March Madness and Covid-19

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Any way to set up a line for cars? The person in the front of the car shuts there car off and goes inside. When he is done, he comes back to his car and leaves and the line moves forward.

That's a good suggestion but we have to keep them out of the building so having every single one of them come in would defeat the purpose. Thanks for that though.
I need to get a Covid test (had direct exposure) and it is a total pain in the ass. Anyone offering rapid results has tons of people in the parking lot hours before it opens, lots of the other places are still doing the 7-10 day results which is completely asinine... A lot of these places that offer testing literally aren't answering phones in Tulsa.

This is my first direct experience with it.

I read that lots of places that are offering test in OK are 'do it yourself' nose swabs. That wouldn't give me a high level of confidence in the results of the test.
Update on this....

I got an antibody test. I was told that they will be able to tell by the number of antibodies if:

A.) I currently have it
B.) I had it at some point in the past

I should have my results by 5pm, or by early morning tomorrow on that test.

I am scheduled for the nasal test at 4pm at OSU Hospital in Tulsa. They said its a 48 hour turn-around time.

There is a place in Sapulpa that does rapid testing, but they only do 45 tests a day and they had double that amount of people in their parking lot before they opened.

There is another place in Claremore that does rapid testing, and can do 96 tests per day. I was thinking about not going to my scheduled test at 4 and showing up really early at the Claremore place tomorrow morning so I can get 30 minute results.

A lot of these other places are a total joke.... 2 week "minimum" turn-around times. What good does that even do you? Especially if you have no symptoms which is true of 80% of the people who have Covid. So you have to sit around for 2-3 weeks in quarantine waiting on results for something you don't even know you have?

And yes, MSProud, a lot of the places are self tests, which I thought was BS. All the CVS drive-up locations are that way. They claim they watch you to make sure you do the test right.

Steve.... are you confident the antibody test will tell me if I currently have it? They flat out told me it will.
Steve.... are you confident the antibody test will tell me if I currently have it? They flat out told me it will.

Prayers you come back negative.
But I've heard the anitbody test isn't a good tool to see if you currently have it
Update on this....

I got an antibody test. I was told that they will be able to tell by the number of antibodies if:

A.) I currently have it
B.) I had it at some point in the past

I should have my results by 5pm, or by early morning tomorrow on that test.

I am scheduled for the nasal test at 4pm at OSU Hospital in Tulsa. They said its a 48 hour turn-around time.

There is a place in Sapulpa that does rapid testing, but they only do 45 tests a day and they had double that amount of people in their parking lot before they opened.

There is another place in Claremore that does rapid testing, and can do 96 tests per day. I was thinking about not going to my scheduled test at 4 and showing up really early at the Claremore place tomorrow morning so I can get 30 minute results.

A lot of these other places are a total joke.... 2 week "minimum" turn-around times. What good does that even do you? Especially if you have no symptoms which is true of 80% of the people who have Covid. So you have to sit around for 2-3 weeks in quarantine waiting on results for something you don't even know you have?

And yes, MSProud, a lot of the places are self tests, which I thought was BS. All the CVS drive-up locations are that way. They claim they watch you to make sure you do the test right.

Steve.... are you confident the antibody test will tell me if I currently have it? They flat out told me it will.

if i were you i would go to the sure thing 48 hour test instead of hoping to get in at the rapid place. Either way i hope you are healthy and you test comes back negative
Update on this....

I got an antibody test. I was told that they will be able to tell by the number of antibodies if:

A.) I currently have it
B.) I had it at some point in the past

I should have my results by 5pm, or by early morning tomorrow on that test.

I am scheduled for the nasal test at 4pm at OSU Hospital in Tulsa. They said its a 48 hour turn-around time.

There is a place in Sapulpa that does rapid testing, but they only do 45 tests a day and they had double that amount of people in their parking lot before they opened.

There is another place in Claremore that does rapid testing, and can do 96 tests per day. I was thinking about not going to my scheduled test at 4 and showing up really early at the Claremore place tomorrow morning so I can get 30 minute results.

A lot of these other places are a total joke.... 2 week "minimum" turn-around times. What good does that even do you? Especially if you have no symptoms which is true of 80% of the people who have Covid. So you have to sit around for 2-3 weeks in quarantine waiting on results for something you don't even know you have?

And yes, MSProud, a lot of the places are self tests, which I thought was BS. All the CVS drive-up locations are that way. They claim they watch you to make sure you do the test right.

Steve.... are you confident the antibody test will tell me if I currently have it? They flat out told me it will.

No I’m not confident at all. It takes time to develop antibodies. The only way to know for sure if you have the virus is a direct PCR test.
This is perhaps the most frustrating thing about this whole pandemic. Our testing should be massive by now. We should be testing the **** outta everyone with rapid turnaround. The fact that our testing is still lacking just pisses me off.

Before anyone blames trump, this is a government problem that has always existed. This is not because of 1 person, it’s because of government inefficiency and bureaucracy.
Before anyone blames trump, this is a government problem that has always existed. This is not because of 1 person, it’s because of government inefficiency and bureaucracy.

I think there is plenty of non-government blame to go around as well. The private sector has failed as well.
big, where did you get the antibody test done?

