>>>>>Sweet 16: OU-Michigan State Gameday Thread<<<<<

Re: >>>>>Sweet 16: OU-Michigan State Gameday Thread<<<<<

Get Bennett out.
Now. This is why he only plays well against small teams.
Re: >>>>>Sweet 16: OU-Michigan State Gameday Thread<<<<<

Woodard has been our savior so far. Quite a game by the Sophomore. Sometimes I forget how young he is.
Re: >>>>>Sweet 16: OU-Michigan State Gameday Thread<<<<<

How many offensive rebounds did they just get?
Re: >>>>>Sweet 16: OU-Michigan State Gameday Thread<<<<<

Bad news: Izzo has worked the refs, now we're getting hammered
Re: >>>>>Sweet 16: OU-Michigan State Gameday Thread<<<<<

There's your makeup block call.
Re: >>>>>Sweet 16: OU-Michigan State Gameday Thread<<<<<

Holy hell was that real life?!?!? How do they get the ball back 7 times?!?!?
Re: >>>>>Sweet 16: OU-Michigan State Gameday Thread<<<<<

Well that one possession will let them finish the game with the rebounding edge.
Re: >>>>>Sweet 16: OU-Michigan State Gameday Thread<<<<<

Get Spangler back in there!
Re: >>>>>Sweet 16: OU-Michigan State Gameday Thread<<<<<

Finally a foul on the rebound against them..

23-14 at under 8.
Re: >>>>>Sweet 16: OU-Michigan State Gameday Thread<<<<<

Another good 4 minutes. Defense is outstanding. Spartans did well on the boards there.
Re: >>>>>Sweet 16: OU-Michigan State Gameday Thread<<<<<

keep them off the offensive glass and I will be happy. Buddy making shots early is huge, hope they keep falling.
Re: >>>>>Sweet 16: OU-Michigan State Gameday Thread<<<<<

Can we please get a rebound
Re: >>>>>Sweet 16: OU-Michigan State Gameday Thread<<<<<

Why wasn't that a shooting foul against Hield a few minutes ago
Re: >>>>>Sweet 16: OU-Michigan State Gameday Thread<<<<<

Holy hell was that real life?!?!? How do they get the ball back 7 times?!?!?

Bennett didn't block out.
Then Bennett rebounded it and just let the Michigan State guy take it from him.
A couple unlucky bounces mixed in.
Re: >>>>>Sweet 16: OU-Michigan State Gameday Thread<<<<<

If they are going to let physical play happen down low, time for OU to get dirty.
Re: >>>>>Sweet 16: OU-Michigan State Gameday Thread<<<<<

You have got to play Spangler and Thomas together the rest of this half unless one of them gets a 2nd foul...
Re: >>>>>Sweet 16: OU-Michigan State Gameday Thread<<<<<

Ok this possession out of TO is huge. Let's get it inside to Thomas! Get 2! Let's stretch this crap out!!!
Re: >>>>>Sweet 16: OU-Michigan State Gameday Thread<<<<<

Official stats only have Spangler with 1 foul. That 1st one was on Lattin