A Statistical Look at OU - Kansas


Nov 10, 2008
Reaction score
Taking a look at OU Kansas through a statistical lens

It's been a while (years, actually) since I've done a statistical look at an OU game on here. OU's good again, and tonight's a really big game.

I'll be using Box Plus/Minus to estimate player impact on the game; it's a relatively new stat, one that I developed based on ASPM, and is now a primary stat on Basketball Reference for the NBA. The full writeup is at http://www.basketball-reference.com/about/bpm.html

Let's take a look at the lineups.

Point Guards:
║   Team   ║     Player     ║ Class ║ G  ║ MP  ║ TS%  ║ eFG% ║ 3PAr ║ FTr  ║ ORB% ║ DRB% ║ TRB% ║ AST% ║ STL% ║ BLK% ║ TOV% ║ USG% ║
║ Kansas   ║ Frank Mason    ║ SO    ║ 17 ║ 564 ║ 0.62 ║ 0.57 ║ 0.34 ║ 0.38 ║ 2.0  ║ 11.6 ║ 6.9  ║ 26.6 ║ 2.6  ║ 0.8  ║ 17.2 ║ 19.1 ║
║ Oklahoma ║ Jordan Woodard ║ SO    ║ 17 ║ 510 ║ 0.47 ║ 0.36 ║ 0.26 ║ 0.62 ║ 1.3  ║ 11.3 ║ 6.7  ║ 25.8 ║ 2.4  ║ 0.4  ║ 21.5 ║ 17.7 ║
This is Kansas's biggest advantage in the game. Mason is a dominant point guard, in the conversation as the best point guard in college basketball. He can do everything on the offensive end, and is decent on D as well. Woodard can do pretty much all of the same things.... except shoot. Which is sort of important. One of Mason's weak points, though, is that he really doesn't shoot that much, with a usage only around 20%. As good as he is, it should be more. His shooting efficiency is far and away the best on his team.

Looking at the overall value stats:
║   Team   ║     Player     ║ %Min ║ BPM ║ O-BPM ║ D-BPM ║ PER  ║ WS/40 ║
║ Kansas   ║ Frank Mason    ║ 83%  ║ 8.3 ║ 7.1   ║ 1.2   ║ 20.7 ║ 0.18  ║
║ Oklahoma ║ Jordan Woodard ║ 74%  ║ 2.8 ║ 0.1   ║ 2.8   ║ 13.0 ║ 0.13  ║
So yes, Mason is elite on Offense, Woodard isn't.

Shooting/Combo Guards
║   Team   ║     Player      ║ Class ║ G  ║ MP  ║ TS%  ║ eFG% ║ 3PAr ║ FTr  ║ ORB% ║ DRB% ║ TRB% ║ AST% ║ STL% ║ BLK% ║ TOV% ║ USG% ║
║ Oklahoma ║ Buddy Hield     ║ JR    ║ 17 ║ 527 ║ 0.59 ║ 0.56 ║ 0.55 ║ 0.24 ║ 5.8  ║ 12.3 ║ 9.4  ║ 12.9 ║ 2.4  ║ 0.9  ║ 11.2 ║ 27.1 ║
║ Oklahoma ║ Isaiah Cousins  ║ JR    ║ 17 ║ 531 ║ 0.55 ║ 0.54 ║ 0.42 ║ 0.23 ║ 4.5  ║ 13.7 ║ 9.5  ║ 11.2 ║ 2.2  ║ 1.3  ║ 18.0 ║ 21.9 ║
║ Kansas   ║ Wayne Selden    ║ SO    ║ 17 ║ 516 ║ 0.46 ║ 0.43 ║ 0.44 ║ 0.30 ║ 4.8  ║ 6.0  ║ 5.5  ║ 21.3 ║ 1.4  ║ 2.1  ║ 15.3 ║ 19.6 ║
║ Kansas   ║ Devonte' Graham ║ FR    ║ 10 ║ 164 ║ 0.58 ║ 0.47 ║ 0.29 ║ 1.24 ║ 2.8  ║ 10.2 ║ 6.5  ║ 23.5 ║ 3.3  ║ 0.0  ║ 11.5 ║ 18.6 ║
║ Oklahoma ║ Dinjiyl Walker  ║ JR    ║ 17 ║ 233 ║ 0.49 ║ 0.45 ║ 0.43 ║ 0.30 ║ 3.4  ║ 7.4  ║ 5.6  ║ 11.8 ║ 2.5  ║ 0.9  ║ 18.1 ║ 24.8 ║
║ Oklahoma ║ Frank Booker    ║ SO    ║ 14 ║ 178 ║ 0.42 ║ 0.37 ║ 0.75 ║ 0.31 ║ 3.2  ║ 7.0  ║ 5.2  ║ 8.0  ║ 2.6  ║ 0.6  ║ 12.5 ║ 20.2 ║

Here is OU's big advantage. OU plays 3 guards most of the time, whereas Kansas only plays 2. Selden is the second guard, and he is not in the same class as Buddy or even Cousins. They both shoot and rebound a lot better than Selden, though Selden is a better passer. Devonte' Graham has impressive numbers, but he doesn't get much playing time as a freshman. Buddy and Cousins are also better on D than Selden, picking up quite a few more steals.

