans. It's been that way for several years and it's not moving the right direction.....we are stagnating. While it's certainly possible that we get to 7 or 8 wins in conference this year and squeeze into the tournament, it seems our new reality is just above mediocrity.
Our current situation is both a product of the coaching staff and the players....everyone in the program shares blame. However, in this business....it starts and ends with one person. That is the nature of how this works. And it simply isn't one bad game here or there, I've seen enough systemic issues over the course of the last several seasons to determine that a new voice/direction is needed. Out of fairness and respect, just let the season play out....you never know what might happen. But what would make anyone optimistic?....maybe blind faith? Recent history suggests that improvement will be minimal at best and "we are what we are" at this point.....and that really sucks for the fans....sigh.