Arena Talk

Re: Big 12 talk (other teams games )

Very few attend now!

I understand, but I think making it even harder to get in and out before and after games isn't the answer. I'm not arguing against a new arena (though I think the boost in attendance that might bring would be short-lived), I'm arguing against an arena that's located in the middle of campus.
Re: Big 12 talk (other teams games )

, no post-game dinner or drinks. So the ability to get in and out quickly is key.

the ability to have pre game / post game dinner and drink was very high on with some of the focus groups in discussing a new arena in the past ..

also cutting down the transit time from the metro by 15/20 min each way was also a big positive ..

these are some of the reasons the UNP location made a ton of sense ..

the biggest reason it made sense is that OU would not have had to pay for the new arena ..
Re: Big 12 talk (other teams games )

I'm torn on location. I like campus arenas. For me personally, I do think i'd prefer a setup like the UNP for selfish reasons.
I'm with Sky. Let's not have a stadium and an arena with no parking lot. Center campus space is too valuable for an arena and parking. I'm also unsure what the attendance bump would be after the first few years.

I have no idea how to solve the attendance issues. I loved attending games when I lived in the area,but apparently, I'm in the minority on that one. I get that LNC has some bad sight lines, I've had these seats, but even the good seats are empty these days, so I'm not sure better seating layout will help much long term.
Re: Big 12 talk (other teams games )

the ability to have pre game / post game dinner and drink was very high on with some of the focus groups in discussing a new arena in the past ..

also cutting down the transit time from the metro by 15/20 min each way was also a big positive ..

these are some of the reasons the UNP location made a ton of sense ..

the biggest reason it made sense is that OU would not have had to pay for the new arena ..

I agree the north campus location would be the best. It would be much easier for OKC fans. They could actually eat before or after game if they wanted. It won’t be a huge amount of fans but more than now. Students have proven they don’t go to games so give up on them.
Re: Big 12 talk (other teams games )

these are some of the reasons the UNP location made a ton of sense ..

Yes, that solution strikes me as a better one than on-campus. Of course, that solution could impact student attendance.
Re: Big 12 talk (other teams games )

the "drum" had 17,900 seats

Moody has 16,000 .

Moody has a basketball capacity of just over 10k. Last night was over 11k as they showed some people in some standing areas.
Re: Big 12 talk (other teams games )

If we were to get a new arena, I would love for it to be on campus and IMO, it could be built in the area between the Duck Pond and Owen Field. They would have to relocate John Jacobs, but plenty of room down by the LNC or even at the current softball field once Loves Field is done.

And maybe the arena doesn't need to be 11K, but the calls for a smaller arena don't fit in well with where we want our program to be in the future, or have been in the past. LNC has been full in the past during good times and only 2 arenas in the SEC are below 10K (10 of 14 above 14K).

An arena with about 10K, with suites/club-level type seats, located somewhere more toward the central campus would be a home run, IMO. Plus could help student attendance.

But ultimately, an arena won't solve the attendance issue. It could create some short-term enthusiasm but until the broader fanbase becomes less apathetic it won't be a long-term solution to put butts in the seats. Ticket sales really have never been the issue, as the season ticket holder base has always been pretty solid. It's getting the season ticket holders to show up, plus students, plus a couple of thousand casual fans to create a sellout/near sellout environment.

Too many fans who only jump on the bandwagon during NCAA tourney runs, only to jump off and say we're a softball or football school during any other season.
Re: Big 12 talk (other teams games )

If we were to get a new arena, I would love for it to be on campus and IMO, it could be built in the area between the Duck Pond and Owen Field. They would have to relocate John Jacobs, but plenty of room down by the LNC or even at the current softball field once Loves Field is done.

And maybe the arena doesn't need to be 11K, but the calls for a smaller arena don't fit in well with where we want our program to be in the future, or have been in the past. LNC has been full in the past during good times and only 2 arenas in the SEC are below 10K (10 of 14 above 14K).

An arena with about 10K, with suites/club-level type seats, located somewhere more toward the central campus would be a home run, IMO. Plus could help student attendance.

But ultimately, an arena won't solve the attendance issue. It could create some short-term enthusiasm but until the broader fanbase becomes less apathetic it won't be a long-term solution to put butts in the seats. Ticket sales really have never been the issue, as the season ticket holder base has always been pretty solid. It's getting the season ticket holders to show up, plus students, plus a couple of thousand casual fans to create a sellout/near sellout environment.