The value stats:
║   Team   ║     Player      ║ %Min ║ BPM ║ O-BPM ║ D-BPM ║ PER  ║ WS/40 ║
║ Oklahoma ║ Buddy Hield     ║ 77%  ║ 9.6 ║ 7.9   ║ 1.7   ║ 24.9 ║ 0.24  ║
║ Oklahoma ║ Isaiah Cousins  ║ 78%  ║ 5.4 ║ 2.4   ║ 3.0   ║ 16.6 ║ 0.16  ║
║ Kansas   ║ Wayne Selden    ║ 76%  ║ 3.4 ║ 3.5   ║ -0.1  ║ 11.9 ║ 0.09  ║
║ Kansas   ║ Devonte' Graham ║ 24%  ║ 6.6 ║ 6.3   ║ 0.3   ║ 20.9 ║ 0.21  ║
║ Oklahoma ║ Dinjiyl Walker  ║ 34%  ║ 0.5 ║ -0.4  ║ 0.9   ║ 11.3 ║ 0.10  ║
║ Oklahoma ║ Frank Booker    ║ 26%  ║ 0.9 ║ 0.2   ║ 0.7   ║ 8.9  ║ 0.09  ║

By Box Plus/Minus, Buddy is the best player in the game, edging out Frank Mason for that honor. Isaiah makes his mark more on defense, but both are quite a bit better than Selden.

Wings/Small Forwards
║  Team  ║        Player         ║ Class ║ G  ║ MP  ║ TS%  ║ eFG% ║ 3PAr ║ FTr  ║ ORB% ║ DRB% ║ TRB% ║ AST% ║ STL% ║ BLK% ║ TOV% ║ USG% ║
║ Kansas ║ Kelly Oubre           ║ FR    ║ 17 ║ 309 ║ 0.56 ║ 0.53 ║ 0.39 ║ 0.41 ║ 7.0  ║ 20.5 ║ 13.8 ║ 12.1 ║ 3.7  ║ 0.7  ║ 14.1 ║ 23.0 ║
║ Kansas ║ Sviatoslav Mykhailiuk ║ FR    ║ 16 ║ 240 ║ 0.44 ║ 0.42 ║ 0.61 ║ 0.09 ║ 3.8  ║ 8.3  ║ 6.1  ║ 11.5 ║ 1.8  ║ 0.0  ║ 14.0 ║ 17.9 ║
║ Kansas ║ Brannen Greene        ║ SO    ║ 17 ║ 222 ║ 0.66 ║ 0.60 ║ 0.76 ║ 0.32 ║ 2.0  ║ 13.0 ║ 7.6  ║ 10.9 ║ 0.0  ║ 0.5  ║ 15.1 ║ 16.5 ║

Hmmm... I don't see any OU players here. Kansas has 3 wings/stretch forwards, and OU doesn't have any. That makes things interesting with the matchups. Oubre is a highly-touted prospect, who started slowly, but has really come on recently. He's a dangerous player at the 3, and someone for OU has to guard him. He can shoot from deep and can get to the line as well. Of course, he has to guard someone smaller and quicker than him as well. Which he can do... look at those steal numbers! Oubre could be a problem for OU if he asserts himself. The other 2 guys are pure 3 point bombers, and only Greene actually makes them, but not too dangerous otherwise.

║  Team  ║        Player         ║ %Min ║ BPM ║ O-BPM ║ D-BPM ║ PER  ║ WS/40 ║
║ Kansas ║ Kelly Oubre           ║ 45%  ║ 7.5 ║ 5.8   ║ 1.7   ║ 21.6 ║ 0.18  ║
║ Kansas ║ Sviatoslav Mykhailiuk ║ 35%  ║ 1.0 ║ 2.3   ║ -1.3  ║ 8.9  ║ 0.07  ║
║ Kansas ║ Brannen Greene        ║ 33%  ║ 3.8 ║ 5.7   ║ -1.9  ║ 15.2 ║ 0.15  ║
Box Plus/Minus has Oubre as the clear second-best player on Kansas's team. Keep an eye on him.

