+!+!+!+!+!+!+OU-Baylor Gameday Thread+!+!+!+!+!+!+

good start, looking loose...

lots of empty seats...crazy..Wish I was there...:facepalm
12-3 at under 16; Buddy shooting and-1 after a nice steal
I like the defensive footwork early. The only time they had a good offensive set is when we lost our man coming down the court.
8 Baylor TOs....wow. Great swarming defense.:chestram2:
Lindsay is going to wake up in the middle of the night screaming Buddy!
lol, we look like the horns in the last 6 min against us last game...everything going right!
We be good tonight. Defense is playing like that have 10 players on the court at the same time.