I live in Tulsa as well, and while I am now working remotely I took a drive with my wife just to see what things were like around town... looked pretty damn normal to me. Stores are full, parking lots still seem very occupied. In short, people aren't taking it seriously.
I was on the phone with a buddy of mine last night, and the difference of opinion is on display. He believes he might even have Covid-19 right now (he is a software consultant who has been on the road the 6 weeks), and has been laid up in bed since last Tuesday with a bad cough, body aches, etc... Anyway, he thinks nothing is more important than the economy and that the best course of action is to just let this run its course. Sure, implement social distancing but:
- No testing unless absolutely necessary
- No lock downs
- No quarantines
- No change in daily behavior other than basic hand hygiene and social distancing
- No government intervention at all
- Let people decide on their own free will if they want to eat at a restaurant, etc.
He said, "worst case scenario, maybe 5% of the population dies... I would rather that happen than impoverish half the country by shutting the economy down"... He claims he is a Libertarian, but he is kind of a hybrid between a Libertarian and a conservative Republican. Graduate of the University of Texas.
Does anyone on this forum agree with that stance or have any specific thoughts on it?