Transfer Portal Thread

They need to fix the portal and bring back the requirements to sit a year. Kids would be more likely to stay.

Regardless of what anyone’s opinion of it is, coaches need to be able to recruit to the reality of whatever system is in place. Right now, that reality means kids can leave any time.
They need to fix the portal and bring back the requirements to sit a year. Kids would be more likely to stay.

That and make it transparent. Any pay for play contracts and NIL deals must be reported.
I see a lot of OSU fans are blaming NIL for their players transferring out. That seems to be a stretch when most of them are going to lower levels. That’s interesting. Will be interesting to see the mass exodus from programs today.

The winners in college basketball will be the programs that keep the core of their rosters. The final four reflected that. So far I give OU a C at that. Losing EJ and Mo hurt. Keeping Your other 2 starters along with CJ, a freshman with promise can give them a chance to be good, if the get an athletic big and a scoring pg.
I think one very interesting question is how Moser will adapt his team/program building philosophy. He won’t have the luxury of getting guys and developing them for three or four years with the portal and NIL in their current forms. Like it or not, coaches will have to deal with much more roster turnover on an annual basis. You’ll have to work hard to re-recruit your current players, while also realizing that some will leave and require portal replacements.

Great observation. He seems to be a system coach, which takes time to develop. He will have to learn to coach to his roster and their strengths.
I'm sorry to be dim -- what did Adams do that these people are critical of?

He is not letting them stay on scholarship past this semester. Because they are leaving the team

They want to be on scholarship through the summer.
He is not letting them stay on scholarship past this semester. Because they are leaving the team

They want to be on scholarship through the summer.

Thanks. And somehow that led to the player going to Illinois instead of his preferred school, Michigan? And are a couple of summer classes at Tech so expensive that the young man couldn't find a way to pay for them? I understand that his family's financial resources might be very limited. But I would think some NIL donor at Michigan could cover the cost of some summer courses.

It's all very odd.
Adams did the right thing, kid has the freedom to leave he has the freedom to find somewhere else to go to school. And it's refreshing a coach is admitting it's not about education. Now we can stop believing that farce the ncaa has been selling us

I doubt OU would want/need him but Frankie is from NV. Played against/friends/trained with Uzan.
Do we know when sherfield and marble are deciding?

Also, who are we going after for the last available spot?
Anyone know if marble visited this weekend? Thought I read some the info about that.