March Madness and Covid-19

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Doc, give us an update from the front lines if you get the chance.

It's been pretty quiet at the hospital due to a combination of multiple things including people being scared to go to the hospital if they don't need to and canceling all elective procedures. Most of the confirmed positives have been sent home with instructions to self-quarantine, as their infections weren't severe enough to warrant admission. Honestly makes me wonder how many people are dying with coronavirus rather than because of it, but obviously the world is much bigger than one hospital.
It's been pretty quiet at the hospital due to a combination of multiple things including people being scared to go to the hospital if they don't need to and canceling all elective procedures. Most of the confirmed positives have been sent home with instructions to self-quarantine, as their infections weren't severe enough to warrant admission. Honestly makes me wonder how many people are dying with coronavirus rather than because of it, but obviously the world is much bigger than one hospital.

Good deal. I hope things continue to go as well as possible for you and your team.

I just saw an updated mortality rate by country:
Italy - 8.3%
Iran - 6.2%
China - 4.0%
US - 1.4%
South Korea - 1.1%
It's been pretty quiet at the hospital due to a combination of multiple things including people being scared to go to the hospital if they don't need to and canceling all elective procedures. Most of the confirmed positives have been sent home with instructions to self-quarantine, as their infections weren't severe enough to warrant admission. Honestly makes me wonder how many people are dying with coronavirus rather than because of it, but obviously the world is much bigger than one hospital.

Be well and thanks for being on the frontlines.

I also agree with you that people are dying without us knowing. I was reading this morning in DFW, there were two men, one in Plano and one in Arlington, that passed away at senior care or retirement homes that were tested posthumously and found to have it. Another man died in his home in Richardson, the same thing.
Yep, he was 55 or 56, a friend of a family friend. Great man, a groundskeeper at ORU and pastor at his church. Last I heard, didn't know how he got it. No underlying health conditions.

Wow, a small world
Possibly. He wasn't a thin man.

I had initially typed that "it looked like he had a few pounds he could shed," but I changed it as I did not want to come across as insensitive. I guess I'm currently living a dichotomy where I'm both all wrapped up in one.
Marcus Smart has tested positive

2 Lakers players have tested positive
Not that I wish ill on anyone, but as a OU hoops fan and Sixers fan, hearing Smart has it didn't give me any grief.

Also a member of the Nuggets and 3 members of the Sixers staff.

This may be as troubling to me as anything else we have discussed in the last couple of weeks. It amazes me the number of young healthy players getting the virus. I know they travel a lot and come into contact with a lot of people, but their immune systems should be as strong as any. I don't think you have seen 10-12 high profile players all out with the flu at the same time.

It just shows you how serious and contagious it is.
Not that I wish ill on anyone, but as a OU hoops fan and Sixers fan, hearing Smart has it didn't give me any grief.

Also a member of the Nuggets and 3 members of the Sixers staff.

This may be as troubling to me as anything else we have discussed in the last couple of weeks. It amazes me the number of young healthy players getting the virus. I know they travel a lot and come into contact with a lot of people, but their immune systems should be as strong as any. I don't think you have seen 10-12 high profile players all out with the flu at the same time.

It just shows you how serious and contagious it is.

Unbelievably contagious. One theory is that it really loads the nares with virus. You can see why that would make it more contagious.
jaye mendros says that guy from tulsa was healthy and his family is angry that the media suggested he had preexisting health problems. so opinions vary.
jaye mendros says that guy from tulsa was healthy and his family is angry that the media suggested he had preexisting health problems. so opinions vary.
Like I said in an earlier post, he was a friend of a friend of the family. After the news, the have basically self quarantined even though they don't have symptoms because it scared the crap out of them.

And I haven't seen ANY media here in Tulsa say he had preexisting or underlying health conditions. All the news sites or broadcasts I saw today said he did not. Mayor Bynum and the Tulsa Health Dept presser said he did not.

I am not sure where that report came from.
Nine times out of ten, when somebody 50+ comes in with "No PMH," it's because they haven't seen a doctor in years.

Makes sense to me. I would guess a lot of people live a rather healthy life and when they age certain things creep up on them like diabetes and they are, basically, the last ones to know.
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Nobody said he doesn’t have any past medical history, just no reported pre-existing conditions that would increase his chances of dying from Covid-19
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