lol he can make high 6 figures at worst overseas ..
Is that true though? I’ve looked and have had a hard time getting financial info for International Leagues. No doubt the bigger leagues overseas pay quite well. But there are probably well over 1,000 college players leaving this year that all hope to make money playing ball. They aren’t all gonna land in major leagues making high six figures. As a matter of fact, I’d say very few will. I don’t know quite enough about the International pipeline to comment on this, but my initial reaction is that Gibson isn’t going to be the kind of player drawing a ton of interest. He’s super small and isn’t a PG. Not a playmaker really. Being a good three point shooter isn’t anything unique these days.
I’m sure he can latch on somewhere, but here is what I don’t know— if he isn’t able to catch on with a big league in Australia, Israel, Spain, etc… is he going to “make bank” in Thailand or Russia or wherever? I’ve read some stories over the years about American players overseas in the mid to lower leagues and it does NOT sound glamorous at all. More like a guy a in AA baseball trying to chase the dream— struggling to get by.
If Gibson has a high figure offer on the table… oh man, yes, go for it man. But if it’s more of a “just a job” type deal— I think there is probably more value in playing another year of high level D1 ball at a Jordan brand school.