Precise Laboratory Services in Broken Arrow. It's between 61st and 71st and Aspen, next to the Stone Mill BBQ.

"Precise Laboratory Service Testing is providing COVID-19 SARS-CoV-2 Tests – both for the IGG & IGM Covid Tests, which reveal if you have been exposed to COVID-19 & whether or not you have developed an immune response by building antibodies to defeat the virus."

Ok, now to the other testing experience. I went back out into the wild to get a nasal swab test. I had the 4pm scheduled at OSU Tulsa, but I can't go to work while I wait so I called around to try and again find a rapid test. A place in Claremore and a place in Sapulpa claimed to have it, and I made DOZENS of calls. Even getting these places to answer the phone is a huge challenge.

I get to Claremore and wait in a line of 50 people, only to be told they ran out of rapid tests as I was getting close and they won't have more until Tuesday/Wednesday

The place in Sapulpa said they ran out 1-2 hours after the even opened, and are waiting for more.

So I go to a place in Bixby (near my house) and they were out of ANY kind of test.

At this point my 4pm at OSU is looking pretty good, but I actually found an Urgent Care through Ascension St. John near Utica Square, and they will only test you IF you have symptoms or have been directly exposed. I was directly exposed, but a doctor still checks you out and it's possible they deny you the test. They want ahead and approved my test.

Let me tell you guys...... IT SUCKED. Big time. 5-10 seconds per nostril, both nostrils, high up there, turning it in circles... It was pure torture, lol.

They promised no more than 3 day turn-around, which is WAAAAAY better than what you get from most of the places out there.

All in all, at least in Tulsa, I am not impressed with our testing. Way too few rapid tests, way too few people even offering rapid tests, too many of the 7-14 day turn-arounds.... One guy I spoke with in line said his first Covid-19 test took 19 days to get results. OSU was promising 3 day turnaround, as was St. Johns Urgent Care. So hopefully I know something by Saturday.

Thanks for the well wishes. I am really concerned about my mother in law. She is 65, with COPD, and stage 4 kidney cancer. Her immune system sucks, she already has a serious respiratory issue, and she has been in contact with her daughter, my wife, who has been exposed to me. So I am really hoping this comes back negative.
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Precise Laboratory Services in Broken Arrow. It's between 61st and 71st and Aspen, next to the Stone Mill BBQ.

"Precise Laboratory Service Testing is providing COVID-19 SARS-CoV-2 Tests – both for the IGG & IGM Covid Tests, which reveal if you have been exposed to COVID-19 & whether or not you have developed an immune response by building antibodies to defeat the virus."

Ok, now to the other testing experience. I went back out into the wild to get a nasal swab test. I had the 4pm scheduled at OSU Tulsa, but I can't go to work while I wait so I called around to try and again find a rapid test. A place in Claremore and a place in Sapulpa claimed to have it, and I made DOZENS of calls. Even getting these places to answer the phone is a huge challenge.

I get to Claremore and wait in a line of 50 people, only to be told they ran out of rapid tests as I was getting close and they won't have more until Tuesday/Wednesday

The place in Sapulpa said they ran out 1-2 hours after the even opened, and are waiting for more.

So I go to a place in Bixby (near my house) and they were out of ANY kind of test.

At this point my 4pm at OSU is looking pretty good, but I actually found an Urgent Care through Ascension St. John near Utica Square, and they will only test you IF you have symptoms or have been directly exposed. I was directly exposed, but a doctor still checks you out and it's possible they deny you the test. They want ahead and approved my test.

Let me tell you guys...... IT SUCKED. Big time. 5-10 seconds per nostril, both nostrils, high up there, turning it in circles... It was pure torture, lol.

They promised no more than 3 day turn-around, which is WAAAAAY better than what you get from most of the places out there.

All in all, at least in Tulsa, I am not impressed with our testing. Way too few rapid tests, way too few people even offering rapid tests, too many of the 7-14 day turn-arounds.... One guy I spoke with in line said his first Covid-19 test took 19 days to get results. OSU was promising 3 day turnaround, as was St. Johns Urgent Care. So hopefully I know something by Saturday.

Thanks for the well wishes. I am really concerned about my mother in law. She is 65, with COPD, and stage 4 kidney cancer. Her immune system sucks, she already has a serious respiratory issue, and she has been in contact with her daughter, my wife, who has been exposed to me. So I am really hoping this comes back negative.

I’m glad you finally got tested. The antibody test really isn’t useful in your situation.

That sucks about your mother-in-law.
I’m glad you finally got tested. The antibody test really isn’t useful in your situation.

That sucks about your mother-in-law.

Yea they false advertised it for sure... They say "Covid testing available" like everyone else does. Then I directly asked if it will tell me if I have Covid, and they said yes.

But it will be interesting to get the results on it anyway, and it was free.
Yea they false advertised it for sure... They say "Covid testing available" like everyone else does. Then I directly asked if it will tell me if I have Covid, and they said yes.

But it will be interesting to get the results on it anyway, and it was free.

Glad it was free.

We are setting up antibody testing so I got an antibody test, it was negative.
Latest positivity rates:

Arizona- 25%
Florida- 20%
Texas- 15%

These are horrific numbers
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