║   Team   ║     Player      ║ Class ║ G  ║ MP  ║ TS%  ║ eFG% ║ 3PAr ║ FTr  ║ ORB% ║ DRB% ║ TRB% ║ AST% ║ STL% ║ BLK% ║ TOV% ║ USG% ║
║ Oklahoma ║ Ryan Spangler   ║ JR    ║ 17 ║ 525 ║ 0.62 ║ 0.59 ║ 0.21 ║ 0.36 ║ 7.3  ║ 19.1 ║ 13.7 ║ 7.1  ║ 1.7  ║ 3.4  ║ 14.9 ║ 14.6 ║
║ Oklahoma ║ TaShawn Thomas  ║ SR    ║ 17 ║ 478 ║ 0.58 ║ 0.57 ║ 0.01 ║ 0.34 ║ 6.2  ║ 14.8 ║ 10.9 ║ 8.7  ║ 1.2  ║ 5.4  ║ 17.6 ║ 21.3 ║
║ Kansas   ║ Perry Ellis     ║ JR    ║ 17 ║ 474 ║ 0.51 ║ 0.45 ║ 0.15 ║ 0.49 ║ 9.8  ║ 16.9 ║ 13.4 ║ 9.3  ║ 2.2  ║ 2.8  ║ 12.9 ║ 25.4 ║
║ Kansas   ║ Jamari Traylor  ║ JR    ║ 16 ║ 324 ║ 0.50 ║ 0.46 ║ 0.00 ║ 0.38 ║ 9.5  ║ 13.4 ║ 11.5 ║ 9.8  ║ 2.0  ║ 6.8  ║ 20.6 ║ 16.5 ║
║ Kansas   ║ Cliff Alexander ║ FR    ║ 17 ║ 310 ║ 0.62 ║ 0.57 ║ 0.00 ║ 0.73 ║ 11.4 ║ 21.9 ║ 16.7 ║ 3.6  ║ 0.8  ║ 8.5  ║ 13.3 ║ 20.6 ║
║ Oklahoma ║ Khadeem Lattin  ║ FR    ║ 16 ║ 183 ║ 0.43 ║ 0.41 ║ 0.02 ║ 0.28 ║ 11.2 ║ 16.7 ║ 14.2 ║ 5.0  ║ 1.6  ║ 7.6  ║ 10.3 ║ 15.8 ║
║ Kansas   ║ Landen Lucas    ║ SO    ║ 16 ║ 166 ║ 0.44 ║ 0.42 ║ 0.00 ║ 0.46 ║ 12.3 ║ 21.5 ║ 16.9 ║ 4.6  ║ 1.8  ║ 3.3  ║ 31.0 ║ 17.5 ║
║ Oklahoma ║ D.J. Bennett    ║ SR    ║ 16 ║ 148 ║ 0.54 ║ 0.52 ║ 0.00 ║ 0.52 ║ 6.9  ║ 14.9 ║ 11.2 ║ 3.6  ║ 1.5  ║ 8.1  ║ 15.1 ║ 13.4 ║

Here, OU has another solid advantage. Spangler and Thomas can both do it all in the post, scoring, rebounding, passing a bit, playing good defense (though not getting a ton of blocks.) After those 2, things are a bit sketchy, but at leas OU has two good posts.

Kansas, on the other hand, has Perry Ellis, who might be a bit overrated, and then a hodge-podge of additional options. They will almost always play 2 posts, but who the second one is will vary. Ellis jacks a lot of shots, but isn't very efficient. The other 2 have varying issues--Alexander won't pass and doesn't get steals, while Traylor misses his shots and turns the ball over a lot. All 3 are solid options, but I'd take Spangler and Thomas over them.

Value stats:
║   Team   ║     Player      ║ %Min ║ BPM  ║ O-BPM ║ D-BPM ║ PER  ║ WS/40 ║
║ Oklahoma ║ Ryan Spangler   ║ 77%  ║ 7.8  ║ 2.7   ║ 5.1   ║ 18.8 ║ 0.20  ║
║ Oklahoma ║ TaShawn Thomas  ║ 70%  ║ 5.3  ║ 0.6   ║ 4.7   ║ 19.4 ║ 0.17  ║
║ Kansas   ║ Perry Ellis     ║ 70%  ║ 4.6  ║ 3.4   ║ 1.1   ║ 20.2 ║ 0.16  ║
║ Kansas   ║ Jamari Traylor  ║ 48%  ║ 6.1  ║ 1.4   ║ 4.7   ║ 14.7 ║ 0.11  ║
║ Kansas   ║ Cliff Alexander ║ 46%  ║ 5.9  ║ 3.3   ║ 2.6   ║ 25.1 ║ 0.21  ║
║ Oklahoma ║ Khadeem Lattin  ║ 27%  ║ 4.0  ║ -1.5  ║ 5.5   ║ 14.5 ║ 0.15  ║
║ Kansas   ║ Landen Lucas    ║ 24%  ║ -1.2 ║ -2.9  ║ 1.7   ║ 7.7  ║ 0.04  ║
║ Oklahoma ║ D.J. Bennett    ║ 22%  ║ 4.7  ║ -1.4  ║ 6.1   ║ 13.4 ║ 0.16  ║

