Texas-Oklahoma State

We got to hope Hamilton doesn't shoot like that vs us Saturday.
WOW, a ton of empty seats. Oh how the mighty osu fans have fallen. If you can't some close to filling it up for Big Monday and the #10 team you are in a slump - especially for a "basketball school"
3 minutes left. Keiton Page:

0 points. 0-5 from the field, 2 assists, 3 turnovers.

Gotta love Bob Knight.
Good effort but we just cant beat texas with page running the point. Man I miss ray penn
WOW, a ton of empty seats. Oh how the mighty osu fans have fallen. If you can't some close to filling it up for Big Monday and the #10 team you are in a slump - especially for a "basketball school"

Not at all surprising. This has been going on for several years now. Don't tell anyone....
Marshall would be a great compliment to Tiny down low.
Need Penn back some kind of awful.

2 points from the OSU guards (if you consider Anderson and Obi forwards).

Ford said, "We need more players that can compete at this level" after the game. I really understand why he's recruiting the way he is, even if it's not very "acceptable".
Quite frankly our coach had better be doing the same if he wants to compete in this league. Being a "nice guy" doesn't win you jack into today's era of college basketball when the scummiest of the scum (Calipari) are consistently rewarded for being slimeballs.
Quite frankly our coach had better be doing the same if he wants to compete in this league. Being a "nice guy" doesn't win you jack into today's era of college basketball when the scummiest of the scum (Calipari) are consistently rewarded for being slimeballs.

Hamilton is the will be the best NBA player on this UT team, he should be getting more burn. Must be more to his story on why he isn't getting to play more. Jai Lucas looks really thrilled with his decision to transfer to UT.
Jordan Hamilton is really really really good
Had no idea that dude was so good
Jordan Hamilton is really really really good
Had no idea that dude was so good

No excuse for him not to be playing more, unless there is something going on behind the scenes. Hamilton played two minutes against Baylor....TWO! Terrible job by Barnes managing that game. Another Barnes blunder was putting Bradley on Anderson, Balbay is the most aggressive defender in the conference, he should of been assigned to James from the tip.
Want to hear an awesome stat?

bench scoring:

OSU- 2
UT- 40
Barnes finally found someone he could out-bench coach.

Completely disagree. Barnes is not a very good bench joke. And right now the only Big XII coach I'd take over Ford is Self.

Ford is winning games with KEITON PAGE playing point guard.

KEITON f'n Page!