Too many fans who only jump on the bandwagon during NCAA tourney runs, only to jump off and say we're a softball or football school during any other season.

put a good product on the court and build a program and the fans will come
Re: Big 12 talk (other teams games )

put a good product on the court and build a program and the fans will come

except they won't OU had over 10k+ season ticket holders lots of times in the past 25 years ..

and in non con games would be lucky to have 5k in the stands ..

even in final 4 years ..
Re: Big 12 talk (other teams games )

If we were to get a new arena, I would love for it to be on campus and IMO, it could be built in the area between the Duck Pond and Owen Field. They would have to relocate John Jacobs, but plenty of room down by the LNC or even at the current softball field once Loves Field is done.

this is where the new multi hundred million dollar football facility is going
I would think a 7,500 seat arena that could be a great atmosphere would be more than enough if they want to put it on campus.

The question is who do they want to draw….student attendance at OU has not been consistently good(large #’s/game in game out) even when Tisdale was playing. Do they think they can grow that student base with a better atmosphere or do you look to draw fans from the OKC area if you went with the new arena in north Norman that was proposed several years ago. I’m not sure that would be a great draw at all b/c you are then needing fans now both to travel from a bit of a distance in traffic to get to the arena…could see some sparse weekday crowds with that.
I would think a 7,500 seat arena that could be a great atmosphere would be more than enough if they want to put it on campus.

The question is who do they want to draw….student attendance at OU has not been consistently good(large #’s/game in game out) even when Tisdale was playing. Do they think they can grow that student base with a better atmosphere or do you look to draw fans from the OKC area if you went with the new arena in north Norman that was proposed several years ago. I’m not sure that would be a great draw at all b/c you are then needing fans now both to travel from a bit of a distance in traffic to get to the arena…could see some sparse weekday crowds with that.

Pretty consistent 6-7K season ticket holders each year (though I haven't seen or heard Moser era #s) so a 7500 seat arena would not be enough.
Re: Big 12 talk (other teams games )

put a good product on the court and build a program and the fans will come

But what is a "good product", or good enough to consistently attract fans to the LNC? not just ticket sales, but butts in the seats.

I mean LK, other than the 1st year, had OU in the NCAAs 8 of 9 years, including a Sweet 16 and FF. Most consistent team in the NCAAs during that time in the Big XII other than KU. Shouldn't that be considered a good product, or is it only if we are winning championships, as we all know the butts in the seats problem in the last 10 years.

As a season ticket holder since 2002, this isn't a recent phenomenon either. Maybe more pronounced, especially since every game is watchable on TV, but as long as I've been going, the fans show up for the big games in good years, but not so much to Coppin St, UTEP, or even KSU.
Correct me if I'm wrong, but doesn't buying bball season tickets move one up in the line for football tickets? I've heard that for years, but maybe it's just a rumor. If it is true, then the # attending is way more informative than the # sold.
There’s plenty of room where the current intramural fields are. They could tear down the current softball stadium and tennis courts. The area south of Lindsey where the old married student housing used to be also has enough room.

There are places a new facility can be built on campus. Anything built off campus will not draw as well. The attendance at NC State dropped by about 1/3rd when they moved from Reynolds on campus to play at PNC Arena even with busing students to the games. There’s also reasons both USC and UCLA have such poor attendance at their football games. If you can build an on campus facility, it’s a no-brainer.

UT’s arena is on a very small footprint as is USC’s.
Re: Big 12 talk (other teams games )

except they won't OU had over 10k+ season ticket holders lots of times in the past 25 years ..

and in non con games would be lucky to have 5k in the stands ..

even in final 4 years ..

i mean, 5k in teh stand for noncon is about the best you can hope for. to me, that is a good crowd.

I've posted analysis before on this board in the past (trying to disprove the thunder is to blame for attendance). In general, our attendance is not terrible when we have good teams (atleast in conference play)
Correct me if I'm wrong, but doesn't buying bball season tickets move one up in the line for football tickets? I've heard that for years, but maybe it's just a rumor. If it is true, then the # attending is way more informative than the # sold.

buying the tickets only gets you like 1 point the same as a hundred dollar donation .... there is no real link for the tickets except ..

the soonerclub levels are across all sports and most of the big donors for football tickets are at a high enough level to buy good basketball seats if they want them ..... maybe do just to have seats for the games they want to attend and to support the school