Overall, Spangler shows up a bit better than Thomas by BPM, with his better efficiency, 3 point range, and fewer turnovers making up for his fewer shots.

Overall Advantages
Point Guard: Big advantage Kansas
Shooting Guard: Big advantage OU
Wing: Big advantage Kansas
Posts: Slight advantage OU

Overall on personnel, OU probably has the slight edge in starters, with Kansas the slight edge off the bench. If I choose the expected starting/closing lineups for each team, OU has maybe a 1 point advantage.

On coaching, I'd give the slight edge to KU.

As teams, I'd say this is a wash. The game is in Allen Fieldhouse, so KU has to be favored significantly, but I'd favor OU if this was at home.

Team Styles

OU is a fast-paced team with a swarming defense, which can suffocate some teams. They're 5th in the nation in defense, and 24th in pace. Their offense lags somewhat, as they're only 56th on O. OU rebounds, steals, and blocks well, and doesn't foul much.

Kansas also plays a fairly fast pace, but is more balanced overall, coming in at 24th on O and 38th on D (all numbers from KenPom.com )


All in all, I expect a fast paced game, with lots of streaks. Can OU's defense rattle Kansas? That might be tough, particularly with such a good point guard. On the other hand, can Kansas control OU's energy?

Should be a good game!
Great thread. With everything else being even, I think home court is a big advantage in this series. Also, OU's big man efficiency numbers are pretty amazing.
Great thread. With everything else being even, I think home court is a big advantage in this series. Also, OU's big man efficiency numbers are pretty amazing.

The home court is a big advantage everywhere, but playing KU in Allen Fieldhouse is in a class of its own. I can't think of a tougher place to come away with a win.

The Jayhawks are always good, of course, some years better than others. But it goes beyond that to include the crowd, and yes, the officials. Anyone who thinks the guys blowing the whistles don't get caught up the home court atmosphere and give KU the benefit of a call on occasion, has their head in the sand. It's not that they intentionally make poor calls, it's the no-calls and the 50-50 calls that almost always tip the scales in KU's favor that makes it virtually impossible to steal one in Lawrence.

I'm not trying to hijack your thread DSMok1, just thought I would follow up on something MNSooner said. Great thread, by the way! Thanks!!!
the home court is a big advantage everywhere, but playing ku in allen fieldhouse is in a class of its own. I can't think of a tougher place to come away with a win.

The jayhawks are always good, of course, some years better than others. But it goes beyond that to include the crowd, and yes, the officials. Anyone who thinks the guys blowing the whistles don't get caught up the home court atmosphere and give ku the benefit of a call on occasion, has their head in the sand. It's not that they intentionally make poor calls, it's the no-calls and the 50-50 calls that almost always tip the scales in ku's favor that makes it virtually impossible to steal one in lawrence.

I'm not trying to hijack your thread dsmok1, just thought i would follow up on something mnsooner said. Great thread, by the way! Thanks!!!

lnc 1987-1990 :)
Interesting take on Mason. I thought he was very mediocre to horrible last year when he was in the game. Tons of silly TO's and wasn't really a threat anywhere. I haven't seen him play much this year....just surprised to see him called a dominant PG. He must have really improved over the summer.
You should just combine the 2's and 3's. Both teams play 2 wings always
Interesting take on Mason. I thought he was very mediocre to horrible last year when he was in the game. Tons of silly TO's and wasn't really a threat anywhere. I haven't seen him play much this year....just surprised to see him called a dominant PG. He must have really improved over the summer.

He has been their best player this year.
So the game did not follow the statistics. OU did not take advantage of the front court, Woodard easily matched mason and the KU guards out played hills and cousins.
This was a awesome thread, home-court is def a factor in this series. I see Ou winning by 10 in Norman.
This was a awesome thread, home-court is def a factor in this series. I see Ou winning by 10 in Norman.

That will not happen if KU shoots 3 pointers like they did in Lawrence and gets 31 from their bench. OU might win at home under those circumstances but it is tough to win by 10 when a team shoots over 50% from 3 and gets 31 points from its bench.