Up Next: Wofford Terriers

Notice hownclearly comfortable the team is w Doolittle guarding guards. He's showing he can handle it.
Aaron has been good!
Freeman fantastic.
Muni has gambled way to much today.
Can’t seem to find shooters, some crazy shots hit by them from afar.
42-45 at under 16. Came out OK but then missed too many opportunities.

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Wofford has basketball players. OU has some basketball players and some athletes that play basketball.

Other team gets waayy better looks and their patrick fletcher guy is the best player in the court.

I think were playing too many guys.. and our bball IQ just wont ever get to where it needs to be, but less guys would help with some continuity.

Im gonna be pretty surprised if we pull this out.. need to be all over fletcher and learn how to make layups..
Wofford has basketball players. OU has some basketball players and some athletes that play basketball.

Other team gets waayy better looks and their patrick fletcher guy is the best player in the court.

I think were playing too many guys.. and our bball IQ just wont ever get to where it needs to be, but less guys would help with some continuity.

Im gonna be pretty surprised if we pull this out.. need to be all over fletcher and learn how to make layups..

OU missing layups? When? They NEVER do that :ez-roll:
48-49 at 12:10 after CJ hits both. He is working hard and now has 11

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Still 48-49 at under 12 with Reynolds shooting 2

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Good D intensity on past few possessions. Need to keep that because Wofford has shooters

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Good D intensity on past few possessions.

no kidding! they had a chance to wilt under pressure the last few minutes but instead they stepped up the D and clawed hard.

I like the chutzpah this group seems to show. Even CJ acts more emphatic.
Reynolds is drawing fouls and hitting FTs. Nice to see it.

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56-53 at 9:02 with Wofford shooting 2

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Wow. Manek! Nice interior shot and 1

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