Back then, I worked in Edmond, in an office with quite a few OU-haters in it (and one female KU grad). The next morning, I went into work with all eyes on me. I hauled off and kicked a trash can by my desk, to send the message that "no one should say a WORD to me about last night...."
But, I executed the kick a little too well (I was once a local Ford Punt Pass & Kick champ as a kid down in Ardmore). The trash can was headed for a window, but luckily it was a plastic one and also missed the window by a couple of inches. I swear, the room was so quiet by the time that trash can hit the ground, you could have heard a pin drop. And no one said a word to me about the "Mistake of '88" game then or ever, in that office.
I also remember hearing stories, since I knew various OKC-area media personalities who were close to OU hoops, that many of those "classy" KU fans followed the team back to their hotel just to taunt them a bit more. That sounds like the Beakers I also observed as an OU student in '79 when I went up for the OU-KU game at the Phog.
It was a "perfect storm" in a way, back in '88 - that OU had to be in the Final Four in OU-hating Kansas City, with the three most goody-two-shoes programs of that era: KU, Duke and Arizona. People might not know how obnoxious Arizona was with its promotion of its alleged moral superiority, but my relatives in Pac-10 country sure knew about it (as well as the folks in New Mexico, who had to put up with Loot and Co. for over 10 years).