we want truth
Universities are known for being very liberal. Kids leave universities when a very liberal viewpoint due to this. THere are also many cases of conservative professors and students getting fired/expelled for conservative believes and statements. Just recently Marquette considered not allowing an incoming freshman to come to university because she posted a pro trump tik tok video. Professors in Canada have to refer to students by their desired gender,etc.
University should be about truth and facts...not political propaganda and one sided history.
Ok, let's talk about that for a second. I think this is important.
Universities are known for having a liberal point of view.
The media is known to have a liberal point of view.
Hollywood is known to have a liberal point of view.
The music industry, for the most part, is known to have a liberal point of view.
Is it not possible that they are a reflection of society? Maybe society is getting more liberal? Are they getting more liberal because they've been influenced by the things I listed above, or are we getting more liberal as a population and those industries are reflecting that. Most of the world around us is more liberal as well. Europe and Canada, certainly. The world itself is liberal by that standard.
You say you want truth, but sometimes the truth is bad. I think conservatives been pretty consistent in wanting some version of the truth. If a school teaches the truth about Christopher Columbus, for example, they get attacked by conservatives. If a school teaches what we did to Iran in 1951, they are attacked by conservatives. If a school teaches about massive death and atrocities committed by wars we were involved in, that wouldn't be kosher, and those things HAVE NOT been taught in schools for a very long time. That is a relatively new development.
And as more of this information becomes known to people, they are influenced by it. That's why you see the "they are taught to hate America" stuff from conservatives. Nobody is taught to hate America, instead, they are taught all the things we need to know, good and bad. Were we heroic in WW2? Absolutely. Was Vietnam a total cluster and atrocities committed? Absolutely. Did Columbus sail the ocean blue in 1492 and begin European migration to the new world? Absolutely. Did he rape women, and enslave/murder/mutilate natives? Yep. Did the Union, under Lincoln, win the Civil War and free the slaves? Yep. Did Lincoln think blacks were equal? Nope. The historical context certainly needs to be taught, and I think it is for the vast majority. It would be unusual for someone born in the early 1800's to not think certain ways, because it was a reflection of where society was at the time. I think people understand that.
Knowing those things, not liking those things, etc doesn't mean you hate America. I assume all those people love America, want to be better, want to do better in the future, etc. We have done a million things to be extremely proud of, and we have done some things we shouldn't be proud of. We need to know all of that.
So do we want all the information? Or do want the standard:
We tried to save Vietnam from evil communists. The end.
Lincoln freed all the slaves, the end.
Columbus was a super great guy who simply sailed across the atlantic and discovered America. The end.
What "truth" is not being demonstrated in academia? Seriously, what truth?