Transfer Portal Thread

You’re missing the common denominator shared by Brady, Alondes, and for that matter, Kur Kauth. Better coaching and an improvement in player development.

No one wants to say it, but I complained about the assistants Lon brought in to replace Henson and Hill, long before he announced he was retiring. Take a close look at the players we brought in following our Final Four season and you’ll know what I mean.

While I agree that the assistants the last few years have been less than stellar, and at times bad, I don't think this rhetoric about how much all these guys improved and got better development once they got away from Kruger is accurate.

In Alondes' case, a player doesn't go from 6 PPG, 2 RPG, and 1 APG to ACC POY just because Lon wasn't near the coach as Steve Forbes. A player doesn't make that kind of leap unless something changes from within. Sometimes a new coach and change of scenery can jumpstart it, but Alondes' play at OU wasn't just because LK couldn't coach him up.

And as far as Brady, I am not sure he "improved" at UNC. If you look at his stats his junior year at OU and at UNC, they are almost identical, maybe slightly favored to OU especially considering it was a tougher conference. I think it is no secret that Brady struggled with the mental toughness part of the game at OU (remember the meltdown at KU) and it impacted his play much more than coaching. I think the transfer relieved some of the pressure he felt in Norman.

Kur had almost the same stats at Marquette as he did last year at OU with double the minutes. Other than FG%, not really much difference. So I am not sure I would say Kur improved, and I for sure wouldn't say Shaka Smart is the king of player development. Just look at his underachievement with 4 & 5 stars at Texas.

BTW, you didn't mention him, but I would argue that DH regressed at Oregon or certainly didn't improve. His shooting % was down and his PPG was down slightly.

Lon has three current starters/PT starters in the NBA and more top 10 draft picks than any other coach in OU history. Evidently he did something right in identifying talent & developing players.
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In Alondes' case, a player doesn't go from 6 PPG, 2 RPG, and 1 APG to ACC POY just because Lon wasn't near the coach as Steve Forbes. A player doesn't make that kind of leap unless something changes from within. Sometimes a new coach and change of scenery can jumpstart it, but Alondes' play at OU wasn't just because LK couldn't coach him up.

My thought was...... Alondes didn't fit the style or Lon didn't properly utilize him. The team was extremely Reaves-centric. He went somewhere that opened it up for him and he was great.
My thought was...... Alondes didn't fit the style or Lon didn't properly utilize him. The team was extremely Reaves-centric. He went somewhere that opened it up for him and he was great.

I agree. He was a better fit at Wake or fit their style better but that doesn't mean LK was at fault, as some have assumed. My point was a player doesn't make that kind of leap without something happening within, a different mindset, or different internal confidence. If you really watched Alondes at OU, you could see how he was given the opportunity to succeed and be great, but it didn't happen.

And we were extremely Reaves-centered, as we should have been. He had shown he was our best and most reliable player. LK always ran an offense using iso and/or high ball screens to exploit mismatches and create one-on-one matchups for the best player. It wasn't the high low motion offense that Bill Self runs...or the motion offense that Wake runs. And that style of play is probably why Alondes felt more comfortable.

Sometimes we should just tip our cap to the player for putting in the work to improve instead of blaming someone when they don't.
I agree. He was a better fit at Wake or fit their style better but that doesn't mean LK was at fault, as some have assumed. My point was a player doesn't make that kind of leap without something happening within, a different mindset, or different internal confidence. If you really watched Alondes at OU, you could see how he was given the opportunity to succeed and be great, but it didn't happen.

And we were extremely Reaves-centered, as we should have been. He had shown he was our best and most reliable player. LK always ran an offense using iso and/or high ball screens to exploit mismatches and create one-on-one matchups for the best player. It wasn't the high low motion offense that Bill Self runs...or the motion offense that Wake runs. And that style of play is probably why Alondes felt more comfortable.

Sometimes we should just tip our cap to the player for putting in the work to improve instead of blaming someone when they don't.

An employee can go to Company A and totally fail for a variety of environmental reasons, but go to Company B and become a critical asset because he/she fits in better with how they operate. Same person, same individual capabilities, drastically different results.

Same thing is true here.
Hill has great finishing moves at the basket and works well in Moser's offense. He will be a big part of the offense going forward. I am interested to see how he develops and how good he can be.

I believe the Big 12 was extraordinarily hard last season, and made it tough for our guys to shine. Even though, I felt the were unfairly dismissed by the NCAA committee who lied when they said they look at more than over all record.

Last year's team would have been comfortably in during a normal year, and we would be building off that momentum.

Still may have lost guys to the portal. I don't know. We may have to rebuild every year in the portal era. If that is the case, we will never know what we have until half through the season.
The name is on the front page...

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My thought was...... Alondes didn't fit the style or Lon didn't properly utilize him. The team was extremely Reaves-centric. He went somewhere that opened it up for him and he was great.

Alondes was a no structure juco guy that went to a juco coach. That worked out. I think my premise on all of it is Lon and his staffs are light years better than Moser and his. Crutch, Hill, Henson, Molinari, Williamson, Hartman, Kevin Kruger, it’s not even close.

Also Lin coached to his personnel. He took a horrible team with Miles Reynolds and the transfer from Maine to the tournament. I think Lon could have took the last years team to the tournament because he knows how to put players in spots to thrive. He also hides weaknesses. Harmon is a prime example. He’s a stiff undersized guard with no feel at the pg position and came in as an average shooter. He averaged 13 points as a soph.
The context is he has some skills that translate....he POTENTIALLY could end up being better. At worst he is a skilled 6'8" guy that could give us good bench best he beats out Hill and Hill is out best guy off the bench.

Why does that hurt your feelings so much? You are pretty aggressive about a guy who is good but not exactly elite. We all want the same thing......for OU basketball to improve.

Playboy….. you realize UMKC is one of the worst programs in the nation. They have lost out players to D2 programs. UMKC wasn’t even in Sam Godwin’s top 5 and he’s supposed to be the throw in walkon.
Playboy….. you realize UMKC is one of the worst programs in the nation. They have lost out players to D2 programs. UMKC wasn’t even in Sam Godwin’s top 5 and he’s supposed to be the throw in walkon. lost all credibility with me when you said you'd like to play Hill at the 5. That's all I needed to know about your basketball knowledge.

Argue with someone else.
Go somewhere else and steal a thread. NAIA worked too hard



Would you take it?
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Go somewhere else and steal a thread. NAIA



Would you take it?

Guard wise I like where that puts us. Three potential starters at guard. Sherfield and Bam are better than any guard we had last year in terms of all around game. Strong would be a solid stand in for EJ. Noland is going to be much better, and our freshman guards will be much more dynamic this year.

I’m still unsure who’s going to defend the post against the big time athletes down there. Maybe Groves makes a big leap.
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Guard wise I like where that puts us. Three potential starters at guard. Sherfield and Bam are better than any guard we had last year in terms of all around game. Strong would be a solid stand in for EJ. Noland is going to be much better, and our freshman guards will be much more dynamic this year.

I’m still unsure who’s going to defend the post against the big time athletes down there. Maybe Groves makes a big leap.

I would love the guard rotation in that scenario especially with the new guys coming in.
I tried to confirm that yesterday but couldn’t get many answers.

I’d say 90/10 he’s gone. But pure guess.

Appears from a numbers perspective if all those guys you listed sign he can't come back. Unless we get 14.
Appears from a numbers perspective if all those guys you listed sign he can't come back. Unless we get 14.

I was just saying if that was the class.

IF moj wanted to come back you don’t take strong or allick